Is it candy or medicine?

Safety Patrol:
Is it candy
or medicine?
1. There are two photos on each slide: one
photo is candy, one photo is medicine.
2. When the facilitator points to one of the
photos, decide as an individual or as a team
whether that photo is medicine or candy.
3. Raise your Candy or Medicine card to
indicate your answer.
Candy or Medicine?
Candy or Medicine?
Candy or Medicine?
Candy or Medicine?
Candy or Medicine?
Candy or Medicine?
Candy or Medicine?
Candy or Medicine?
Candy or Medicine?
Discussion Questions
1. What traits were similar amongst the
medicine and candy matches? What
traits were different amongst the medicine
and candy matches?
2. Why do you think it is important to keep
medicine in their original bottle or
Thank you for playing!
Please remember:
1. Only take medicine from a trusted adult.
2. Always keep candy and medicine in their
original container.
3. Never share your medicine with others.
4. Ask a trusted adult to keep medicines in
a safe place in their home.