Introduction to Library Resources


Introduction to Library Resources for English Students

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Vince Graziano

English Librarian vince.graziano@concordia .ca

Workshop Outline

 MLA Citation Style Guide

 Finding Background/Biographical Information

 Literature Resource Center

 Contemporary Authors

 Dictionary of Literary Biography

 Oxford Reference

 Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism

 Finding Books

 CLUES, the Library catalogue

 Finding Journal Articles

 MLA International Bibliography


 Finding Videos

 Theatre in Video

Citing a Book


Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book . City of Publication:

Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of



Goldman, Jane. Cambridge Introduction to Virginia

Woolf . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

2006. Print.

Citing an E-book


Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book . City of Publication:

Publisher, Year of Publication. Name of

Database . Medium of Publication. Date of



Sellers, Susan, ed. Cambridge Companion to Virginia

Woolf . 2 nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University

Press, 2010. Cambridge Companions Online .

Web. 12 Sept. 2014.

Citing An Article


Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Journal Volume.Issue

(Year): pages. Medium of publication.


Chan, Evelyn T. “The Ethics and Aesthetics of Healing:

Woolf, Medicine, and Professionalization.”

Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal

43.1 (2014): 25-51. Print.

Citing an Article from a Database


Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Journal Volume.Issue

(Year): pages. Name of Database . Medium of publication. Date of Access.


Chan, Evelyn T. “The Ethics and Aesthetics of Healing:

Woolf, Medicine, and Professionalization.”

Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal

43.1 (2014): 25-51. Taylor & Francis . Web. 12

Sept. 2014.

Citing an Essay in an Edited Book


Lastname, First name. "Title of Essay." Title of

Collection. Ed. Editor's Name(s). City of

Publication: Publisher, Year. Page range of entry. Medium of Publication.


Whitworth, Michael H. “Virginia Woolf, Modernism and

Modernity.” Cambridge Companion to Virgina

Woolf . Ed. Susan Sellers. 2 nd ed. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 2010. 107-123.


Citing an Essay in an Edited E-Book


Lastname, First name. "Title of Essay." Title of

Collection. Ed. Editor's Name(s). City of

Publication: Publisher, Year. Page range of entry. Name of Database . Medium of Publication.

Date of Access.


Whitworth, Michael H. “Virginia Woolf, Modernism and

Modernity.” Cambridge Companion to Virgina

Woolf . Ed. Susan Sellers. 2 nd ed. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 2010. 107-123.

Cambridge Companions Online . Web. 12 Sept.


Overview of Library Services

 Interlibrary Loans – COLOMBO

 Click on Create Request (if necessary)

 Library PIN required

 Article Delivery (2 working days)

 Via an online form, articles from our printed/microform collection will be scanned into PDF and delivered via e-mail

 Login with Concordia NetName

 BCI card (formerly CREPUQ)

 Request at Circulation Desk

Types of Sources

 Primary sources :

 Original materials

 literary works of authors and their diaries, correspondence, criticism etc.

 material written as close to the event as possible

 Secondary sources :

 describe, analyze, interpret, or review primary sources

 Ex: books, journal articles, book reviews

 Tertiary sources :

 provide overviews, summaries or explanations of topics by synthesizing information gathered usually from secondary sources

 Ex: dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other reference sources

Electronic Journals

 Collections with substantial humanities content :

 Project MUSE (Recent issues)

 JSTOR (Older issues)

 Oxford Journals (recent and archive)

 Literature Online (LION)

 Literature Resource Center

 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)

 Academic Search Complete (EBSCO)

 British Periodicals I and II (1681-1920)

 American Periodicals (1741-1940)

 Periodicals Archive Online (1802-2000)

 Many other electronic journal collections

Electronic Books

 Collections with substantial humanities content :

Literature Online (LION)

 Early English Books Online (EEBO) – 1473-1700

 Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO)

 Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO)

 Early Canadiana Online (until c. 1925)

Oxford Scholarship Online (recent and ongoing)

 Cambridge University Press e-books (1995-2007)

Project MUSE Ebooks (university presses)

 Cambridge Companions Complete Collection (ongoing)

Palgrave Macmillan (2010-)

 ACLS Humanities E-books

 Canadian Publishers Collection

EBSCO E-books

 Many other electronic books

Search Operators


 OR


 “ ”

 *

 ( ) shakespeare AND theatre drama OR plays literature NOT drama

“troilus AND cressida” feminis*

(masculin* OR men) AND shakespeare

Subject Searching

 Thesaurus

 List of terms used in a database

 Subject Headings in CLUES

 Created by the Library of Congress

 Subjects include:

 People

 Characters

 Titles of literary works

 Topical subject headings

To Find the Full Text

1. Use the

2. Search CLUES

 Perform a Journal Title search feature

3. Check other Montreal libraries

 Use your BCI card

4. Request an Interlibrary Loan (COLOMBO)

 Online form

 Allow 1 to 2 weeks for delivery of books

 Allow 2 to 4 days for delivery of articles by email


 RefWorks is a Web-based tool that :

 Facilitates organization of references

 Is accessible from any Internet connection

 Simplifies the process of preparing bibliographies

 Access RefWorks through the Quick Links menu on the Library website

 Help

 Tutorials on Library website

Help is Available

 At the Reference Desk

 Library website

 Literatures in English Research Guide

 Ask a Librarian

 E-mail form

 Chat with a Librarian

 Ask Vince :

 514-848-2424, ext. 7689


 Office hours: by appointment
