Formative Assessment A Maryland Race to the Top Initiative Denise Hunt NCSA June 2013 A New Path All Students College and Career Ready Compliance-oriented Support-oriented Data access Assessments as Summative Educator quality Data use for improving instruction Assessments as diagnostic tools to improve instruction Educator effectiveness MSDE November 2010 Primary purpose is STUDENT LEARNING. To that end, this project translates the formative assessment research into easily accessible practical classroom applications, enabling teachers and students to forge powerful partnerships as they work within 21st century teaching/learning environments to bring the understandings and skills described in Common Core State Standards to life for every student. Project Overview ✓ Formative Assessment Project Oveiew Online Learning Modules Instructional Resources for Classroom Implementation Resources for Leading and Sustaining Formative Assessment Practices Pilot for Feedback and Modification "Formative assessment is a process used by teachers and students during instruction that provides feedback to adjust ongoing teaching and learning to improve students' achievement of intended instructional outcomes.” CCSSO 2007 Formative Assessment / Assessment for Learning Refers to PROCESS Formative Assessment Online Resources Online Resources Professional Learning Teacher Resources Administrator Resources Collaboration Formative Assessment Online Learning Modules Professional Learning Opportunities A menu of online modules designed for flexible use as self-paced tutorials or within Independent Self-Paced an online learning community. Professional Learning Communities Formative Assessment Online Learning Modules All modules contain a: • Mixture of practical strategies incorporating video of classroom formative assessment practices in action, a range of interactive features and research information. • Menu listed in a suggested order of viewing, outlining a learning progression for both teachers and school leaders. Topics covered in the learning modules include: What is Formative Assessment Establishing a Collaborative Climate Sharing Learning Goals and the Criteria for Success Eliciting and Using Evidence of Learning Using Descriptive Feedback Promoting Self and Peer-Assessment Leading Formative Assessment (school & district) Assessment Literacy Putting it All Together Instructional Resources for Classroom Implementation Eliciting Evidence of Learning Search Questioning Discussion Observations Exit/Admit Slips Practice Presentations Four Corners Learning/Response Logs Graphic Organizers Peer/Self Assessments Visual Representations Individual Whiteboards Laundry Day Think Pair Share Appointment Clock As I See It Technology Tools Think Pair Share Think-Pair-Share (Lyman, 1981) is a summarization strategy that can be used in any content area before, during, and after a lesson. The aim is to ensure that all students are interacting with the information. The activity involves three basic steps. During the "think" stage, the teacher tells students to ponder a question or problem. This allows for wait time and helps students control the urge to impulsively shout out the first answer that comes to mind. Next, individuals are paired up and discuss their answer or solution to the question or problem. During this step students may wish to revise or alter their original ideas. Finally, students are called upon to share with the rest of the class. There is also a Think-Pair-Square-Share in which partners discuss answers with another pair before sharing with the class. By walking about the room listening to student conversations teachers can use the observations to provide descriptive feedback to students and inform and adjust instruction while the learning is developing. Video clip Websites on Think-Pair-Share … … 10 Benefits to Students Students Motivation Self-Regulation Teachers Achievement School Leaders Parents Motivation Self Regulation Where am I going? Where am I now? Achievement What are my next steps? Benefits to Maryland Teachers Students Enabled Inspired Teachers School Leaders Access Learning & Resources Collaborative Parents Enabled Inspired Collaborative Access Learning & Resources Nurturing Self Regulated Learners • Being confident that every student can improve. • Creating a learning environment which supports a partnership between teacher and students. • Using assessment to inform teaching and learning • Constructing clear and accessible learning goals with students • Clarifying or co-constructing learning outcomes and ensuring that students understand what success looks like • Involving students in self and peer assessment and giving them opportunities to reflect on their learning. • Providing feedback that helps students recognize their next steps and how to take them. Benefits to School Leaders Students Teachers Empowered School Leaders Informed Supported Parents Responsive Empowered Informed Supported Responsive As Instructional Leaders, principals are charged with promoting a strong vision for highly effective practices. Being strong models of these practices by the way they provide effective feedback to teachers and support teachers’ professional growth is the strongest approach for meeting that goal. Formative Assessment practices enables principals to lead by example. AfL Online Resource For Administrators Leadership Resources • Learning about and applying the Assessment for Learning process • Leading a Professional Learning Community or providing regular opportunities for teachers to reflect and discuss the changes in their practices • Communicating AfL messages with district leaders, teachers, parents, and students Benefits to Parents Students Teachers School Leaders Parents Active Participants Clearly Understand Well-Informed Active Participants Formative Assessment practices create a common language for all stakeholders around student learning. It allows parents to take a more active role in supporting their child’s education outside of school. It provides them with the language to discuss student progress with not only teachers and administrators, but most importantly with their child. Clearly Understand Well-Informed Student Learning - Common Core State Standards NEXT STEPS Where am I going? Where am I now? What are my next steps? Making available the powerful process of Assessment “for” Learning to guide classroom practice of Common Core State Standards In the Best Interest of Every Student Thoughts Reflections Questions Q&A THANK YOU!