What you will need today. 1.Three handouts 2. Two Different colors of highlighters 3.Scissors 4.Glue 5.Pencil iRASP *i *R = interact Read the question underline/box important words = Restate the Question!! Change the question into a statement!! Don’t just copy the question, but change it into a statement and introduce answer. *A = Answer the Question Completely. There will be two parts to my answer. *S = Support/ Quotes from the TEXT!! I must copy the support WORD FOR WORD from the text. I cannot change the words in the quote!! *P= Never start an answer with a pronoun. Eliminated all unclear pronouns. Common pronouns are he, she , it, and they. I can use these pronouns after I answer the question, but they must be clear. Step 1:Interact with the text (underline key words, number the parts needing attention in the question, number paragraphs as you read the text, underline the answers in the text while you read)) Topic Sentence The two ways to tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile is ________________ and ____________________. Detail Sentence #1 First, Support In the text it states, “ Detail Sentence #2 Second, Support In the text it also states, “ Step Two Pg. 2 Topic Sentence Pg. 3 Step #2: Change the question into a statement. Then answer ALL parts of the question . Never begin your answer with a pronoun!! There are two ways to tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile; their size and their skin. Step Two *Never, ever, ever begin the topic sentence of a Constructed Response with a PRONOUN!!! *She *He *It *They *Etc…. Topic Sentence Step 2: 1st Detail Sentence Step 3: Supporting Sentence 1 Step 4: 2nd Detail Sentence Step 5: Supporting Sentence 1 Step 5: Change the question into a statement and answer ALL parts of the question. Never begin your answer with a pronoun!! You should have this filled out on the husky page. Please check!! Topic Sentence There are two ways to tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile; Detail Sentence #1 Support - cut the underline part out of the story… WORD for WORD You should have this filled out on the alligator page. Now Detail Sentence #2 Support- cut the underline part out of the story… WORD for WORD their size and their skin. you need to their size in one color and their skin in a different highlight color Step Three Pg. 2 Detail Sentence #1 Step #3: Write a detail sentence which gives a fact to why your answer is CORRECT or further explains your answer. Pg. 3 First, size can tell an alligator from a crocodile because a crocodile is larger than an alligator. Topic Sentence Step 2: 1st Detail Sentence Step 3: Write a detail sentence which gives a fact to why Supporting Sentence 1 Step 4: 2nd Detail Sentence Step 5: Supporting Sentence 1 Step 6: Change the question into a statement and answer ALL parts of the question. your answer is CORRECT or further explains your answer. You should have this filled out on the notes change. Please check!! Topic Sentence There are two ways to tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile; their Detail Sentence #1 Support - cut the underline part out of the story… WORD for WORD Detail Sentence #2 Support- cut the underline part out of the story… WORD for WORD size and their skin. First, size also can tell an alligator from a crocodile because an crocodile is larger than an alligator. Action: Highlight this sentence the exact same color as your first answer in the topic sentence. Remember, you must have two colors (or parts) to this answer. The first color (or part) has to match the FIRST detail!!! Step Four Pg. 2 Support Sentence #1 Step #4: Find the best sentence in the story which supports your answer. THEN COPY IT WORD FOR WORD. This is a QUOTE that supports your answer. It is the evidence that your answer is TRUE!! Pg. 3 In the text it states, “Crocodiles can be as much as 20 feet long, but most alligators are about 12 feet long or smaller.” Topic Sentence Step 2: 1st Detail Sentence Step 3: Write a detail sentence which gives a fact to why Supporting Sentence 1 Step 4: 2nd Detail Sentence Step 5: Supporting Sentence 1 Change the question into a statement and answer ALL parts of the question. your answer is CORRECT or further explains your answer. Step 6: Find the best sentence in the story which supports your answer. THEN COPY IT WORD FOR WORD. This is a QUOTE that supports your answer. You should have this filled out on the notes change. Please check!! Topic Sentence There are two ways to tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile; their size and their skin. Detail Sentence #1 First, size also can tell an alligator from a crocodile because an crocodile is larger than an alligator. Support – Quote In the text it states, “Crocodiles can be as much as 20 feet long, but most alligators are about 12 feet long or smaller.” directly from the text…WORD for WORD Detail Sentence #2 Support- Quote directly from the text…WORD for WORD This should be pasted in your answer on the Alligator page. Please check!! Step Five Pg. 2 Detail Sentence #2 Step #5: Now you need a second fact or detail to prove your answer is true. Fill this in on the box labeled Detail Sentence #2. Pg. 3 Second, the skin is another way to tell an alligator and a crocodile apart. Fill this in on the box labeled Detail Sentence #2. Topic Sentence Step 2: 1st Detail Sentence Step 3: Supporting Sentence 1 Step 4: 2nd Detail Sentence Step 5: Now you need a second fact or detail to prove your answer is true. Supporting Sentence 1 Change the question into a statement and answer ALL parts of the question. (QA) = Topic Sentence. Never begin your answer with a pronoun!! Step 6: Write a detail sentence which gives a fact to why your answer is CORRECT or further explains your answer. Find the best sentence in the story which supports your answer. THEN COPY IT WORD FOR WORD. This is a QUOTE that supports your answer. It is the evidence that your answer is TRUE!! You should have this filled out on the notes change. Please check!! Topic Sentence There are two ways to tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile; their size and their skin. Detail Sentence #1 First, size also can tell an alligator from a crocodile because an crocodile is larger than an alligator. Support - Quote directly from the text…WORD for WORD In the text it states, “Crocodiles can be as much as 20 feet long, but most alligators are about 12 feet long or smaller.” Detail Sentence #2 Second, the skin is another way to tell an alligator and a crocodile apart as well. Action: Support- Quote directly from the text…WORD for WORD Highlight this sentence the exact same color as your second answer in the topic sentence. Remember, you must have two colors (or parts) to this answer. The second color (or part) has to match the Second detail!!! Step Six Pg. 2 Supporting Sentence #2 Step # 6: Find the best sentence in the story which supports your answer. Pg. 3 The text it also states, “Crocodiles have hard tough skin. An alligator’s skin is just as hard but somewhat smoother.” Topic Sentence There are two ways to tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile; their size and their skin. Detail Sentence #1 First, size also can tell an alligator from a crocodile because an crocodile is larger than an alligator. Support -Quote In the text it states, “Crocodiles can be as much as 20 feet long, but most alligators are about 12 feet long or smaller.” directly from the text…WORD for WORD Detail Sentence #2 Second, the skin is another way to tell an alligator and a crocodile apart as well. Support- The text it also states, “Crocodiles have hard tough skin. An Quote directly from the text…WORD for WORD alligator’s skin is just as hard but somewhat smoother.” Cut it out and don’t forget to add the last quotation mark!! Remember a YOUR ANSWER will look like this when you write it out. There are two ways to tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile; their size and their skin. First, size also can tell an alligator from a crocodile because an crocodile is larger than an alligator. In the text it states , “Crocodiles can be as much as 20 feet long, but most alligators are about 12 feet long or smaller.” Second, the skin is another way to tell an alligator and a crocodile apart as well. In the text it also states, “Crocodiles have hard tough skin. An alligator’s skin is just as hard but somewhat smoother.”