Maryland Online IEP PD Quest – OLE #1

MD Online IEP
Instructional Series – PD Activity #1
Introduction: What is New in
July 1, 2014 Version?
Why make
Who is affected by the changes in the new
• All existing users and new users of the MD
Online IEP System.
School-based Administrators
County-level/Data Manager
MSDE Staff
What are the major changes in the new version?
• Two main modules: Student Compass and IEP
• Update all goals on one screen, or each goal can be updated
individually in the IEP
• View progress on all goals and have the ability to aggregate
progress monitoring across the caseload
• Run the new IEP Goal report using variables, so you can view
progress on IEP Goals for the caseload or a student in
different ways
• Refer to “Comparison Chart” document and info on next few
slides for more detailed information
What is included in the
MD Online IEP System?
• New User Interface
– Creating an updated look and intuitive navigation
• Single Sign-On
– Allowing users to sign-on to multiple applications (MOIEP,
ECAS, IFSP) with one login ID
• Systems Interoperability
– Displaying ECAS and IFSP information in Student Compass,
if the student has cases in these systems. Easy access to
switch to these systems using the single sign-on portal.
What is included in the
MD Online IEP System?
• Related Service Log to support Medicaid Billing
– Expanded the Related Service Log to support electronic Medicaid
• Record Retention
– Allowing users to see an IEP for a student who has transferred
• MSC switch to Maryland College and Career Ready Standards
– Linking of an IEP Goal with a Maryland College and Career-Ready
Standard. Changing references from MSC to Maryland College and
Career-Ready Standards.
What is included in the
MD Online IEP System?
• Reports
– Preserving existing reports and providing enhanced reporting
• Student Progress Monitoring
– Aggregating data across varying demographics/populations
(Currently the Progress on IEP goals is at the student level only)
• Professional Development and Support
– Creating embedded PD within the system. Developing a reusable modular training program that can be self-directed and
What is included in the
MD Online IEP System?
• Database Re-architecture
– Updating the database structure
• Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for
College and Careers (PARCC) Testing and
– Updating the IEP Participation Data to capture PARCC
participation details and testing scores. Providing access to
the PARCC Testing Accommodations.
What has changed with the process/steps in
the new version?
• Process for developing an IEP or completing forms remains
the same
• Simpler navigation from student case to accessing IEP,
completing student forms, entering progress on IEP goals
• Consolidation of information from several pages into one
page, which saves time when entering IEP information
When are the changes in the new version going
into effect?
• July 1, 2014
• If you are developing an IEP before July 1, 2014, the
current version of MD Online IEP will be displayed
• If you’re writing it on or after July 1, 2014, the new
version will be displayed
• If you’re editing an IEP that was started before July 1,
2014, but not closed, the new version will be displayed
Where are the changes in the new version
going into effect?
• Any Local School System currently using the MD Online IEP
System in the state of Maryland will begin using the new
version on July 1, 2014
• Any Non-public School System or public agency (such as MD
School for the Blind, MD School for the Deaf, Juvenile
Services) currently using the MD Online IEP System in the
state of Maryland will begin using the new version on July 1,
Why make these changes?
• A new version of the MD Online IEP System is created each year
• A decision was made to do the following:
Collectively address the users’ feedback
Solve known issues
Make enhancements
Set up the system for future development that supports the 5 year
strategic plan of DES/EIS
• The need to support the MSDE requested changes and PARCC
How are changes being shared with users of the MD
Online IEP Sytem?
• Staff from JHU/CTE will present the MD Online IEP System
Instructional Series to MD Online User Group to give them an
overview and introduction of the July 1, 2014 version
• Staff from JHU/CTE will hold a MD Online IEP System Summer
Institute (Train the Trainers Session) for the Implementation
Leads and other designated personnel
• Implementation Leads will use the MD Online IEP System
Instructional Series to assist in training their users
Outline of the Training Timeline
• May 7, 2014: MD Online User Group will attend a training to go
through 4 of the MD Online IEP System Instructional Series
professional development activities to see important aspects of
the July 1, 2014 version
• June 23-26, 2014: Implementation Leads and designated
personnel will attend hands on “Train the Trainer” Summer
Institute by JHU/CTE Trainers
• July 1, 2014: All users will begin using the MD Online IEP System
• Before or during September 2014: All users will be trained by
Implementation Leads
Training PD Activities
for Instructional Series
PD Activity #1 – Introduction
PD Activity #2 – Navigating in the MD Online IEP system
PD Activity #3 – Signing in and Single Sign-On
PD Activity #4 – Accessing the IEP
PD Activity #5 – Student Compass
PD Activity #6 – Forms and Meetings
PD Activity #7 – Reports and Goal Progress Monitoring
PD Activity #8 – Transition
PD Activity #9 – Administrative Tasks
Same Information
Similar Steps
Different Look
More Functions
 New version looks differently and has more functions, but
the workflows that you do are the same.