C B T An Educational Computer Based Training Program Political Activities & Contributions Gifts & Gratuities The University of Texas at Tyler General Compliance Training U.T. Tyler Compliance Program The U.T. Tyler Compliance Program is intended to demonstrate the absolute commitment of the University to the highest standards of ethics and compliance with all applicable laws, policies, rules, and regulations. Ethical conduct and compliance are personal responsibilities, and each employee will be held accountable for his or her conduct. Political Activities What are they? Can I? Can’t I? How do I find out more? Political Activities What are they? Supporting or opposing legislation (orally or in writing), Lobbying, Participating in a political campaign as a candidate or directing a candidate’s campaign, or Contributing to a political campaign or candidate. Political Activities Can I? Yes! You can: Participate in political activities on your own time. Contribute to political candidates/campaigns with your personal money. Coordinate with U.T. Tyler’s V.P. of Student Affairs and External Relations when providing information to elected officials. Ask your supervisor if you are unsure about any specific issue. Political Activities Can’t I? No, as a U.T. employee you should not: Participate in political activities on work time or to the extent that the participation interferes with your duties and responsibilities as a state employee. Use equipment, supplies or services of U.T. Tyler for political activities. Use U.T. Tyler funds to make contributions to a candidate or campaign. Political Activities How do I find out more? Regent’s Rules and Regulations http://www.utsystem.edu/bor/rules/30000Series/30103.p df U.T. Tyler’s policies regarding political activities. Ask your supervisor or your institution’s designated compliance director. U. T. Tyler’s Compliance Director is Mary Barr at ext. 7151. Gifts and Gratuities What’s OK? Frequently Asked Questions What’s not OK? How Do I Find Out More? Gifts and Gratuities What’s OK? You may accept a gift that is not in consideration of any official action, unsolicited, and is: Valued less than $50 or less than $20 if from a lender (cash not acceptable), Made outside of U.T. official business, or A governmental item (issued by a governmental entity that allows the use of property or facilities, e.g. U.T. parking passes or tickets to athletic events on U.T. property.) Gifts and Gratuities What’s OK? * Examples: Caps Beverages T-Shirt Pen Souvenirs Plaques * Unless solicited or given in consideration of an official action!!! Gifts and Gratuities Frequently Asked Questions Q: What if someone I deal with in an official capacity (not a U.T. employee) offers to buy my lunch? A: It’s okay as long as it’s not solicited or in consideration of any official action. U.T.’s ‘rule of thumb’ is a limit of no more than $50 value per person per day – or no more than $20 if from a lender. Gifts and Gratuities Frequently Asked Questions Q: What if someone offers me tickets to a game or a show? Can I accept the tickets? A: It’s okay as long as it’s not solicited or in consideration of any official action. If the value of the tickets is greater than $50, a representative of the entity/organization paying for the tickets must be present at the event (you must be their guest). Gifts and Gratuities What’s not OK? Cash or other negotiable instruments (in any amount), Any gift (even of minimal value) given in “thanks and appreciation” or in consideration of official action, or Gifts valued at more than $50 or $20 if from a lender. Gifts and Gratuities How Do I Find Out More? Regents’ Rules and Regulations Series 30104 http://www.utsystem.edu/bor/rules/30000Series/30104.p df U.T. Tyler’s policies regarding gifts and gratuities. Ask your supervisor or your institution’s designated compliance director. U.T. Tyler’s Compliance Director is Mary Barr at ext. 7151. UT Tyler Disciplinary Procedures Failure to follow compliance guidelines may result in disciplinary action including: departmental counseling, formal disciplinary action, suspension or termination. Test Your Knowledge Following are several questions to test your knowledge of the information presented. Answer all questions correctly to receive credit for the training. Question #1 The term “political activities” includes supporting or opposing legislation in writing only, not orally. TRUE FALSE REVIEW Question #2 You should coordinate with U. T. Tyler’s V.P. for Student Affairs and External Relations when providing information to elected officials. TRUE FALSE REVIEW Question #3 It is only OK to use U.T. Tyler equipment, supplies, and services for political activities... ON PERSONAL TIME IT’S NEVER OK REVIEW Question #4 Is it OK to accept unsolicited gifts valued under $50, or under $20 if from a lender, that are NOT given in consideration for any official action? YES NO REVIEW Question #5 Which of the following gifts can be accepted? CASH GREATER THAN $50 CASH LESS THAN $50 A SMALL ITEM IN “THANKS AND APPRECIATION” OF AN OFFICIAL ACTION NONE OF THE ABOVE REVIEW Question #6 During the training, references were provided on where to find and who to contact for more information on: POLITICAL ACTIVITIES AND CONTRIBUTIONS ONLY GIFTS AND GRATUITIES ONLY BOTH OF THE ABOVE REVIEW Congratulations… you have completed your training over Political Activities & Contributions, Gifts & Gratuities The University of Texas at Tyler General Compliance Training Political Activities and Contributions, Gifts and Gratuities Hyperlinks... Regent’s Rules and Regulations Ethics Policy, & Political Activities http://www.utsystem.edu/bor/rules/30000Series/30103 %202004%2012%2010%2001.pdf C B T The Training Post An Educational Computer Based Training Program