Spunsning - nicolaigreen.dk



 What is the definition of ”piling”?

 Different types of piling.

 Where are the different types used?

 Structure of a sheet piling.

 Safety conditions.

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen


Generally piling is used for:

 Establishing of vertical difference of heights (building activities)

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen


But is also used for:

 Baffle walls

 Breaking water

 Framing of contaminated areas

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen


Technical definition:

In technical relation a tightening/securing of soil and/or water.


 Temporary/interims construktions in relation to a building.

 Durable/permanent constructions, for example harbours, retaining walls ect.

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen


Example of a temporary/interims sheet piling

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen


Example of a durable/permanent sheet piling

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen



Der skelnes mellem 2 overordnede modeller for spunsning

 Framing of a platform

 Framing of a hollow

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen


Framing of a platform

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© Nicolai Green Hansen


Framing of a hollow

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen


Following types of sheet-piling walls exists:

 Copenhagen walls (Københavnervægge)

 Free framed walls of sheet-piling irons

 Shored-up framed walls

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen


Copenhagen walls (Københavnervægge)

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen


Copenhagen walls (Københavnervægge)

Vertical HE - profiles

Distance: 0,5 til 1,5 meter

Supplementing: Planks/iron sheets possible gunite

Fine in dry sand

Also fitted in cohesion soil (clay) possible without completing or with gunite

Not fitted under water surface in sand layer (the wall are not watertight)

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen


Copenhagen walls (Københavnervægge)

Profile irons is ramed down as traditional piling or by pressing

– eventual there could be predrilled to bottom of excavation and then ramed down

 Alternatively there can be ramed down to the level of the tip and subsequent concrete are deposit to excavation level

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen


Copenhagen walls (Københavnervægge)

Can be performed as free wall under following assumptions:

Deep of excavation do not exceed 3-4 meters

There must not be settlings sentitive constructions nearby

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen


Copenhagen walls (Københavnervægge)

Can also be done as a shored up wall – as shored up framed walls

Shoring up should always take place if any of the mentioned assumptions ain

´t fullfilled

REMEMBER: Safety above all!

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen


Free framed walls of sheet iron

Performed with special iron profile with locks

The walls are water tight

Good where water level is higher then the level for the excavation

A free sheet piling wall must maximum be 3-4 meter because water- and soil pressure can bring big deformations

There must nok be any settlings sentisive constructions nearby

The terrain above the wall must nok be loaded by digged up soil, building materials ect.

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen


Free framed walls of sheet iron

Surface loads can be minimized as followed:

Closing of the area behind the sheet piling wall

Excavation in the shape of a berm behind the sheet piling wall

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen


Free framed walls of sheet iron - barriers

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© Nicolai Green Hansen


Free framed walls of sheet iron - berm

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen


Shored-up framed walls

Used when the excavations are deeper then 3-4 meter

Are economical better when the digging depth are big (less material consumption than by free walls)

Cause substantial less horizontal deformations

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen


Shored-up framed walls – the 3 stiffening methods

Slantingly stiffening – with stringpiece

Mutual - with stringpiece

Injected with anchor

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen


Shored-up framed walls – slantingly stiffening

A wood/steel profile which are secured to a foundation in the bottom of the excavation up to a horizontal stringpiece

The foundation can maybe also be combined with the building construction (floors ect.)

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen


Shored-up framed walls – mutual with stringpiece

If there are a opposite framed wall this can be used as retain

The width of the excavation must maximum be 10 meter

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen


Shored-up framed walls – injected with anchors

Are really specialist work

Used by big excavation deeps

The big advantage are the free space in the excavation

Can be established in more levels

A thorough inquiry of the underlying soil volume must be performed thus supply pipes ect. ain

´t damaged

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen


Shored-up framed walls – slantingly stiffening with stringpiece

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen


Shored-up framed walls – mutual with stringpiece

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen


Afstivede indfatningsvægge – med injiceret anker

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen


Picture example

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© Nicolai Green Hansen


Picture example

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen


Picture example

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen


Varenummer: 300525

Dimensions: Hight

TRIMAX Spuns planke

Width Standard length

Measure 5 cm.

25 cm.

4 - 5 - 6 mt.

Plank with groove and tongue, specially developed for sheet-piling, super strong smooth profile which has all the known good characteristica as the rest of the TRIMAX program.

A optimal shet piling solution that taking up all demands for

durability, preparing, maintenance and appearance.

En optimal spunsløsning der indfrier alle krav til holdbarhed, forarbejdning, vedligeho

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen


Fine Links http://www.ramboll.dk/cmsresources/opera.pdf



Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen



ALWAYS get specialists to dimensionate sheet-piling walls

Think on your and others safety during the works execution

Do NEVER remove stiffenings ect. even if they are in way

If you observe any suspicious then NOTIFY construction site manager or the authorities

Do NEVER compromise even in pressed circumstances

Life is to short for ACCIDENTS

Copyright 2005

© Nicolai Green Hansen
