NC Ready for Success English Summit

NC Ready for Success
English Summit
September 26, 2014
Dr. Emily Long and Dr. Lisa Mitchell
A template for planning CCSS-based
instruction while integrating essential
Report on the partnership
formed with UNCP,
Bladen County Schools, and
Bladen Community College
University of North Carolina
at Pembroke
We are located in Robeson
county and serve 14 LEAs
including those identified in
the Sandhills/South Central
● Anson
● Bladen
● Columbus & Whiteville City
● Cumberland & Ft. Bragg
● Harnett
● Lee
● Montgomery
● Moore
● Richmond
● Robeson
● Sampson
● Scotland
Bladen Community College
Mission Statement
Bladen Community College is
dedicated to the educational and
cultural enrichment of the people
of Bladen County and the
communities it serves. The
College is committed to quality
teaching, to higher-order
learning, to opportunities, for
enrichment, and to a safe,
sustainable learning environment.
Bladen Community College is located on NC Highway
41 West near Dublin in the heart of southeastern North
Carolina. The College is approximately 65 miles from
the Atlantic coastline in an area often referred to as the
Bladen Lakes area. The campus is six miles west of the
Bladen County seat of Elizabethtown, It is accessible
from the southeast and northwest by NC Highway 87,
from the east and west by NC Highway 41, and from
the north and south by U.S. Highway 701. Bladen
County's population is 35,190 according to the 2010
Bladen County
Excellence in
Academics, Arts,
and Athletics
Mission Statement:
responsible citizens
by educating all
with global skills
needed for the 21st
Grant and Project Information
Our aim was to establish an on-going
partnership among UNCP’s teacher educators
and practicing K-12 public school teachers in
our service area who are charged with
implementing Common Core E/LA Standards.
The Process
• The UNCP participants met to discuss which
LEAs seemed more willing to partner with
• We then sent out feelers to partnership
• Once we locked in Bladen County Schools,
we realized that including Bladen
Community College would be the obvious
community college to invite.
First Combined Meeting
Bladen County Schools graciously offered a
conference room and even provided lunch.
In that meeting, we asked representatives from
Bladen Community College (BCC) where their
students were in learning how to implement
Common Core E/LA.
Early Planning
We focused on:
• identifying needs based on CCSS and
teacher involvement
• planning professional development
• developing a common lesson
planning document
Identified Needs
Strategies for implementing CCSS E/LA
across the K-12 continuum
• Underscore E/LA skill applications across
content areas
• Support development of skill sets enabling
curriculum integration
Final Product
Our final product was a planning
document designed to cue the
user to include important
instructional components in
Lesson Planning Document
• Lesson Plan handout
Our Plenary Session
Plenary session downsized to fit into an
afternoon so teachers could attend
–LEA did not want teachers out of the
–Allotted budget lines for guest
speakers not spent due to shortened
Our Plenary Session
• Over 60 attendees - mainly K-12
• Both Bladen Community College
students and K-12 Bladen County
Public Schools teachers were invited.
• Space was not found at BCC nor was
the invitation extended by their
faculty to their students.
Plenary Session cont’d
Bladen County Public Schools
gracious offered the use of
West Bladen High School. It is
a modern, open, facility with
a staff dedicated to the
success of its students and
Bladen Public Schools.
Our Program
Attendees’ Task
Attendees practiced using the document
during the session. Their task was then to
develop one lesson using the document. Their
product was to be sent to me at my UNCP
email. In return, they received additional
lesson planning support. Our response rate
was approximately 50%.
Technology Usage
Awarding of CEUs
Bladen County Schools awarded
CEUs to those attending but did not
increase award for those who
submitted completed plans.
Lessons Learned
• Collaborating with Bladen County Schools is a
delight! Many thanks to Tanya and Theresia for all
their support and enabling.
• Reconnecting with UNCP alumni employed by BCS
• Forging new relationships with K-12 teachers
• Providing resources and support for implementing
E/LA CCSS and integrations with Essential Standards
• Affording K-12 teachers another opportunity to earn
CEU credit
• No students from Bladen Community College
attended due to lack of invitation
• Difficulty planning and implementing
professional development outside the school
• Snow caused many changes to the school
• Everyone is very busy
Challenges cont’d
• Getting resources prepared for the plenary
– Livebinder
– Google docs
– Paper copies
– Availability of personal access to sites
Maintaining Partnerships
• If it is to be, we must take the first
• Make funding information available
to those who will be interested.
• Find the need and then find ways to
meet it.
• Build networks and a solid posse.
Next Steps
• Continue networking and building
partnership with local schools and
• Consider lesson planning and CCSS
implementation for teachers, schools and
• Examine lesson planning and CCSS
implementation with UNCP teacher