Employment First – What`s Happening in Wisconsin?

Employment First – What’s
Happening in Wisconsin?
Update: November, 2012
Rick Hall
Nancy Molfenter
Employment First Wisconsin
 Employment First refers to the affirmation in local,
state, and federal public policies and practices that
employment in integrated settings at minimum wage
or higher with commensurate benefits is a priority
objective and preferred outcome of publicly-funded
services provided to citizens with disabilities,
regardless of disability. It is based upon a core set of
principles and practices that promote individualized
planning and support for employment options.
Employment First Wisconsin
 The current low participation rate of citizens with
disabilities in the workforce is unacceptable.
 Access to “real jobs with real wages” is essential if citizens
with disabilities are to avoid lives of poverty, dependence,
and isolation.
 It is presumed that all working age adults and youths with
disabilities can work in jobs fully integrated within the
general workforce, working side-by-side with co-workers
without disabilities, earning minimum wage or higher.
Employment First Wisconsin
 As with all other individuals, employees with disabilities require
assistance and support to ensure job success and should have
access to those supports necessary to succeed in the workplace.
 All citizens, regardless of disability, have the right to pursue the
full range of available employment opportunities, and to earn a
living wage in a job of their choosing, based on their talents,
skills, and interests.
 Implementation of Employment First principles must be based
on clear public policies and practices that ensure employment of
citizens with disabilities within the general workforce is the
priority for public funding and service delivery.
Employment First Wisconsin
 Inclusion or exclusion of the specific term
“Employment First” does not determine whether a
public system or agency has adopted Employment
First principles. Such a determination can only be
made in examining whether the underlying policies,
procedures and infrastructure are designed for and
ultimately result in increased integrated employment
in the general workforce for citizens with disabilities.
Employment First Wisconsin
Characteristics of Success
 There are measurable increases in employment of citizens
with disabilities within the general workforce, earning
minimum wage or higher with benefits.
 Greater opportunities exist for citizens with disabilities to
pursue self-employment and the development of
 Employment is the first and preferred option when
exploring goals and a life path for citizens with disabilities.
 Citizens with disabilities are employed within the general
workforce, regardless of the severity of disability and
assistance required.
Employment First Wisconsin
Characteristics of Success
 Young people with disabilities have work experiences that
are typical of other teenagers and young adults.
 Employers universally value individuals with disabilities as
an integral part of their workforce, and include people with
disabilities within general recruitment and hiring efforts as
standard practice.
 Individuals with disabilities have increased incomes,
financial assets, and economic wealth.
 Citizens with disabilities have greater opportunities to
advance in their careers, by taking full advantage of their
individual strengths and talents.
Employment First Wisconsin
Characteristics of Success
 Funding is sufficient so that quality services and
supports are available as needed for long-term
employment success.
 A decision not to consider employment in the
community for an individual is re-evaluated on a
regular basis; the reasons and rationale for this
decision are fully documented and addressed in
service provision.
Employment First Wisconsin
 Leadership Committee
 Policy Subcommittee
 Community Action Teams
 EF Project part of Alliance for Full
Participation (AFP) State Team
Employment First Wisconsin
Facets of the Effort – Leadership
 Oversight of efforts
 Provision of Ideas to project leaders, WI APSE,
Community Action Leaders, and Policy Team
 Support for project activities on the ground
via marketing, attendance at activities,
engagement of others through networking
Employment First Wisconsin
Facets of the Effort - Policy
 Policy – Changing state legislation and agency policies
to align with EF goals
 DHS, DVR, DPI set targets for increased integrated
employment outcomes
 Set targets to monitor and shift resources to support
integrated employment outcomes
 Establish monitoring and annual reporting systems to
document progress
Employment First Wisconsin
Facets of the Effort – Grassroots
 Current Community Action Team Leaders & Locations:
Andrjez Walz-Chojnacki – Greater Milwaukee
Beth Lohmann – Waukesha/Milwaukee Suburbs
Tammy Forseth and Maribeth Hartung – Eau Claire area
Mary Beth Popchock – Racine area
Mary Survis – Grafton area
Bill – Duerkop – Rice Lake
Jenny Felty – Ashland
Tom Schmit – Iowa County
Doug Hunt and Anna Park – Madison
David Koenig – Manitowoc
Employment First Wisconsin
Facets of the Effort – Grassroots
 Community Action Teams (CATs)
 Hold local promotional events
 Community Conversations
 Employer/Employee Awards
 School Transition Fairs
 Parent Trainings
 Other????
Employment First Wisconsin
Facets of the Effort - Collaboration
 Possible Collaborators
Transition Action Committees (TACs)
Service provider consortia
Parent training organizations
Consumer advocacy groups – People First, In Control,
NAMI, Autism Society, etc.
Employment First Wisconsin
Accomplishments to Date
Formed Committees / Teams
Coordinated Integrated Employment Summit (5/22/12)
Held EF regional discussion groups
Expanded partnership to People First & In Control
Provided planning materials to CAT’s
Identified Community Action Team Leaders
Completed National Employment First Background
Employment First Wisconsin
Accomplishments to Date
 Adapted national APSE EF materials for LGTW student
legislative visits
 Collaborated with Survival Coalition – Disability
Awareness Day, EF Statement, EF draft legislation
language, budget paper
 Second Integrated Employment Event of 2012
Featuring Employment First
Employment First Wisconsin
 RFP for CAT demonstrations – Just out – due
 Training for CATs
 Community Organizing
 Event Planning
 Working with businesses, families, schools
Employment First Wisconsin
How Can You Get Involved?
 Meet with local colleagues: families, teachers,
providers, businesses
 Discuss forming a local EF group
 Contact a Community Action Team leader, or
 Contact Nancy – nancym_wiapse@earthlink.net
Rick – rth1948gmail.com
or Ann - Ann.Sievert@wisconsin.gov