DEVELOPING THE INTEGRATED MSW LEARNING AGREEMENT AND COMPREHENSIVE SKILLS EVALUATION DOCUMENT CSULA SSW Fall, 2010 Integrated Learning Goals and Assessment Learning Objectives Provide overview of integrated Learning Agreement/Comprehensive Skills Evaluation document Clarify student & Field Instructor (FI) roles in process Explain mechanics/use of the document Offer concrete examples of effective learning activities to address desired CSWE competencies Build skill in constructing appropriate learning activities Overview (see Field Manual Sec 3, Part I and Part 30; Appendix B and C) Learning Agreement identifies individual student learning objectives and field experiences. Student completes document w/FI’s guidance & approval during the first weeks of internship. The activities for each CSWE Competency should be measureable and achievable based on learning opportunities in placement. FIs use them to evaluate students’ progress at end of each quarter when preparing the Comprehensive Skills Evaluation submitted to Field Faculty Liaison. Overview Continued This document is used by most Schools of Social Work in the region for both foundation (1st) year and concentration (2nd) year MSW students. 1st half: info on the agency, placement details, student self-awareness, student expectations, Field Instructor Teaching Plan and the Orientation Checklist. Last half: Learning Activities and Skills Evaluation grid, FI Comments & Grade Recommendation, Student and FI Signatures Document Outline I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. Identifying Information Agency and Community – FI can suggest info sources General Time Management – 1 hr/wk individual. supervision Field Education Assignments Self-Awareness Assessment – honest self-appraisal Student Expectations for Supervision in Field/Instruction Field Instructor Teaching Plan – FI writes this Orientation Checklist – FI ensures student is oriented Signature Page – both FI & student Ten Competencies/Associated Learning Activities – see samples here and more online A Team Approach in Support of the Student Student is primary person responsible for the document creation and submission BUT Field Instructor and Field Liaison (Seminar Instructor) provide support and feedback! Field Instructor Student Seminar Instructor Finalized Learning Agreement The document is the roadmap for the year and will set expectations and goals for students so is crucial! Roles & Steps in Learning Agreement Development Field Liaison (Seminar Instructor) provides training to students in orientation and in seminar on how to develop document with focus on Learning Activities… Student develops1st draft(s) of the document with input from FI who offers ideas and input… (especially in Sec II, IV, X) FI completes the Field Instructor Teaching Plan (p.6), gives to student for inclusion… FI reviews/discusses document w/student, gives suggestions for improvement. Both sign document… Student submits signed doc to Field Liaison who may have additional edits. If edits needed, student updates, reviews with FI, both re-sign and student resubmits. NOTE: Saving a soft and hard copy of this document is wise for both student and FI! Highlights of the Document Much of the document is self-explanatory so we are only highlighting a few parts here. Please note that we have provided several sample learning activities for each of the 10 CSWE Competencies online for both 1st and 2nd year MSW students. These are not meant to be copied by students but are meant to serve as examples of specific, measureable activities. Sec. II: Agency and Community II. THE AGENCY AND THE COMMUNITY (Agency) A.Describe the agency’s mission: B. Describe the organizational structure: C. List the services provided to community: D. Describe the general demographics (ethnicity, race, socio-economic status, age) of the agency’s clients: (Community) E. Describe the geographic location of your agency: F. Describe the general demographics (ethnicity, race, socio-economic status, age) of the community (if different from D above): G.Describe the community’s need for resources (in addition to what the agency provides): H. Describe the community’s perception of the agency: I. List other agencies to which referrals are made: J. Who (Field Instructor?) or what (agency brochure?) were your sources of information: Ensure you understand context of agency. Ask for any helpful documents you may review. How can you gain insight into the community context? Walk the neighborhood? Online reports? Agency grant proposals? Program evaluations? Sec III: General Time Management III. GENERAL TIME MANAGEMENT A. List the days and hours in field placement: B. List the day and time that process recordings are due: C. List the day, time, and length of individual field instruction: D. List day and time of group supervision conference, if applicable: E. List the name(s) of preceptor(s) and/or contact person in field instructor’s absence: F. If the plan is for you to rotate or change programs in the agency, specify the time frame for the rotation: Consistency and routine help you get off to a good start. We recommend a set schedule for the 1 hr/wk individual Field Instruction so discuss the feasibility of this with your FI. Group Supervision is a supplement some FI’s use but is not required. Sec.V: Self-Awareness Assessment Welcome to the SelfReflection Land. This is crucial for social workers. It is often hard to recognize what we don’t know at this point but give it your best shot, be honest with yourself and ask for clarity as needed! V. SELF-AWARENESS ASSESSMENT A. In terms of “self-awareness”, what do you know about yourself and your interactions with others/your emotions/etc that will make you a more effective social worker? B. In what ways/areas do you need to enhance your self awareness to become a more effective social worker? Sec VII: Field Instructor Teaching Plan FI can insert here or attach a separate sheet. Please inquire about the different dimensions of social diversity within your population. It goes beyond race, gender and socioeconomic class. VII. FIELD INSTRUCTOR TEACHING PLAN (To be written by the Field Instructor) Detail your expectations of your student in supervision How do you structure your weekly field instruction? Briefly describe your teaching plan. Please include how you plan to maximize diversity in your case assignments for each student. Describe your plan for use of a preceptor with your student (If applicable) a. Role of preceptor? Detail your plan for monitoring and evaluating this experience Sec VIII: Orientation Checklist The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one. ~Mark Twain Agency Overview Agency Policies & Protocols Please ask for clarity on all policies including harassment, discrimination, mandatory reporting, ADA, OSHA, HIPPA, etc. Field Instructor/Student Responsibilities Integration of Field and Coursework Discuss your FI your syllabi and assignments we/ Sec. IX: Signature Page for Learning Agreement and Evaluation Academic Term Designation (Fall/Winter/Spring) Rating Scale/Explanation Grade Recommendation FI recommends grade to Field Faculty who assigns grade based on field and seminar performance. Hours completed each quarter Signatures (once FI/Student have discussed) Sec X: CSWE Competency/Objectives and Sample Learning Activities COMPETENCY #6 – EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE: INTERN ENGAGES IN RESEARCH-INFORMED PRACTICE AND PRACTICE-INFORMED RESEARCH LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES AND STUDENT ACTIVITIES TO ACHIEVE COMPETENCY #6 Intern will investigate 2 evidence based practice interventions and discuss during supervision how the interventions might be used with agency clients. Intern will review research and suggest one agency policy that could be improved, based on evidence. Objectives F W S 1. Understands and employs evidence-based interventions and policies for their particular populations. 2. Analyzes and integrates research findings and professional judgment to improve practice, policy and social service delivery. 3. Critically evaluates their own practice for effectiveness and improvement. CSWE Competency Student generates individualized activities to achieve Competency & Objectives – ask FI for guidance. CSULA Learning Objective (Standard for all students) Does the learning activity… Give the student opportunity to practice particular concept/skill for objective? Allow student to build upon previously attained skills/knowledge/experience? Challenge student’s interest & provide satisfaction? Provide both observational and participatory involvement? Move student to increased independent performance? Seem feasible? Are there adequate resources to assure completion? (space, time, access, clientele, etc) Allow for measurement of the skill (is it quantifiable?) Learning Agreement Skill Building Activity 1. 2. Consider how you will take care of yourself during the challenges of balancing academic coursework, field placement, work, and home-life. If the overall goal is “to maintain your mental and physical health while becoming the best social worker you can be,” what are two tangible learning activities you can do to meet that goal? Here are two examples: I will exercise at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes I will update my organizer daily with all my tasks and assignments from school, field, work and home. Notice the specific, measurable nature of each task. Frequency, specificity. Submitting the Learning Agreement Submit whole 15+ page document (see Field Calendar Deadline for each Cohort) At beginning of Winter and Spring terms, you may revise using LA Revision Form with FI’s agreement/signature. Student and FI save soft copy for use at end of this term! Honest Feedback Students should receive honest feedback weekly in supervision so they can incorporate it and grow. As caring professionals, sometimes we are uncomfortable giving difficult feedback yet it is the kindest, most ethical thing Field Instructors can do so please ask them for it and discuss with your Seminar Instructor if you are not getting it. The evaluation process is already stressful, receiving feedback on unsatisfactory progress unexpectedly at end of the quarter is even more so for everyone, especially students! Sec. X: End of Quarter Comprehensive Skills Evaluation COMPETENCY #6 – EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE: INTERN ENGAGES IN RESEARCH-INFORMED PRACTICE AND PRACTICE-INFORMED RESEARCH LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES AND STUDENT ACTIVITIES TO ACHIEVE COMPETENCY #6 Intern will investigate 2 evidence based practice interventions and discuss during supervision how the interventions might be used with agency clients. Intern will review research and suggest one agency policy that could be improved, based on evidence. Objectives F W S 1. Understands and employs evidence-based interventions 1 and policies for their particular populations. 2 4 2. Analyzes and integrates research findings and professional judgment to improve practice, policy and social service delivery. 3. Critically evaluates their own practice for effectiveness and improvement. 1 2 2 1 2 3 Based on these and other observations, Field Instructor evaluates student below… Using rating scale on p. 8, rate student progress from term to term (Fall, Winter, Spring) Kudos! (Students appreciate Comments)! We ask your FI to maintain comments from quarter to quarter so your progression can be seen in the final year end Skills Evaluation… Comments (required for ratings of 0 and 4): FALL COMMENTS….. Comments (required for ratings of 0 and 4): WINTER COMMENTS Comments (required for ratings of 0 and 4): SPRING COMMENTS Submitting the Comprehensive Skills Evaluation 1st Year Cover page & Signature Page to end (p. 8-15) Fall: 11/30 or 12/4 Winter: 3/8 or3/12 Spring: 5/31 or 6/4 2nd Year Cover page & Signature Page to end (p. 8-15) Fall: 11/30 or 12/4 Winter: 3/8 or3/12 Spring: 5/10 or 5/14 Save soft copy of document for use at end of next Quarter for one composite document w/ all three quarters comments/ratings! Please save trees and do not print unnecessary pages! Thank you! Thank You for Your Hard Work! We wish you a successful year ahead. Please contact your Field Liaison directly with any questions about this process.