Healthier Workplace WA

Using this template
This template gives you a starting point to create a presentation to managers on workplace
health and wellbeing.
The template includes slides, speaking notes (below) and prompts (in italics). It can be changed as
needed to suit your specific needs.
This template contains information on the benefits of workplace health and wellbeing programs,
research outcomes, how to build a business case and what works.
Healthier Workplace WA has resources that you can access online to support this presentation,
including the Evidence Factsheet, and the Three Step Guide.
This presentation should take 10 -15 minutes to present.
If you need assistance in tailoring this presentation to your organisation, contact Healthier
Workplace WA on 1300 550 271.
Delete this slide before giving your presentation
Why invest in
workplace health?
Why workplace health?
Cost of not investing in workplace health
The benefits
The bottom line
For every dollar invested in workplace health and wellbeing
programs, there is a return on investment of between $3 and
What’s involved?
Management support
Policy development
Supportive workplace
Infrastructure and facilities
Workers who work in organisations that
promote health and wellbeing are three times
more likely to identify their workplace as a high
or above average performer.7
What needs to be done?
Gain management support
Identify a coordinator
Develop a working group
Consult with staff
Create healthy policy
Develop an action plan
Identify strategies
Promote the program
Evaluate the program
Move forward
How can managers support the program?
Develop supportive policies
Allocate time and resources
Ensure a supportive built environment
Ensure workers are consulted during program development
Participate in key program activities/events
Encourage workers to participate
Be a role model
Ensure all management endorse the program
If management support the goals and take
part in the program then workers will be
more enthusiastic and motivated to join in.
Ideas for your workplace
Healthy eating & drinking
Provide healthy catering at work functions.
Provide kitchen facilities to encourage food
storage and preparation
Organise free fresh fruit and vegetables to be
delivered to your workplace
Develop a smoke-free policy
Promote the Quitline - a free interactive support
service for people wanting to quit.
Allow flexible working arrangements to allow
workers to attend quit smoking activities or
Make sure alcohol is not provided to staff at
your workplace
Choose alternatives to alcohol when giving
prizes, thank you gifts or for fundraising
Provide free water and non-alcoholic drinks at
work functions and if alcohol is provided, ask
workers to buy their own.
Physical activity
Provide maps of local walking, cycling or
public transport routes to and from your
Start a lunch time walking group.
Promote regular standing, stretching and
walking breaks to reduce sitting time.
More strategies available at
A healthier workplace – it’s better all round
Healthy workers are happy and more productive.
Can we afford NOT to invest in the health and wellbeing of our
Find out more at