
Day 1
T. S. Eliot is one of the real influential poets of the 20th century. This is because
his poems were effective.
When World War I started Eliot settled in England.
Spelling out ordinal numbers
Use of comma after introductory adverb clause
Use of adverb to modify an adjective
Elimination of an empty sentence
Day 1
This is because his poems were effective.
T.S. Eliot is one of the really influential poets of the twentieth century.
Use of adverb to modify an adjective
Spelling out ordinal numbers
Elimination of an empty sentence
When World War I started, Eliot settled in England.
Use of comma after introductory adverb clause
Day 2
Reader’s around the world admire Eliot’s poems, especially
“The Waste Land.”
Murder in the Cathedral (1935) and The Cocktail Party (1950) shows Eliot’s
ability to write effective drama.
Correct formation of the plural
Subject and verb agreement
Use of underlining or italics with title of play
Day 2
Readers around the world admire Eliot’s poems, especially
“The Waste Land.”
Correct formation of the plural
Murder in the Cathedral (1935) and The Cocktail Party (1950)
show Eliot’s ability to write effective drama.
Use of underlining or italics with title of play
Subject and verb agreement
Day 3
Each of the students read “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” in their
The poem opens with these lines
let us go then, you and I
when the evening is spread out against the
like a patient etherized upon a table. . .
Use of colon before a long quotation
Capitalization of first word in a line of poetry
Pronoun agreement with antecedent
Day 3
Each of the students read “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” in his or her
Pronoun agreement with antecedent
The poem opens with these lines:
Let us go then, you and I
When the evening is spread out against the sky
Like a patient etherized upon a table. . .
Use of colon before a long quotation
Capitalization of the first word of a line of poetry
Day 4
Eliot also wrote cute poetry, and so this was the foundation for the musical
Cats, and then it was a nice hit for him.
Neither Eliot nor his wife were able to see the musical.
Use of precise adjectives to improve style
Revision of a stringy sentence
Subject and verb agreement
Day 4
Eliot also wrote whimsical poetry. This poetry was the basis for the musical
Cats, which was a smash hit on Broadway.
Revision of a stringy sentence
Use of precise adjectives to improve style
Neither Eliot nor his wife was able to see the musical.
Subject and verb agreement
Day 5
Ms. Moy said that between all the poets she has read, only Eliot’s work helped
her consider the role of values and ethics.
I ain’t read a lot of poetry, but I agree with Ms. Moy because I think its the
poet’s role to write about important social issues.
Elimination of ain’t
Correction of commonly confused words
Use of prepositions between/among
Day 5
Ms. Moy said that among all the poets she has read, only Eliot’s work
helped her consider the role of values and ethics.
Use of prepositions between and among
I haven’t read a lot of poetry, but I agree with Ms. Moy because I think
it’s the poet’s role to write about important social issues.
Elimination of ain’t
Correction of commonly confused words