How to Evaluate Consultant Proposals, Complete the Rating Sheets

Consultant Selection
Missouri Local Programs
How to Evaluate Consultant Proposals,
Complete the Rating Sheets & Make a Selection
Consultant Rating
 Collect all letters of interest and statements of qualification after
RFQ expires.
 If less than 3 letters are received then consider re-advertising.
 Consider inviting MoDOT District Representative to rating and
scoring meeting.
 Identify LPA staff who will rate/score the consultants.
– Use two or more people to rate/score the consultants.
 Discuss the advertised scoring criteria and how it will be applied to
the ratings. Although individual scores will vary, it’s important to
be consist in the thought process.
– Each LPA staff member should rate independently, then
collaboratively decide an overall score or simply average the
individual scores.
– Only criteria that was in the advertisement can be used in the scoring
process and the weighted values associated with them.
Consultant Rating Cont.
 List and rate ALL firms that submitted letters of interest.
– There is an example rating sheet located at: Fig 136.4.2 Consultant
Selection Criteria.
– This form can be customized to account for additional approved rating
criteria if necessary.
– Consider contacting surrounding LPA’s and/or the consultants
references to get feedback for consideration.
– Provide brief written explanation of how the scores for the top firms
were determined.
 Short Listing
– If you receive more than 10 interest letters and statements of
qualifications you may short list to your top 3 – 5 firms
– All firms must still be reviewed & considered, and you must document
why firms were shortlisted (or not shortlisted) in your documentation.
– Shortlisted firms must be rated.
Common Non-Compliance Findings
for Consultant Ratings
 These practices can result in loss of funds
– Scoring 100% or 0% in every category.
– Several firms score exactly the same.
– Inconsistency in rating numbers ex: extreme variances
between ratings.
– Same consultant being hired for the majority of projects with
the LPA.
– Primary reason for selecting a consultant was based on their
– No supporting documentation (written text indicating how the
scores were obtained)
Consultant Selection
 Determine the most qualified consultants.
 Consider interviewing at least 3 of the top rated
firms (optional)
– Use scripted questions for each firm.
– Document discussion for each firm interviewed.
 Discuss & Select the most qualified firm.
– Review discussion documentation for each firm.
– LPA will need to provide MoDOT a description of why the top
firm was selected.
Consultant Selection Checklist
 Use EPG Fig. 136.4.11 to ensure the following:
– The project was solicited for 14 days or more on the MoDOT
internet webpage
– A Statement of Qualifications are on file or was received for all
consultants submitting a Letter of Interest as required by the
Brooks Act
– The firms are prequalified with MoDOT. See MoDOT’s
Approved Consultant Prequalification List
Consultant Selection Checklist
- All consultants submitting a Letter of Interest were
considered based on the criteria listed in the Brooks Act.
The consultant rating sheet is included in the project file.
- DBE requirements have been met and are shown in the
 Next step: Negotiate engineering services
contract. See EPG
The End!
Thank You!!