Web 2.0 programmes applied to adult education Word cloud generators Targu Mures, 2011 May 25th Iwona Moczydlowska, MSCDN Siedlce Word clouds generators as Web 2.0 tools web based apps everybody can use them to create, publish and share Word cloud generators other Internet users may comment Web 2.0 key features free Definition of a word cloud generator Web based application for creating graphical representation of any text; the most frequent words from the text are represented in bigger size. Word cloud generators Word cloud of a word cloud generator Word cloud created by ABCYa How to make a word cloud? I. II. III. Go to the word cloud site Open the word cloud application Enter your text into the text box Type or Copy and paste or Specife the URL or Upload a file IV. Click on Submit/Visualize Word cloud generators Making a word cloud with Wordle Description of the ITAAT project copied from the ITAAT website The text to be processed into a word cloud has been copied and pasted into the Wordle text box Word clouds of ITAAT project description The same text, different results made by Wordle Examples of wc generators Tagxedo Various applications, different capabilities, different results Representation of ITAAT website www.itaat.eu (made by WorditOut) Different results Text Words Cloud Representation of ITAAT website www.itaat.eu (made by Tagxedo) Text settings Ignoring words Common words/stop words/words frequently used Words containing 1/2/3 etc. letters Removing punctuation characters Displaying words Multi-word phrases (add ~ between two words and they will be displayed together) Stemming (+language support) – grouping words of the same family, for example teacher, teachers will be displayed as one word in good wc generators Word cloud generators Words settings Entries placed according to count alphabetically randomly Case to display most common lowercase uppercase Word cloud generators Cloud settings Word size (proportional to the number of times found or all words are the same size) Colours (of background; words) Fonts Layout direction (horizonatally, vertically, mixed, randomly) shapes (geometric, organic) cloud margin Word cloud generators Advanced capabilities Shaping the cloud in a form of your own uploaded image Tagxedo Connecting words in the cloud to web pages – Tagul Viewing words definitions in an online Visual Thesaurus WordSift, VocabGrabber Combining words with Google images and videos WordSift Word cloud generators – extra Ways of publishing wc Print Save to the public/private gallery Save as an image on the computer disk Paste Print Screen into a Word text or PowerPoint presentation Embed E-mail Post to Facebook, Twitter, blogs, etc. Word cloud generators Why should we bother to use wc? attractive beautiful fun more than lists and graphic organizers informative stimulating allow creativity, expression and imagination enhance critical thinking simple and easy to use it’s free! Word clouds characteristic Several ideas for using word clouds presenting idea/topic/ lead-in to a discussion prediction summary reflection on prompt to remember/reconstruct revision of texts texts comparison article introduction website analysis poem visualisation book/film review resume in a single glance topic research task vocabulary/grammar language exercise styling PowerPoint presentation conference/workshop poster name tags brand cloud ………….. Word clouds in adult education Resources http://www.tagxedo.com http://www.wordle.net http://www.imagechef.com http://www.worditout.com http://tagul.com http://www.tagcrowd.com http://www.abcya.com http://www.wordsift.com http://www.vocabgrabber.com Word cloud generators Resources Tim Barret (red.), 52 Interesting Ways to use Wordle in the classroom, https://docs.google.com/present/view?id=dhn2vcv5_157dpbsg9c5& pli=1 Terry Freedman, Word Cloud Shoot-Out, http://www.mirandanet.ac.uk/vl_blog/?page_id=1049 Hardy Leung, 101 Ways to Use Tagxedo, http://www.tagxedo.com Nik Peachey, Using Word Clouds in EFL ESL, http://nikpeachey.blogspot.com (3 Sept.2008) Shelly Terrell, 19 Word Cloud Resources, Tips & Tools, http://teacherbootcamp.edublogs.org/2010/02/14/12 Simon Thomas, Language Activities with Wordle and word clouds, http://www.efl-resource.com/language-activities-with-wordle-andword-clouds-2 Text + Image = Tagxedo: The Next Generation of Word Cloud Fun, http://www.tengrrl.com/blog/2010/06/19/text-image-tagxedo-thenext-generation-of-word-cloud-fun Word cloud generators How word clouds are used in MSCDN? Embeded in the MSCDN ITAAT blog to to to to summarize information, facilitate learning, show connections, decorate. Mazovian In-Service Teacher Training Centre Siedlce Department MSCDN ITAAT blog Polish website of ITAAT project available only to invited readers. Address: http://iwonam3.blogspot.com aims: 1) provide Polish members of ITAAT with information about the project (language – Polish); 2) promote Web 2.0 technology content: project description, info about the partners, project materials, current information (topics, tasks, meetings), intercultural issues Web 2.0 programmes used so far: Blogger Google Docs, Slideshare, You Tube, Podomatic, Picasa, Survey Monkey, Jigsaw Planet, Wallwisher, Tagxedo, Tagul, ImageChef (and also other tools like Photo Story 3, Hot Potatoes) Mazovian In-Service Teacher Training Centre Siedlce Department MSCDN ITAAT blog Mazovian In-Service Teacher Training Centre Siedlce Department Information Technology Applied to Adult Training iwona.moczydlowska@mscdn.edu.pl Mazovian In-Service Teacher Training Centre Siedlce Department