Degen Analysis

Degen Analysis
Degen Analysis
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•View babyfootinhand image
Degen Analysis
•Viewing the image, apply Degen Analysis
•Make a T-Chart
•Left column is CONCRETE nouns (ex: baby foot
resting in mother’s hand)
•Right column is ABSTRACT nouns (ex: warm
relationships; mother and baby have a bond)
Degen Analysis
•Build a L1 sentence (Concrete):
•Ex: The baby’s foot is resting gently in the mother’s hand.
•Build a L2 sentence (Abstract):
•Ex: The mom and baby have a warm relationship.
•Build a L1+L2 sentence (aligning your abstract idea with
concrete proof)
•Ex: The mother and baby share a warm relationship
which is shown in how the baby’s foot rests gently in the
mother’s hand.
Degen Analysis
• Imagine yummy Mexican food. 
• We are going to apply the idea of that yummy Mexican food to how
Degen Analysis works.
• The solid part of a soft taco is the meat just like the concrete nouns are
the solid parts of Degen Analysis.
• Ex: baby foot resting in hand
• The soft part of a taco is the tortilla just like the “warm & fuzzy” feelings
we conjure up with abstract nouns of Degen Analyis.
• We think: awwwweeeee!!! The Mommy loves the baby!
• Ex: The mom and baby share a warm relationship.
• The delicious part of the soft taco is the sauce (or queso).
• How do we deliciously deliver this concrete and abstract idea?
• We put some “sauce” (L3) into our sentence.
• Notice the underlined words in the sentence:
• Ex: The photographer captures the warm connotation
as the baby’s foot gently rests in the mother’s palm
emanating their bond.
LI is bold; L2 is italicized; L3 is underlined