Planning for Heritage Tourism 5th in the Heritage Tourism series Once you have all the partners participating and they have bought into your efforts and are engaging in the process it is time to strategically plan how you want to develop tourism in your community. Francis O. Boggus Francis O. Boggus & Associates Community Development & Planning DeMoines, Iowa Planning for Heritage Tourism • Insights on how to proceed • Strategic planning - Why Plan? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A guide A reason A way A Road map What to keep and what to change Understand capacity and resources A method Planning for Heritage Tourism • Strategic Planning Components: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mission- why we do this Vision- Where you want to be Analysis of current situation Goals Strategies Planning for Heritage Tourism • Components :Continued1. 2. 3. 4. Resources Action Evaluation Celebration Planning for Heritage Tourism • Action Planning: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Analyzing tasks Identifying and acquiring resources Identifying staff and volunteers needed to complete activities Evaluation to determine when tasks are accomplished Timeline for accomplishments set Use an Action Planning form A tool to summarize your plans, who is responsible and a timeline. -a reminder -an outline for follow-up -a place to review on accomplishment Planning for Heritage Tourism Strategic Planning * Capacity Approach • Build on what is good and not what is wrong • Addressing what is wrong will work itself out Planning for Heritage Tourism Favorites Exercise look at what you need to preserve 1. Favorite things to do 2. Favorite places to go 3. Favorite reasons to live here Planning for Heritage Tourism Visioning- 5 years into the future: 1. What are its characteristics? 2. What does it look like? 3. Organize into common categories Planning for Heritage Tourism Values Exercise: What are the core values of the community? Planning for Heritage Tourism Transitioning to Action: 1. Moving from the desired condition to the real 2. What needs to happen in the next year? 3. What issues need to be addressed? Planning for Heritage Tourism Action planning: 1. Prioritization Exercise - One thing 2. Organization 3. Action Planning Sheets Planning for Heritage Tourism Environmental Scanning: 1. Help/Hindering exercise 2. SWOT Analysis Planning for Heritage Tourism Implementation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Task analysis Resources Development plan Recruit community members Monthly meetings Celebration of success What next? Planning for Heritage Tourism one year later Revisiting and reinvigorating the vision 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Revisit the Vision Changes Reprioritizing Action planning What next? Planning for Heritage Tourism Strategic Planning Considerations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Forever process It is organic Plan does not sit on shelf Creates action Build on small successes Planning for Heritage Tourism Process Design Process Continue to ask these questions 1. 2. 3. What? Why? Who? Planning for Heritage Tourism Understanding the Planning Process 1. Successful planning process built on trust, mutual respect and collaboration 2. A good planned process helps achieve: a. b. c. d. Attracting right kind of visitors to the community Developing necessary services, products, and infrastructure Maximizing opportunities presented by tourism as job and business generating Ensuring tourism is sustainable for both business and community from an economic, social, cultural and environmental perspective 3. Ensuring the efficient and effective use of resources and funds WANTED –peer reviewers For all or part of our upcoming web resources and We want to send you the announcement of web resources going live. Please leave your email in the chat box – and indicate: Reviewer . . . Announcement or Both Francis O. Boggus Francis O. Boggus & Associates Community Development & Planning DeMoines, Iowa