Egil Tjåland`s LIFO presentation

– LIFe Orientation
 Developed by Dr. Stuart Atkins
 The LIFO concept is currently owned
by BCon – one of the largest
consultancy companies for business
management in Japan
 LIFO has been used by more than 7
million users from over 20.000
companies throughout the world
When completing the LIFO form,
is no test – there are no right
or wrong, good or bad answers
 Answer the questions to describe
yourself as you are NOW – not how
you would have liked to be, or how
you used to be before
How to fill in the form
 Tear
off the sheets after completion
 Estimate 20 minutes to complete the
survey and 5 minutes for summing
up the numbers
LIFO’s golden rule
 We
are not ONE thing or something
else, but…
 We are ONE thing AND something
The numbers
 The
numbers go from 9 to 36
 30 or more means that you maybe
use your behavior style more than
you need
 17 or less means that you maybe
use your behavior style less than you
need (blind spot)
Analysis of results
 The
highest number indicates your
most preferred behavior style
 The lowest number indicates your
least preferred behavior style
 Numbers within 3 of either the
highest or the lowest numbers can
also be defined as most/least
preferred styles
Behavior styles
 SG:
Support Giving
 CT: Control Taking
 CH: Conserving Holding
 AD: Adaptive Dealing
Support Giving (SG)
 Philosophy:
– ”I value excellence”
 Objectives:
– Be helpful. Have high moral principles
 Strength:
– Firm, co-operative, dedicated
Control Taking (CT)
 Philosophy:
– ”I value action”
 Objective:
– Be competent. Get results
 Strength
– Taking initiative, dedicated, managing,
Conserving Holding (CH)
 Philosophy:
– ”I value reason”
 Objective:
– Walk slowly. Be sure
 Strength:
– Systematic, analytic, persistent, firm
Adaptive Dealing (AD)
 Philosophy:
– ”I value harmony”
 Objective:
– Get to know people, ”find the tone”
 Strength:
– Harmonic, tactful, flexible, observant
What can LIFO be used for?
 1.
– Build confidence and self-esteem by
understanding and appreciating your
behavioral styles and strengths
 2.
– Avoid excessive use of your most
preferred behavior styles so that you
avoid a waste of time and energy in
work/communication with others.
 3.
– Learn to be more versatile in your
approach towards other people and
problems by using more of the
strengths in your least preferred
behavioral styles.
– Seek help from others with different
behavioral styles to fill your own blind
 4.
– Improve your communication with
people that are different from you by
matching your approach to their most
preferred way of communication
LIFO’s second golden rule:
 Do
to others like you want others to
do to you