Leo Leonni

Vivian Gussin Paley
The Girl with the Brown Crayon
In this book Paley uses a Leo Leonni author
study to entice her kindergarten class to
“explore, question and debate”.
It is amazing how much insight the
kindergarten children have on certain
topics brought out from reading such
books as Swimmy, Fish Is Fish, Frederick,
and more.
Learning with Leo Leonni
Any grade can read and explore
these books using Bloom’s
taxonomy;higher level thinking
through synthesis, analysis and
Leo Leonni Bio
 (http://www.randomhouse.com/teache
 A short biography of Leo Lionni from the
Teacher Resource Center @ Random House
Author studies can be utilized in
grades kindergarten through 5th
Leo Lionni Author Study
Includes a student-written report about
Leo Lionni with links to bibliographies.
Book Reviews from Children
(ages 7 to 10)
Lionni, Leo Alexander and the Wind-Up
Mouse Lionni, Leo The Biggest House in
the World Lionni, Leo A Color of His Own
Lionni, Leo Extraordinary Egg Lionni, Leo
Fish is Fish Lionni, Leo A Flea Story Lionni,
Leo Frederick Lionni, Leo The Green Tailed
Mouse Lionni, Leo Little Blue and Little
Yellow Lionni, Leo Six Crows Lionni, Leo
Lessons Plans:
Little Blue and Little
Describes how the author
came up with the idea for
this popular children's book.
Finds links to other books
with the theme of color.
Swimmy Extension Activities
Includes links to lesson plans for using
Swimmy in the classroom.
An Author Study
Different grade levels
 Differentiated instruction
 Web searches
 Performance Based