Intentional action aimed at doing harm or causing pain
May be either verbal or physical
An act is aggressive even if it does not succeed in its goal
Hostile aggression – aggression stemming from a feeling of anger and intended to cause pain
Instrumental aggression – aggression that intends to hurt someone, but as a means to a goal other than causing pain
Howard Zinn would say no –
What are the factors that make this argument?
Role of culture – pg. 259 and the Southern Carolina
Latest thinking is that aggression has survival value
However, nearly all organisms have inhibitory mechanisms
Most organisms use aggression only when it’s in their best interest
Definition – the release of energy
Does this release lead to a reduction in aggression?
Catharsis seems correct
However, aggressive impulses are governed by feelings and by thinking
Cognitive dissonance theory
I behave aggressively
I experience dissonance because
My behavior doesn’t fit my self-concept
My behavior is disproportionate to the other person’s bx
I become more aggressive (bx or attitude) to justify my initial aggression, thus reducing dissonance.
Causes of Aggression: always mitigated by the social situation
Testosterone: The physical expression of aggression is linked to testosterone levels
Injecting animals with testosterone increases aggression
Behaving aggressively increases levels of testosterone in the blood
“Activities aimed at hurting others by sabotaging their relationships
While boys are more physically aggressive, relational aggression is more prevalent in girls
Lowers inhibitions, including those against aggression
Alcohol disrupts information processing
Misinterpretation of social interactions
Missed social cues
If an organism experiences pain and cannot flee, attack is next option
(mitigated by the social situation)
Correlation between hot weather and riots and violent crime
If a goal is thwarted – aggression more likely. Mitigated by:
The closer to the goal, the more frustration is experienced if progress is interrupted
Frustration increases even more if the interruption is unexpected or perceived to be unjustified
So… Goal is within reach, expectations are high, goal is blocked unjustifiably = more frustration, more likely to lead to aggression
“Simple” deprivation doesn’t necessarily lead to frustration
Frustration results from “relative” deprivation – realizing you are deprived relative to others
Hope that is unsatisfied is more frustrating than hopelessness
Using previously discussed causes of aggression, why would these lead to aggression?
Learn how to behave
Learn to consider the intentions of others
Aggressive stimulus serves as a cue (eg – primes for aggression)
Sense of responsibility for our actions inhibits aggression
Deindividuation is a state of lessened selfawareness
Research has shown that anonymity increases aggressive responses
Lots of research in this area
High correlation between amount of violence watched on TV and viewer’s aggressiveness
Accumulates over time - strength of correlation increases with age
Priming – feeling of anger more available and aggression more likely
Numbing effect
Weakens inhibitions
Examples of the causes/concepts from chapter 6?
“Bullying in schools…”
Interesting points?
Examples of “causes of aggression?”
Preventing/reducing aggression –
Small groups – you’re assigned a strategy; are there examples of it in the article? How could it be used to reduce/prevent aggression?
Pure Reason
Temporary, if increases frustration then…
External justification doesn’t lead to change
Punishing aggressive role models
Rewarding alternative behavior
Non-aggressive role models
Building empathy
Taking another’s perspective keeps us from dehumanizing them