
Sir Gawain and The
Green Knight
Part 1 Quiz
1. Why does the Green Knight
come seeking King Arthur?
a. to give him a present
b. to fight him
c. to challenge him
2. What is the challenge that
he offers them?
a. you chop my head off and I’ll chop your
head off later
b. b. you eat my soup and I’ll eat your
soup later
c. c. fight me in hand to hand combat
3.Why does the Green Knight
mock them?
a. because no one accepts the challenge
b. because he wants to make them mad
c. because he is a mean person
4. Who accepts the challenge
a. Arthur
b. Gawain
5.What reason does Gawain
give for being the better
a. he is the strongest and will do the King
b. he is the weakest and the challenge is
beneath that of the king
c. he is not scared
6.How is Gawain related to King
a. son
b. uncle
c. nephew
7. What happens when Gawain
swings the ax at the Green
Knight’s neck?
a. the knight is saved by a goddess
b. the knight lifts his arm to protect himself
and his arm is chopped off
c. the knight’s head rolls off and sits on
the floor
8.How does the Green
Knight leave?
a. he runs away while the members of the
court, who have turned into an angry
mob, chase him.
b. he doesn’t
c. he picks his head up off the floor and
carries it to his horse, mounts, and
rides away
9.What is Gawain supposed to
do in 12 months?
a. duel Arthur for Guinevere’s hand
b. bury the Green Knight at the Green
c. allow the Green Knight to take a swing
at his own head
10. What do Gawain and Arthur
do after the Green Knight rides
a. try to clear the air and then party on
b. lock all the doors and make everyone
vow not to let the Green Knight in again
c. put the Green Knight in the dungeon so
he can never hurt anyone again.
1. Why does the Green Knight
come seeking King Arthur?
a. to give him a present
b. to fight him
c. to challenge him
2. What is the challenge that
he offers them?
a. you chop my head off and I’ll chop your
head off later
b. b. you eat my soup and I’ll eat your
soup later
c. c. fight me in hand to hand combat
3.Why does the Green Knight
mock them?
a. because no one accepts the challenge
b. because he wants to make them mad
c. because he is a mean person
4. Who accepts the challenge
a. Arthur
b. Gawain
5.What reason does Gawain
give for being the better
a. he is the strongest and will do the King
b. he is the weakest and the challenge is
beneath that of the king
c. he is not scared
6.How is Gawain related to King
a. son
b. uncle
c. nephew
7. What happens when Gawain
swings the ax at the Green
Knight’s neck?
a. the knight is saved by a goddess
b. the knight lifts his arm to protect himself
and his arm is chopped off
c. the knight’s head rolls off and sits on
the floor
8.How does the Green
Knight leave?
a. he runs away while the members of the
court, who have turned into an angry
mob, chase him.
b. he doesn’t
c. he picks his head up off the floor and
carries it to his horse, mounts, and
rides away
9.What is Gawain supposed to
do in 12 months?
a. duel Arthur for Guinevere’s hand
b. bury the Green Knight at the Green
c. allow the Green Knight to take a swing
at his own head
10. What do Gawain and Arthur
do after the Green Knight rides
a. try to clear the air and then party on
b. lock all the doors and make everyone
vow not to let the Green Knight in again
c. put the Green Knight in the dungeon so
he can never hurt anyone again.