Ch. 10 and 11 review game

Every class will start with a daily grade
 Every time there is unnecessary talking
2 points will be deducted
 The points accumulated by each team
will be added to the daily grade at the
end of the day for a grade (If everyone
 The winning team will receive 5 bonus
points to their test grade
Governor Peace worked hard to
make Texas a strong state, setting
up the Permanent School Fund
which did what?
Provided money for schools
According to the 1848 treaty of
Guadalupe Hildago, the United
States gained a large amount of land
as a result of a(n)?
Under the state constitution, the
governor of Texas has the power
of veto, which means he can?
Prevent something from becoming a law
The belief that the United States had
the right to expand to the Pacific
Ocean was called?
Manifest Destiny
In 1850, the US Congress approved
popular sovereignty, which gave
territories the right to ?
Decide whether to allow slavery or not
The first Governor of the State of
Texas was?
James Pinckney Henderson
In 1845, Texas had to write a state
constitution. In it women were given
the right to?
Own Property
Ever Since Texas had won
independence, Mexico and Texas
disagreed on where their border
was. Mexico said the border with
Texas was the?
Nueces River
The power to make laws, two
houses, and meets every two years
--The best title for that description
would be?
Legislative Branch
Supreme court, district court,
and county courts are found in?
Judicial Branch
Until after the Compromise of 1850,
a major issue for the governors of
Texas was?
Settling the public debt
Which Texas border was set by the
U.S. Congress as part of the
compromise of 1850?
Texas 1845 state constitution
prevented who from voting?
 Native Americans
 African Americans
What offices did Houston and Rusk
hold in the first state government of
Members of the U.S. Senate
In the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo,
what did the United States give
Mexico in return for large amounts of
land in the west?
$15 million
At first, the state’s officeholders
were not part of any political party.
That changed in the 1840s. The
political party that dominated Texas
politics in the 1840s and 1850s was
Democratic Party
Texas used most of the money it
received for giving up its claim on
New Mexico to ?
Pay off the public debt
Immigration was responsible for
much of the growth of Texas
population between 1836 and 1850.
The great majority of immigrants to
Texas came from?
The United States
In 1845, Texas set up
reservations for native Americans
Try to end Indian raids
The factor that most attracted
people to come to Texas was its?
Availability of cheap land
The government of Texas wanted
the land developed to?
Make the value of the land go up
Immigration to Texas increased
after it became a state because?
Settlers felt better protected from Indian
The immigrants from the Lower
South generally started cotton
plantations in?
The Gulf Coast
Most immigrants from the Upper
Were poor farmers
In the 1840s and 1850s, the
population of African Americans in
Rose at a fast rate
German Settlers clashed with
other Texans over the issue of?
Thousands of Mexicans come to
Texas in the late 1800s and early
Because of revolutions in Mexico
Texans wrote a new constitution
in 1845 because?
Texas need to form a STATE
The Battles of Palo Alto, Resca, and
the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
were apart of what conflict?
The Mexican War
What ended the Mexican War?
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Final Jeopardy
The 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
and the Compromise of 1850 were used
to settle different conflicts. What did
each one do? List specific provisions.
(provision meaning what disputes did
they resolve, what was set up by them,
Treaty of GH
Compromise 1850
Ended Mexican War
Set Texas Border
Mexican Cession
Set Texas Western
Texas received 10
million for giving up
claims to New
Popular Sovereignty