George Rodrigue – Power Point

George Rodrigue
~ Painter of Blue Dog ~
What if an artist only focused on one subject, like a
dog, and create a series of paintings based on that
George Rodrique Did!!!
Who is George Rodrique?
• George Rodrigue was
born on March 13, 1944.
• He grew up in New Iberia,
• He is known for his
creation of the Blue Dog
series of paintings.
Where did the blue dog idea come from?
• Lousiana artist George Rodrigue used the legend of the loupe-garou
he heard as a boy to create Blue Dog.
• The Legend was of a scary werewolf dog that hid in cemetaries and
haunted naughty children at night. His mom used to tell him that if he
wasn’t good, that the loupe-garou would get him!
• Rodrigue used his dog, Tiffany as the inspiration for his creation of
Blue Dog.
• Rodrigue transformed Tiffany from a frisky -- and white-furred -terrier/spaniel to Blue Dog.
More Blue Dog Paintings:
Rodrigue showed the Blue Dog in many creative settings
“Blue Dogs In Texas”
What other names
could you give this
Blue Dog as King!
What would
you do with this
painting if you
owned it?
“God Bless America”
Painted the night after 9/11
Rodrigue wanted Blue Dog to be meaningful to people
“Blue Dog Christmas”
The book shares how his beloved dogs shared in the family Christmas
traditions when he was a child and shows how he learned the true meaning of
Compare and Contrast:
How is the blue dog similar or different from the dogs in the photos below?
What type of Blue Dog will YOU
1. What will he/she
2. What will he/she
3. How will he/she be