Comp 245 Data Structures

Comp 245
Data Structures
(A)bstract (D)ata (T)ypes
What is an ADT?
Data abstraction is thinking in terms of WHAT you
can do with a collection of data independently of
HOW you store and manipulate the data.
It is a collection of data together with a set of
operations on that data.
We will define ADT’s using the C++ class construct
Applications will use an ADT in their code by
creating an (ADT) object from the C++ class.
ADT Example – A Sphere
WHAT functionality do we want a sphere to
Find out it’s radius
Set it’s radius
Compute it’s diameter
Compute it’s circumference
Compute it’s area
Compute it’s volume
Display all of it’s statistics (area, volume, etc…)
ADT Example – A Sphere
WHAT data is needed to be able to
provide the functionality we want?
A radius
Implementing the Sphere ADT
Step 1 – Defining the ADT
Define the ADT by using a C++ class
The class will contain the prototypes for the functions
(methods) needed by the ADT. This is what provides the
functionality we want.
The class will also contain the variable declarations needed
for the data we want to be able to provide the functionality.
This class definition will placed in a header (.h) file. Programs
desiring to use this ADT will simply just include (#include) this
in their program.
Class Definition for a Sphere ADT
Using a C++ Class
class sphereClass
sphereClass (double R);
sphereClass ();
~sphereClass ();
double Radius ();
void SetRadius (double R);
double Diameter ();
double Circumference ();
double Area ();
double Volume ();
void DisplayStatistics ();
double TheRadius;
Implementing the Sphere ADT
Step 2 – Implementing the ADT
You will create a C++ (.cpp) file which will
contain the code for all the functions which
you prototyped in the class definition.
Pay special attention how you write the
function header for each; this will specify
that these functions can only be used with
objects of this particular type.
Implementation of a Sphere
#include "sphere.h"
#include <iostream.h>
const double PI = 3.14;
sphereClass::sphereClass(double R):TheRadius(R)
Implementation of a Sphere
Functionality – Part I
void sphereClass::SetRadius(double R)
TheRadius = R;
double sphereClass::Radius()
return TheRadius;
double sphereClass::Diameter()
return 2.0 * TheRadius;
double sphereClass::Circumference()
return PI * Diameter();
Implementation of a Sphere
Functionality – Part II
double sphereClass::Area()
return 4.0 * PI * TheRadius * TheRadius;
double sphereClass::Volume()
double R = TheRadius;
return (4.0 * PI * R * R * R)/3.0;
void sphereClass::DisplayStatistics()
cout << "\nRadius = " << Radius()
<< "\nDiameter = " << Diameter()
<< "\nCircumference = " << Circumference()
<< "\nArea = " << Area()
<< "\nVolume = " << Volume() << endl;
Using the Sphere ADT
Step 3 – Application Program
Once an ADT has been defined and
implemented, an application programmer
can use it to help solve problems.
An application program will utilize an ADT
by creating an object. An object is more
powerful than a simple variable. An object
contains both data and functions which
manipulate the data in the object.
Using the Sphere ADT
Object-Oriented Program
#include <iostream.h>
#include "sphere.h"
void main()
sphereClass MySphere(5.1);
sphereClass UnitSphere;
cout << MySphere.Diameter() << endl;
Review of Using an ADT
Define an ADT in a C++ class. Place
this in it’s own header (.h) file.
Code the functionality of the ADT in it’s
own implementation (.cpp) file.
Use the ADT by creating an object in
an application (.cpp) file.
Putting the Pieces Together
Create a Project
Win32 Console Application
Empty Project
Make sure all source files are in the same folder
Compile (only .cpp files – creates .obj files)
Link (uses .obj files and C++ std library)
Completed product is an exe