Movement Education

• Movement Education (also called
movement exploration or inquiry
–1st of two
constructivist styles
What is
Students build or
construct new
understandings instead
of being told. This
promotes critical
thinking, enjoyment,
and long-term
Content – What You Teach
Movement education, which
originated in the 1970’s, was the first
distinct new style to develop in PE
after the traditional commandoriented multi-activity approach.
It was originally based on the
movement education wheel which
has been modified over the years.
See wheel on next slide
Content – What You Teach
Movement ed concepts
Unlike middle and high school which is
generally organized into activity related
units (badminton, personal defense, etc),
movement education is organized
around themes and concepts
These themes and concepts form the
basis for instruction typically using the
guided discovery model.
Organization of the
Movement Education Concepts
Spiral Curriculum - Continually revisit
movement ed concepts at more advanced levels
throughout the year and from grade to grade.
Traditional Units
Example locomotor skills unit
Basics of a Mvnt Ed Lesson
What differentiates a movement ed lesson
from traditional lessons:
Students are led to answers through series of
teacher questions and activities.
For example, the goal of the lesson is to teach controlled soccer
passing using ones instep b/c it is most accurate. In a traditional
teacher centered approach, the teacher who demonstrate the
technique and conduct drills such as having students pass back and
forth between two lines. In a movement ed approach, students
would first explore different ways to pass (toe, instep, knee, head,
heel, etc) while the teacher rewards creativity. Next, the teacher
could refine the task by having students try to knock down a pin
using a soccer pass with partners. The students are allowed to use
the various body parts suggested by their peers to knock the pin
down. Afterwards, the teacher fields suggestions for which body
part is most accurate. The choices are refined until the correct
answer is usually stated, in this case, the instep. The teacher could
explore why the instep is best. Afterwards, a fun activity reinforces
the lesson focus for that day.
Basics of a Mvnt Ed Lesson
What differentiates a movement ed lesson
from traditional lessons:
2. Stresses creativity
Students are continually verbally reinforced for
offering suggestions to movement problems,
especially creative ones.
3. Students are generally all active together.
This reduces “look at him/her” syndrome where
students may feel uncomfortable.
Basics of a Mvnt Ed Lesson
Questioning Students:
Level of questioning – match difficulty to intended
level of student learning.
Can do questioning to frame topic, during engagement,
and for review.
Types & level of questioning – VERY important
Wait time – Give students time to formulate answers on
their own, at least 5-8 seconds.
Have students rephrase or clarify answer (“I didn’t
understand that, can you say it a different way?”)
Ask for new information (“That was close, can you give
me some more info?”)
Provide hints or clues (“Think about the level Jeremy
used and how that affected his control.”)
Advantages for StudentsImproves the following:
• Positive self image & confidence
– slanted rope
Critical thinking
Movement vocabulary
Enjoyment of class
Social interaction
OK to arrive at answers in different ways or have
multiple answers
• Students articulate, defend, refine, and adjust
their own strategies to solve problems.
Advantages for Teachers
Get “inside” a child’s head
Adjust teaching based on responses
More interaction with students
Non-competitive or low competitive level
Higher activity time
Promotes leadership and success
Higher interscholastic participation rates
Movement Ed & Teaching Styles
Which method is movement exploration taught through?
Reproductive Styles – Students reproduce teacher
1. COMMAND - Teacher makes all decisions, like “follow the leader”
2. PRACTICE (includes stations) - Students carry out teacher-prescribed tasks as
modeled while receiving teacher feedback
3. RECIPROCAL - Students work in pairs: one performs, the other provides feedback
(may utilize criteria sheet)
4. SELF-CHECK - Students assess their own performance against criteria sheet
prepared by teacher
5. SELF-SELECTION - Students are provided with legitimate options for skill practice
that have a range of difficulty (low to high)
Productive Styles – Students create understandings
6. GUIDED DISCOVERY - Students answer questions in a series that lead to discovery
of a concept (typically movement related)
7. PROBLEM SOLVING (includes synthesis) - Students solve problems or create
programs with assistance from the teacher, multiple solutions (divergent)
8. INDIVIDUAL PROGRAM- Students develop a program based on physical and
cognitive abilities.
Sequence of a Typical Lesson
Warm-up – energizer, brief game, line to line
Lesson focus – Introduce new movement ed
Suggested to review concept taught previous lesson
Do not have students run and then stretch. It is
inappropriate for this level, gross motor activities are
Convey importance of a warm-up, not overly strenuous
May need to review previous learning briefly.
Taught through guided discovery approach
Lesson focus 2 – optional (depending on lesson
& time)
Fun activity to reinforce day’s concept
General Suggestions
• Use music to start/stop activity
– Preferably music without breaks
• Lead students to solutions, don’t give
– Frame questions in a manner whereby students
can be successful at their own level.
• Maximize activity time
• Stress the affective domain, personal
growth, and creativity
• Catch students being good
K – Self Space
1st – Force*
1st – Range
2nd – Pathways
3rd – Rhythm
• Checks for understanding
• Traditional written tests (age
• Checklists
Develop your own inquiry lesson.
• Remember, the whole idea is
“Ask, don’t tell.”
• If most elementary students don’t
love PE, something is gravely
wrong with the instruction.