Dialectical Journal (DJ)

Dialectical Journal
Origins of Dialectic
dialectic (dialektik): term of Greek philosophy, derived from the verb
meaning to converse or to discuss. The dialectical method of Socrates,
as it appears from the dialogues of Plato, had as its aim the testing of
the truth of a proposition by question and answer, in a manner roughly
resembling ordinary conversation. It was destructive rather than
constructive, in that it demonstrated flaws in a suggested proposition
but arrived at no better substitute. Plato's own dialectic is a
development from that of Socrates. At its simplest it starts from an
assumption taken to be true for the purposes of argument, and
proceeds through question and answer (as did Socrates') in a
methodically rigorous way until a conclusion is reached. It seemed to
Plato that his method made it possible to acquire knowledge, and
provide explanations for what is known, positively and systematically.
For Plato dialectic was the only way to reach the true end of
philosophy, knowledge.
(The Classical Literature Companion)
What is a dialectical journal?
A dialectical journal is a running
dialogue between you, the
reader, and what you are
reading. This is done by
recording notes in the form
of quotations and then
commenting upon what you
have recorded.
What do I write?
On the left:
A Quotation that:
May hit with some force;
May make you think or question;
That strikes you as significant;
That has layers of meaning to decipher.
On the right:
Explanation of why you
chose the quotation:
Question: Ask questions while you
Analyze/Evaluate: Form opinions
both while you’re reading and
after you’ve finished. Develop
your own judgments about the
characters and your own ideas
about events.
Interpret: determine the meaning of
what you’ve read
Reflect: what does the quote say
about all people and humanity? In other words
reflect on the universal themes.
Literary Techniques: Comment upon
when and why they are used.
Still not sure what to do?
First, pick out a
significant quote.
Next, transcribe it
into your journal
(on the left side of
your page).
Now, write your
response to the
quotation (on the
right side.
For example . . .
Dialectical Journal :An Upheaval” by
who had only just finished her
studies at a boarding school,
returning from a walk to the house of
the Kushkins, with whom she was
living as a governess, found the
household in a terrible turmoil” (1).
The reader gains a substantial amount of
knowledge from the very first sentence.
Most of which requires reading between
the lines. Although the first word of
Chekhov’s story is “Mashenka,” we learn
that she indeed is not terribly important
within the world of the story, that is, the
other characters do not see her as
important. Chekov quickly gives us her
story within the commas. We will learn
that despite her education, she is
relegated to a lowly position within the
Kushkin household. The peacefulness of
her walk is destroyed by the “terrible
turmoil” the household is in. The theme of
power vs. powerlessness is subtly
suggested here.
Your response might include. . .
observations, revelations, questions, reflections —
any thoughts you have about the quotation’s
significance. Discuss the author’s use of
language. How does he convey his ideas? Who
is his intended audience and what is his
purpose? What are the techniques he uses to
accomplish his purpose? Discuss any distinctive
or interesting aspects of this author’s style.
Choose quotations that will allow you to discuss
a variety of literary elements including diction
(word choice), literary devices (simile, metaphor,
allusion, personification, etc.) as well as theme,
tone and point of view.
DJ Rubric
Generic Dialectical Journal Scoring Guide
Features meaningful quote selections
Analysis of the text demonstrates careful thought
Coverage of text is complete and thorough
Journal is neat, organized
Uses thoughtful interpretation and commentary; avoids clichés
Makes insightful personal connections
Asks thought-provoking and insightful questions
Careful reading as evidenced through an awareness of levels of meaning
Character analysis is consistent with the material presented
Shows an understanding of character motivation
Comparisons and connections are made between text and other literary and artistic works
Recognizes the author’s writing choices (including techniques) and reasons for those choices
Recognizes the energy and deliberateness of the writing process
Demonstrates an awareness of point of view