Experimental Manipulation of Mode pilated host phage with extra gene infected ampR host Jim Bull Ian Molineux Bill Rice Vertical Treatment • Bull et al. (1991) used E. coli and filamentous phage f1 Horizontal Treatment amp • A gene conferring ampicillin resistance was inserted into the phage genome • In a Horizontal transmission treatment, phage was forced to pass from infected to uninfected hosts. growth with amp dilution •In a Vertical transmission treatment, phage was forced to pass from mother to daughter cell. growth with amp growth with amp introduce fresh hosts heat kill hosts • Bull et al. found that phage evolved under vertical transmission were more benevolent to their host– the growth period of infected host was significantly shorter. • The phage in the vertical transmission treatment reduced its genome drastically. infected host growth period (min) Evolution à la Mode 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Vertical • Further study revealed that changes in both the host and the phage were responsible for the benevolent coexistence under vertical transmission. t0 t1 P P H H Horizontal P P H H H P H Take 3 minutes to talk to your neighbor about the following: How might you experimentally test how a “vertically evolved” phage competes against a “horizontally evolved” phage? What competition conditions would be interesting to vary? (Hint: think of conditions that would favor benevolence or virulence– e.g., host density, host susceptibility, etc.) The Evolution of Virulence Lecture Outline • Introduction to virulence theory • Transmission mode experiment • Transmission timing experiment • Metapopulation experiment • Summary The Case of the Gypsy Moth • Etienne Leopold Trouvelot, an amateur entomologist, brought eggs of the Gypsy moth back from Europe in the 1860’s. • Trouvelot soon noticed that some of the larvae from his backyard had escaped into nearby woods. Gypsy moth Trouvelot’s house in Medford Trouvelot • Within two decades, the first local outbreak of gypsy moth occurred. • Preventative measures (such as removal of egg masses and burning infested vegetation) were attempted and eventually abandoned. • Currently, the gypsy moth has spread over a good portion of the northeast region of the US. burning vegetation removing eggs Gypsy moth range (circa 2007) A Weapon against the Gypsy Moth • A viral agent, nuclear polyhedrosis virus, has been used to control high density outbreaks of the gypsy moth– earning the virus the nickname “Gypcheck” • The virus enters the catepillar healthy catepillar through the gut (when it consumes infected vegetation) and a few weeks later ruptures the catepillar’s cells, releasing the virus into the environment. • Here we have a system that is extremely important from a management perspective; however, we also have the opportunity to explore evolutionary phenomena (e.g., evolution of virulence) within this insect-virus community. aspen killed by gyspy moth infected catepillar host pathogen Experimental Manipulation of Timing Late Treatment inclusion body Paul Ewald • Cooper et al. (2003) performed an experiment in which the timing of transmission of NPV between catepillars was manipulated. • In an Early treatment, the virus was transferred from infected living larvae to uninfected larvae after 5 days. • In a Late treatment, the virus was transferred from infected living larvae to uninfected larvae after 9 days. uninfected larvae infection infection incubation (5 days) separation initiate next cycle Vaughn Cooper incubation (9 days) separation initiate next cycle Early Treatment The Importance of Timing (Scenario 1) • Cooper et al. found that virus transmitted early evolved relatively higher virulence (higher mortality of the larval host) than virus transmitted late. Late Treatment Early Treatment • Let us assume that more virulent virus mutants can out-compete less virulent viral strains within the host: -Scenario 1: Virulent mutants that kill their host between days 5 and 9 are selected against in the Late treatment more virulent virus is available for next transfer… only less virulent virus is available for next transfer… The Importance of Timing (Scenario 2) • Cooper et al. found that virus transmitted early evolved relatively higher virulence (higher mortality of the larval host) than virus transmitted late. Early Treatment Late Treatment • Let us assume that more virulent virus mutants can out-compete less virulent viral strains within the host: -Scenario 1: Virulent mutants that kill their host between days 5 and 9 are selected against in the Late treatment -Scenario 2: More benevolent mutants (e.g., that exhibit restraint in use of host resources) experience a founder event (due to the viral bottleneck) and then inhabit a host that is more likely to live 9 days in the Late treatment. more benevolent virus could be picked… more benevolent virus is more likely to be transferred… The Importance of Timing -Scenario 1: Virulent mutants that kill their host between days 5 and 9 are selected against in the Late treatment -Scenario 2: More benevolent mutants (e.g., that exhibit restraint in use of host resources) experience a founder event (due to the viral bottleneck) and then inhabit a host that is more likely to live 9 days in the Late treatment. • After several cycles of selection, virus from the Early treatment was significantly more virulent than virus from the Late treatment, but not significantly different from the ancestor. • This suggests that Scenario 2 played a part (note that the scenarios are not mutually exclusive). Early Late Ancestor Resource Management by a Pathogen • Cooper et al. found that while the (more virulent) Early virus was more productive after 5 days, the (less virulent) Late virus was more productive after 9 days. • This suggests a tradeoff between short-term and long-term productivity. more virulent ancestral more benevolent Early Late • More virulent virus might compete better and produce more in the shortterm, but (due to quick consumption of its host) its long-term prospects are not so pleasant. • Less virulent virus employs a prudent strategy with regards to its host’s resources– this may favor better long-term exploitation (in terms of host survival and viral yield). • If the more virulent type is a better competitor, then the virus is playing a “tragedy of the commons” dead alive