• Private Candidates will obtain Paper Form onsite at Facilitation Centers, fill it (specifying personal/contact information, father CNIC, preferred exam Zone, and previous exam information etc.), and attach paid fee challan form, relevant documents and picture, and submit to onsite officials for review. • After review of documents by on-duty staff, candidate photograph will be scanned onsite, and relevant data will be entered into the online Admission Form by Onsite duty officers. The Online System will also have preloaded Candidate information provided by BISEs) for review, verification, and update on selected data fields. • Exam zone selection for the candidate will be done by on-site officer, based on candidate address. • Two printouts (of data entered into the Online System) will be taken, and provided to Private Candidates for verification and signature. • After a candidate has verified and signed the printouts, the onsite official will counter-sign the printouts. One copy will be given to the candidate for his/her record, and the other will be sent to the BISE. • BISE carries out further verification of each candidate application if required, and report issues (if any) back to Candidate-before close of Inter exam admission, and allocation of Roll Numbers. • For cases that are not catered by the Online Portal, the candidate will deposit his/her manually filled form along with passport size picture, challan form and other required documents at the Facilitation Center. The student will be given a receipt and asked to come again to sign and collect his copy of the final admission form. • All Facilitation Centers will maintain a register to record all cases that were reported to Board. • of the following categories may visit may the facilitation centers for the submission online admission form •The candidates The candidates of the following categories visit the facilitation centers for theofsubmission of online admission form After a candidate has verified and signed the printouts, the onsite official will counter-sign the printouts. One copy will be given to the candidate for his/her record, and the other will be sent to 1. the BISE.First Year (Fresh) (private candidate can’t adopt a subject having practical • SSC Pass result card, Father’s CNIC No, bay form No., recent photograph BISE carries out further verification of each candidate application if required, and report issues Pass result card, (if any) back to Candidate-before close of Inter exam admission, and allocation SSC of Roll 2. Part I & Part II Full after Matric (Fresh/composite) Numbers. (Private candidate can’t adopt a subject having practical) • Father’s CNIC No, Bay-form No., recent photograph For cases that are not catered by the Online Portal, the candidate will deposit his/her manually Inter Part 2 result 3. Part I & Part II Full (already appeared in Inter Exam P-2 card, SSC Pass result filled form along withsubjects. passport size picture, challan form and other required documents at the with same card, Father’s CNIC No, bay form No., Facilitation Center. The student will be given a receipt and asked to come againrecent to sign and photograph collect his copy of the final admission form. 4. • Inter Part 2 result card, Part I & Part II Full (already appeared in Inter Exam P-2 SSC Pass result card, with new subjects. Father’s All Facilitation Centers will maintain a register to record all cases that were reported to Board. CNIC No, bay form No., (Private candidate cannot adopt a subject having practical if he/she has not recent photograph already appeared in that subject as per previous result card) • of the following categories may visit may the facilitation centers for the submission online admission form •The candidates The candidates of the following categories visit the facilitation centers for theofsubmission of online admission form After a candidate has verified and signed the printouts, the onsite official will counter-sign the printouts. One copy will be given to the candidate for his/her record, and the other will be sent to 5. the BISE.Part I & Part II Full (already appeared in Inter Exam P-1 only) with • same subjects. (Private candidate can’t adopt a subject having practical) BISE carries out further verification of each candidate application if required, Inter Part 1 result card, SSC Pass result card, father’s CNIC No, bay form No., and report issues recent photograph Part 1 result (if any) back to Candidate-before close of Inter exam admission, and allocation Inter of Roll 6. Part I & Part II Full (already appeared in Inter Exam P-1 only) with new Numbers. subjects. (Private candidate can’t adopt a subject having practical) • card, SSC Pass result card, father’s CNIC No, bay form No., recent photograph For cases that are not catered by the Online Portal, the candidate will deposit his/her manually Inter Part 2 result 7. Part I or Part II Reappear (Compartment Case) card, SSC Pass result filled form along with sizesubjects) picture, challan form and other required documents at the (Only in the passport compartment card, father’s CNIC, bay form No., recent Facilitation Center. The student will be given a receipt and asked to come againphotograph to sign and collect his copy of the final admission form. 8. • Inter Part 1 result card, Part I (Reappear/less than 33% marks in Part 1 papers) & Part 2 Full. SSC pass result card, (Only Private candidate) father’sto Board. All Facilitation Centers will maintain a register to record all cases that were reported CNIC No, bay form No., (with the same combination of subjects are mentioned on Part 1 result card recent photograph but having no subject of practical) • of the following categories may visit may the facilitation centers for the submission online admission form •The candidates The candidates of the following categories visit the facilitation centers for theofsubmission of online admission form After a candidate has verified and signed the printouts, the onsite official will counter-sign the printouts. One copy will be given to the candidate for his/her record, and the other will be sent to 9. the BISE.Part I passed and Part II full. • (with the same combination of subjects as mentioned on Part 1 result card) BISE carries out further verification of each candidate application if required, Inter Part 1 result card, SSC Pass result card, father’s CNIC no, bay form No., and report issues recent photograph Part 2 passed (if any) back to Candidate-before close of Inter exam admission, and allocation Inter of Roll 10. Marks improve in Part 1 only Numbers. (with the same combination of subjects) • result card, SSC Pass result card, father’s CNIC No, bay form No., recent photograph For cases that are not catered by the Online Portal, the candidate will deposit his/her manually Inter part 2 passed 11. Marks improve in Part 2 only result card, SSC Pass filled form along with passport size picture, challan form and other required documents at the (with the same combination of subject) result card, father’s CNIC No, bay form No., Facilitation Center. The student will be given a receipt and asked to come againrecent to sign and photograph collect his copy of the final admission form. 12. • Inter Part 2 passed Marks improve in Part 1 and Part 2 result card, SSC (with the same combination of subjects) Pass result card, All Facilitation Centers will maintain a register to record all cases that were reported to Board. father’s CNIC No, bay form No., recent photograph • of the following categories may visit may the facilitation centers for the submission online admission form •The candidates The candidates of the following categories visit the facilitation centers for theofsubmission of online admission form After a candidate has verified and signed the printouts, the onsite official will counter-sign the printouts. One copy will be given to the candidate for his/her record, and the other will be sent to 13. the BISE.Marks improve in selected subjects • (the candidate will also have to appear in both parts of the subjects. Further he will also have to appear in the subject/s in which he/she may BISE carries outobtained further grace verification each candidate application if required, have marks ifofany. Inter Part 1 result card, SSC Pass result card, father’s CNIC no, bay form No., and report issues recent photograph (if any) back to Candidate-before close of Inter exam admission, and allocation of Roll Numbers. 14. Additional • The candidate cannot appear in a subject having practical and have not appeared in BA/BSC or equivalent. For cases that are not catered by the Online Portal, the candidate will deposit Inter Part 2 passed result card, SSC Pass result card, father’s CNIC No, bay form No., recent photograph his/her manually filled form along with passport size picture, challan form and other required documents at the Facilitation Center. The student will be given a receipt and asked to come again to sign and collect his copy of the final admission form. • All Facilitation Centers will maintain a register to record all cases that were reported to Board. Step 1: Login at secured “BISE Admission Portal” Step 2: Selection of Admission Category Step 3: Retrieval of data on admission form • For part 1, matric data will be retrieved by giving BISE, matric roll #, passing year and session • For part 2, intermediate data will be retrieved by giving BISE, intermediate roll #, passing year and session • Manager & Data-entry operator of Boys School/College cannot retrieve information of Girls’ • Historical records and vice versa • For part 1 and composite admission, if candidate pass in matric, personal info will be retrieved on admission form and if candidate info (name, father name and date of birth) is incorrect then for correction candidate will be referred to respective BISE. • For part 2 admission, candidate’s information including personal and exam information will be retrieved. If candidate info (name, father name and date of birth) and exam info (pass/fail status, compartment, group/subject) are incorrect then for correction candidate will be referred to respective BISE. Step 4: If data is correct then data entry operator will upload scanned photograph of candidate Step 5: Data entry operator will update and add personal info Step 6: Data entry operator will add contact info Step 7: Data entry operator will add exam info Step 7: Data entry operator will add exam info Data entry operator will add bank info (Bank name, branch name, challan #, date and amount) in case of private candidate Step 9: Data entry operator can opt for Preview, Proof Read Print, Final Print or move to the Next Student Preview Window Step 1: Click the Window button from keyboard and write the cmdon Run Box Step 2: Write the command “ipconfig/all” and then press Enter Step 3: Required MAC/Physical Address of the Computer LAYOUT Step 3: Required Institute/Facilitation MAC/Physical Centre Address of the Computer