
Photo Album
1975 - 1981
Abbas Motota
Ade and Agus Nira
Agus Nira dan Mas Kamto
Amrus dan anaknya
Andot Roeseno di gelanggang kuda
Bambang, arek Suroboyo
Brigitte and I
Riza Marlon
Dalan Maman
Dez di Pasar Seni
Embah, kawannya Mariam Ancol
Hatta Hambali
Kang Arip, the Landscape painter
Kawan se-kiosk
Myself as a young boy
Yesterday, when I was young
Di-depan Putri Duyung
Another one
Go west young man!
Mas Daryono
Mas Sri Hartono
After a long night at the Pasar Seni
Another long night, obviously.
Johny Bogie and I, and adiknya Mas Sudaryono
The Brown period
After the motor-cycle accident
Another me
Me and me again
Yes, it is me again
One easy morning at the Pasar Seni
My main transportation and toy
The ever-energetic Quinta
My studio and workplace
Nightly gathering at the Warung Kopi
Night gathering
Pak Sediyadi (almarhum?)
Pak Widodo, Mas Sudjono, Mas Bram
My cousin Raymond
Raymond in action
Riding gear
Eeeuuuuw…what the heck is that?
Mas Sujono
Tata Komara dan Hengky
The silent and mysterious artist that I never knew his name
The guy who went crazy
Meetings at Pasar Seni
Playing hookie at Pasar Seni
Unknown sleeping guy at Pasar Seni
I don’t know her, and can’t remember why her picture is here
Yadi “Kulit”