Key: AWL to Study, Low-frequency Vocabulary
What is intelligence? What is multiple intelligence?
• Psychologists reject the notion that IQ tests accurately
assess general intelligence or measure full intellectual
• Researchers suspect there may be better predictors for success in academic and professional spheres.
What is IQ? Do you think IQ tests can accurately measure a person’s full range of intelligence?
• IQ testing is too limited.
• A focus on verbal and logical skills leads to labeling of truly gifted people as underachievers.
What types of intelligence does an IQ test not measure?
• Positive evaluations by school teachers.
• Employment opportunities where IQ screening is part of the application process.
• IQ-equivalent entrance exams are required for college and university students in the US.
Are IQ tests used for university entrance or employment applications in your country?
• Gardner conducted brain research on brain-damaged individuals.
He mapped nine regions of the brain that govern nine types of intellectual behavior.
Individuals possess aptitude for all nine types but are strong in only three areas.
Which three types of intelligence do you possess?
• Strengths reflect working styles and career direction
verbal: language instructor
logical: engineer
musical: composer
visual: artist
bodily-kinesthetic: dancer
interpersonal: teacher
intrapersonal: psychologist
naturalistic: biologist
existential: philosopher
Do your career goals match the types of intelligence you possess?
• Sternberg’s Theory of Successful Intelligence is based on social and environmental factors.
• Three sub-intelligences:
Which type of intelligence do you think is most important for a successful life? Why?
• Skills and abilities:
analyzing and evaluating various options
academic problem-solving of tasks with one correct answer
• People with analytic intelligence often do well in school and are considered
“book smart.”
Do you possess analytic intelligence? Explain.
• Skills and abilities:
generating unique and
appropriate solutions to novel problems
resolving one issue in a variety of formats
• People with creative intelligence are “idea smart.”
Do you possess creative intelligence? Explain.
• Skills and abilities:
dealing with everyday problems
adapting to a new environment
• People with practical intelligence are
“street smart.”
Do you possess practical intelligence? Explain.
• The power to achieve a personal definition of success within a specific social and cultural milieu.
Analytic intelligence or IQ measures academic achievement.
However, the ability to generate ideas and common sense play a more significant role in determining success in the real world.
Do you agree that creative intelligence and practical intelligence are more important than IQ?
• Success begins with an assessment of personal strengths and weaknesses.
• Use this knowledge to make the most of strengths and overcome limitations.
• Create optimal life circumstances within a particular environment.
Do you make the most of your strengths to overcome limitations in your life?