S4 STUDY SKILLS EVENING Biology S4 Courses National 4 Biology (replaces SG General/Int 1) National 5 Biology (replaces SG Credit/Int 2) Pupils work through the courses, and gain a wide range of knowledge (KU) and develop problem solving skills (PS) in Biology. Assessed on four problem solving areas – selecting, predicting, processing and analysing (N5 only) as well as KU. Pupils must pass each unit, with a pass mark being 50% or more. More about assessment With CfE Biology, as well as passing the unit assessments, pupils also have to complete: A mini research topic (√) An investigation report (√) Assignment (N5) or Added Value Unit (N4) (ongoing) The courses are aligned – this means if a pupils does not pass units at a higher level (e.g. Nat 5), then they can still achieve a pass at a lower level (in this case Nat 4). prelims The National 5 Biology prelim is: Thursday 20th January It is made up of two sections (like the final exam). Section A has 20 marks of multiple choice questions. Section B has 60 marks of short answer style questions. The National 5 Assignment will also be marked by SQA and is worth a maximum of 20 marks. In total, the National 5 exam is out of 100 marks, and is graded A-D. Revision Pupils should be spending about 1 – 1.5 hours a week revising in Biology. Homework issued to develop KU and PS skills. Homework composed of past paper questions (for Nat 5 made up of Credit Standard Grade/Int 2 past papers). Past papers used to test KU and PS, as well as preparing pupils for prelims and final exams. £12.39 on Amazon £15.99 on Amazon £3.95 on Amazon Kindle Materials & support Pupils have a workbook(s) for each of the units completed so far: Unit 3: Life on Earth Unit 1: Cell Biology Pupils also have learning outcomes and a revision summary for each unit. After prelims, pupils will write up their assignment reports/added value in class, then start work on the last unit: Unit 2: Multicellular Organisms Progression National 4 Biology (pass) National 5 Biology. National 5 Biology (grade A or B) CfE Higher or CfE Higher Human Biology Higher/Higher Human Biology (grade A or B) S6 CfE Advanced Higher Biology. Contact? Julie.Morrison@south-ayrshire.gov.uk