Warm ups & Cool Downs…the how to`s

Project FORCE
Fitness for Operational Requirements
for CF Employment
Tovah Fenske
4 Wing Fitness Coordinator
NSCA & CSEP Certified Personal Trainer
CanFitPro Fitness Instructor Specialist
Yoga Alliance 200hr Registered Yoga Teacher
 Register today for your personal account
 Easily accessible from your DWAN
computer, home computer or your smart
 Win an iPod shuffle – register and email
tina.cormier@forces.gc.ca NLT 1 Jan with
one thing you like (or dislike) about the site
 Each entry will receive 5 WCOMD Cup
It’s Time for a new TEST
 The current CF Expres test is 23 years
old (since 1989)
 “Soldiering” has changed
 The aim is a test that is more task based
 Looking for functional fit soldiers
 One test…one standard…all ages &
 BFOR – Bona Fide Occupational
 In compliance with the charter of human
 What any soldier might be expected to
perform in an emergency situation
How is the test being
6 Common Tasks
Picking and digging
Casualty evacuation (from a truck)
Stretcher carry & load
Sand bag fortification
Escape to cover
Pickets and wire
Casualty evacuation
Picking &
Escape to cover
Simple Simulations
Sand bag lifts
Sand bag drag
Farmers carry
20 m loaded
 20 m rushes
Fitness Predictor Tests
20 MSR
20 metre Yo-Yo
Push ups
Hand grip
Back endurance
Plank (held)
Flexed arm hand
Wall sit
Data Collection
 This project has been in development over the
past 3 years
 Job and task analysis across the bases &
 Just finished testing over 600 military
members across the CF
 Present findings to AFC in Nov/Dec for test
What could the new test
look like?
 The goal is a more task & simulated based
 1 standard for all genders & environments
 Deployable/employable standard
 A combination of simple simulations,
common tasks & fitness predictive tests
What could the new test
look like?
 May include a running test but may not
 May not include push ups
 The step test might be included as an option
if there is a running component in the test
 There will be some form of exemption
 Meeting with AFC in Nov/Dec
 Early January expected test
 1 April 2013 phase in the new test
Phasing in options
FY 2013-2014
 Expres test + try the new test
 Complete and pass the new test
 Fail the new test with no ramifications
 Must pass EXPRES or new test by end FY 20132014
 Practice the new test for 4-6 months with “official”
testing to be completed the remaining months in the
 No penalties for failing the new test…so long as
you obtain a pass prior to the end of the FY
Standards / Pass ability
 Test standards will be drawn from the 6 common
task standards
 If you are currently IE or can easily meet the 35+
male MPFS (level 5 20MSR, 73 HG, 14 PU, 17
SU) you should be in a good place
 Just meeting MPFS or unable to meet 35+male
MPFS you may have a little work to do
 Those failing by 2 PU or SU may pass the new
test the first attempt
Standards / Pass ability
 Those that are struggling now will likely
continue to struggle – due to lack of physical
 The new test items have a high strength
component – absolute strength
 Smaller framed & those unaccustomed to
manual labour type activities may need
additional training
 Strong, functional core fitness is key
 Aerobic & anaerobic fitness base is important
What now?
 Start training/implementing
exercises/movements into PT classes and
your own fitness regime
 Once the new test/standards are
announced we will offer open practice test
times and add it to unit PT classes
 This might be the boost that people need to
make fitness part of their everyday
Remember PSP is here to
Questions / comments?
Email me your questions at
Please take a moment to fill out our survey,
your feedback is important to us!