Fill Up On Fiber! Project Sponsors •USDA project funded through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program •School District of Philadelphia •Department of Nutrition Sciences, Drexel University What is Fiber? •Non-digestible part of plant foods •Important for maintaining good health •Most Americans only eat about half of the fiber they need! Why is Fiber Important? • Promotes a healthy digestive system • Helps us maintain a healthy body weight • Helps prevent some diseases Not All Fiber is Created Equal • Insoluble Fiber – Keeps you “regular” – Found in whole wheat products, bran, nuts, and many vegetables • Soluble Fiber – “Heart Healthy” – Found in oats, peas, beans, apples, citrus fruits, and carrots • We need BOTH!! Fiber and Disease Prevention • Fiber can help prevent: – Obesity – Type 2 diabetes – Diverticulitis – Colon cancer – Heart Disease How Much Fiber Do You Need? • Males (14-50 years old) = 38 grams/day • Females (9-50 years old) = 25 grams/day • On average we need about 14 grams of fiber per 1000 calories (e.g. for a 2000 calorie diet: 14 x 2 = 28 grams) Sources of Fiber • • • • • • Whole Grains Fruits Vegetables Beans Nuts Seeds High-Fiber Fruit High-Fiber Fruit Grams (g) of Fiber per Serving Amount of fruit in a serving Raspberries 8 1 cup Pear 5.5 1 medium pear Blueberries 4 1 cup Apple, with skin 4 1 medium apple Banana 3 1 medium banana Mango 3 1 cup Raisins 2 1 small box (1.5 oz.) Dried plums 3.5 5 High-Fiber Vegetables High-Fiber Vegetable Grams (g) of Fiber Amount of vegetable per Serving in a serving Peas, cooked 9 1 cup Potato, baked with skin 4 1 medium potato Corn, cooked 4 1 cup Sweet potato, baked with skin 4 1 medium potato Spinach, cooked 4 1 cup Broccoli, cooked 5 1 cup Celery, raw 2 2 large stalks Carrots, raw 4 1 cup High-Fiber Beans, Nuts, and Seeds High-Fiber Beans, Nuts, and Seeds Grams (g) of Fiber per Serving Amount of food in a serving Lentils 8 ½ cup Black Beans 7.5 ½ cup Kidney Beans 6 ½ cup Lima Beans 6.5 ½ cup Hummus (made from chickpeas) 2 2 Tablespoons Almonds 3.5 23 nuts Sunflower Seeds 3 ¼ cup Peanuts 3 ¼ cup High Fiber Grains Whole Grain Food Grams (g) of Fiber per Serving Amount of food in a serving Oatmeal (instant) 4 1 cup Whole wheat spaghetti (cooked) 6 1 cup Whole wheat bread 2 1 slice Raisin bran cereal 7 1 cup Whole wheat English Muffin 4 1 muffin Popcorn, air-popped 3.5 3 cups Brown rice 3.5 1 cup Whole wheat pretzels 2 1 ounce Fiber and Whole Grains • Choosing WHOLE grains instead of REFINED grains can add more fiber to your diet • Each grain has 3 layers: – Bran – Germ – Endosperm • A whole grain food must be made from the WHOLE grain – it must have all 3 layers! The Whole Grain Kernel What is a Refined Grain? • Bran and germ have been removed – Loss of B vitamins, iron, and FIBER • Often ENRICHED – Only B vitamins and iron are added back • Often contain solid fats and added sugars which may cause us to consume excess calories contributing to weight gain Fiber and the Food Label • 3 grams per serving – Good Source of Fiber • ≥ 5 grams per serving – Excellent Source of Fiber Fiber and the Food Label Choose foods with a whole grain ingredient listed first on the label’s ingredient list. Adapted from University of Nebraska Lincoln ( Whole Grains and the Ingredient List •Whole grains cannot be identified by the COLOR •The best indicator is the INGREDIENTS •Make sure a whole grain ingredient is listed FIRST Examples of Whole Grain Ingredients Brown rice Whole-grain barley Oatmeal Whole oats Popcorn Whole rye Rolled Oats Whole wheat Whole-grain corn Wild rice How Can You Increase Fiber in Your Diet? • Follow MyPlate and eat enough fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans/nuts! – Make at least HALF of your grains WHOLE grains – Fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables – Choose plant protein foods like beans, nuts, and seeds more often Can You Eat Too Much Fiber? • Increasing fiber too fast can cause abdominal cramping, bloating, and gas • Increase your intake slowly- 5 grams per week • Drink plenty of fluids – 8-10 cups per day! The Bottom Line on Fiber Make sure to eat enough fruit, vegetables, beans/nuts, and whole grains and you will get the fiber you need!! Activities • Fiber Assessment • Get Enough Fiber! Questions?