DIANA PEER MASTER PRINCIPAL LEADER ESTABLISHING THE VISION, MISSION, AND GOALS OF A PLC ARKANSAS LEADERSHIP ACADEMY - AASCD CONFERENCE 2011 WHO ARE WE? Introductions NORMS ARKANSAS LEADERSHIP ACADEMY - AASCD CONFERENCE 2011 WHY ARE WE HERE? Context: Whole school core beliefs, vision, mission, goals and action Essential Question: What is the work? Establishing a vision, mission, and goals which support the initiation of professional learning communities Objective: Why are you here? What do you want to “take-out”? ARKANSAS LEADERSHIP ACADEMY - AASCD CONFERENCE 2011 DUFOUR, DUFOUR, & EAKER • • • • Mission (purpose) Vision (clear direction) Values (collective commitments) Goals (indicators, timelines, and targets) ARKANSAS LEADERSHIP ACADEMY - AASCD CONFERENCE 2011 “HOURGLASS” MODEL OF STRATEGIC PLANNING Results Short Term Results Action Plans Benchmarks Goals Current Reality Mission Shared Vision Shared Core Beliefs © 1991 Arkansas Leadership Academy University Arkansas Arkansas LeadershipofAcademy - AASCD AllConference Rights Reserved 2011 BELIEFS What do we believe? Statement of Core Beliefs A list of 15 – 24 statements that captured widely shared beliefs about the organization’s customers, how those customers should be served and treated, and how the organization should be structured, operated, and connected to its surroundings in meeting customers needs. Approximately 1 – 2 pages. What do we believe about adult learning? Activities: All-on-the-Wall Fist- to- Five ARKANSAS LEADERSHIP ACADEMY - AASCD CONFERENCE 2011 All-on-the-Wall Purpose: give everyone voice and increase buy-in, identify COMMON beliefs/values Process: Individual ->pairs ->small groups ->whole group Materials: scratch paper, 5X7 cards, dark markers, tape & wall space OR storyboard and pins Facilitator: check for understanding, clustering, frequency, participation Arkansas Leadership Academy - AASCD Conference 2011 Fist-to-Five Purpose: consensus and buy-in 5 = full agreement – YES!!! 4 = agree - yes 3 = not sure, but will agree - OK 2 = disagree – not really 1 = no 0 = will push against it Process: Show fingers on level of agreement. Facilitator: If not all 4-5, keep processing or omit from COMMON beliefs. Arkansas Leadership Academy - AASCD Conference 2011 “HOURGLASS” MODEL OF STRATEGIC PLANNING Results Short Term Results Action Plans Benchmarks Goals Current Reality Mission Shared Vision Shared Core Beliefs © 1991 Arkansas Leadership Academy University Arkansas Arkansas LeadershipofAcademy - AASCD AllConference Rights Reserved 2011 VISION HTTP://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=Q_CFXILSUC0 ARKANSAS LEADERSHIP ACADEMY - AASCD CONFERENCE 2011 VISION “The very essence of a learning community is a focus on and a commitment to the learning of each student.” Shared vision…. motivates and energizes people creates a proactive orientation gives direction to people within the organization establishes specific standards of excellence CREATES A CLEAR AGENDA FOR ACTION DuFour, DuFour, Eaker, p. 15, 143 ARKANSAS LEADERSHIP ACADEMY - AASCD CONFERENCE 2011 VISION STATEMENT What do we hope to become? A description of the ideal state that serves to inspire and guide the work of the organization. In a paragraph or two, the vision statement presents “images of preferred conditions” and portrays standards of excellence that the organization strives toward. Less than one page. What would a great PLC look like? Activities: Brainstorm Capturing a Vision ARKANSAS LEADERSHIP ACADEMY - AASCD CONFERENCE 2011 Brainstorming Purpose: generate lots of ideas, inclusive of voice, no judgment Process: use big paper, short time, capture all ideas Facilitator: check for participation, 2nd step is clarification Need additional tools for selection and agreement. Arkansas Leadership Academy - AASCD Conference 2011 Capturing a Vision • • • • Newspaper headline (goals) Bumper sticker (main message) Draw the ideal team member (qualities) 3-5 panel storyboard (show actions) Be creative! Have fun! Use a combination of activities with many small groups. Arkansas Leadership Academy - AASCD Conference 2011 “HOURGLASS” MODEL OF STRATEGIC PLANNING Results Short Term Results Action Plans Benchmarks Goals Current Reality Mission Shared Vision Shared Core Beliefs © 1991 Arkansas Leadership Academy University Arkansas Arkansas LeadershipofAcademy - AASCD AllConference Rights Reserved 2011 MISSION Why do we exist? A clear, concise statement that indicates who the customer is, what the ultimate outcomes are, what products, services, or relationships the organizations provides, and how members of the organization work toward achieving the desired results. Less than 50 words is ideal. ARKANSAS LEADERSHIP ACADEMY - AASCD CONFERENCE 2011 MISSION Why do we exist? A clear, concise statement that indicates who the customer is, what the ultimate outcomes are, what products, services, or relationships the organizations provides, and how members of the organization work toward achieving the desired results . Less than 50 words is ideal. ARKANSAS LEADERSHIP ACADEMY - AASCD CONFERENCE 2011 MISSION “Six essential factors work in concert to produce a sense of shared responsibility for student success.” 1. Compelling purpose, shared standards, and academic focus 2. Collective efficacy and shared responsibility for student learning 3. Collaborative culture 4. Communal application of effective teaching practices and deprivatized practice 5. Relational trust in one another, in students, and in parents 6. Individual and group learning based on on-going assessment and feedback “Without such a focus, groups spend their time talking about and around peripheral issues instead of working on the work of learning and teaching.” (Garmston & Wellman, p. 15) ARKANSAS LEADERSHIP ACADEMY - AASCD CONFERENCE 2011 “HOURGLASS” MODEL OF STRATEGIC PLANNING Results Short Term Results Action Plans Benchmarks How do you know ? Goals Current Reality Mission Shared Vision Shared Core Beliefs © 1991 Arkansas Leadership Academy University Arkansas Arkansas LeadershipofAcademy - AASCD AllConference Rights Reserved 2011 “HOURGLASS” MODEL OF STRATEGIC PLANNING Results Short Term Results Action Plans Benchmarks Goals Current Reality Mission Shared Vision Shared Core Beliefs © 1991 Arkansas Leadership Academy University Arkansas Arkansas LeadershipofAcademy - AASCD AllConference Rights Reserved 2011 GOALS What results do we seek and how will we know we are making progress? Four to five urgent and important targets or performance areas which must be acted upon if the organization is to be true to its beliefs, realize its vision, and accomplish its mission. ARKANSAS LEADERSHIP ACADEMY - AASCD CONFERENCE 2011 “HOURGLASS” MODEL OF STRATEGIC PLANNING Results Short Term Results Action Plans Benchmarks Goals Current Reality Mission Shared Vision Shared Core Beliefs © 1991 Arkansas Leadership Academy University Arkansas Arkansas LeadershipofAcademy - AASCD AllConference Rights Reserved 2011 HOW DID WE DO? Context: Whole school core beliefs, vision, mission, goals and action Essential Question: What is the work? Establishing a vision, mission, and goals which support the initiation of professional learning communities Objective: Why are you here? Take-Out….. Reflection on content & your next steps ARKANSAS LEADERSHIP ACADEMY - AASCD CONFERENCE 2011 REFERENCES DuFour, R., DuFour, R., & Eaker, R. (2008) Revisiting professional learning communities at work: New insights for improving schools. Bloomington, NJ: Solution Tree. Garmston, R. J., & Wellman, B. M. (2009) The adaptive school: A sourcebook for developing collaborative groups (2nd ed.). Norwood, MA: Christopher-Gordon. ARKANSAS LEADERSHIP ACADEMY - AASCD CONFERENCE 2011 Diana Peer Master Principal Leader Arkansas Leadership Academy dpeer@uark.edu (479) 575-3030 http://www.arkansasleadershipacademy.org ARKANSAS LEADERSHIP ACADEMY - AASCD CONFERENCE 2011