Mock Exam Workshop

Block B
In general…
The mock exam is a learning experience
It lets you see how timing is really important
Take the comments we have given you and use these
to improve on November 5th
We wrote a lot of comments! Don’t let this intimidate
you. We want you to learn from this experience.
In general…
Higher level papers have more sophisticated use of
language, quote integration, and ideas.
It is possible that you hit all of the main points and
don’t get a 6.
 Your
style of writing is important too!
Stand alone -- positives
Most people included the title, author and prompt
Most people used quotes to support their points
Most people successfully discussed the jump as a
metaphor for making important decisions
Stand alone -- ways to improve
Answer the prompt in your introduction
Instead of:
In the poem “Prelude to Jumping in the River” by Katia Grubisic,
the jump acts as a metaphor for making important decisions.
The jump in the poem, “Prelude to Jumping in the River” by Katia
Grubisic, represents the many important steps in making an
important decision such as the mental preparation, the decision
itself, and the aftermath of that decision.
Stand alone – ways to improve
Stay focused on the prompt
Read the text carefully
 Many
of you misread the ending
Use proper quote integration techniques
Use only one paragraph
 Watch
your time here!
Synthesis -- positives
Everyone used a point by point comparison style
Most people used quotes as proof
Most people had a full developed essay
 Intro,
body paragraphs, conclusion
Most people cited their quotes
Synthesis – ways to improve
Answer the prompt in your introduction
Keep the prompt in mind as you write
Some of you got off topic!
Use proper quote integration techniques
Develop your points
Work on developing a stronger conclusion
Original Comp -- positives
Great ideas!
Original stories – very creative!
Many people wrote narratives
Everyone was on topic
Original Comp – ways to improve
Write a narrative (tell a story)
Write correctly
Many of you had run-on-sentences and sentence fragments!
Use sentence starters
It is hard to score above a 4 with an expository essay
Don’t always start with a subject – ex. I
Show vs. tell
Describe what is happening rather than just telling
If you would like to re-write a section of the exam, I
will give you time in class next class.
You will not be re-writing the exact same piece.
You will be offered a new selection to write about.
I would suggest starting with the section where you
need to improve the most.
Yes, you should take notes!
Poetry tips
Reread the poem
Examine the multiple choice questions
Read the poem out loud – whisper read
Annotate the poem; think with your pen
Focus on the beginning and end of the poem
Examine the title of the poem
Focus on what you do know
Consider doing poetry section last
Tone – “High School Senior”
Contrast – “Summer in Yakima Valley”
Metaphor – “Prelude to Jumping…”
Symbolism – “Birthday Present From…”
Theme – “Railway Club Blues”
Irony – “Ordinary Life”
Oftentimes deals with nature
See if you can tie to theme
Adjectives are essential - nostalgic
Avoid re-telling of plot
Avoid happy, mad, sad, glad
E.g. “Basement Stairs,” “High School Senior” and
“Quarry Pigeon Cove”
Can be done in two paras
Equal time
Look for shift in poem:
 yet,
but, and
 Stanza break, line break, white space
E.g. “Summer in the Yakima Valley”
Symbolism & Metaphor
Need to explain both sides of equation
Need multiple examples
E.g. “Birthday Present from First Born”
Look at end of poem
Examine the title
If a character learned something, you should too
Should be stated in subject verb format
Difference between lyric and didactic poetry themes
E.g. “Railway Club Blues”
More than one topic
MUST deal with both prompts
Not necessarily equal but cannot be one sentence
Generally the second topic is theme (see theme
page for details)
E.g. “Crab”
(imagery and attitude)
“Quarter Horse Colts” (imagery and theme)
Writing Tips
Author, title and prompt in topic sentence
“title of poem”
“speaker” not narrator
Don’t confuse author/poet with speaker
“~~~~~~” (l. 14).
“~~~~~[changed text]~~~~” (l.14).
“~~~~~/~~~~~~/~~~~~” (l. 14-16).
Be sure you have a concluding sentence
There will be a lot of irony – not just one or
two examples of it.
 Explain why it is ironic.
 Be sure to use APE here.
 Examine why the poet is using irony…what is
its effect.
E.g. “Ordinary Life”
Synthesis tips
Read the prompt first
Mark up the texts
Read the texts multiple times. You have the time to do
this! Use it.
Check bibliography on last page for citing
Select quotes carefully and avoid over or under
Integration of quotes is a higher level skill
Be sure to answer the prompt
Synthesis Writing Tips
Title, author, and prompt in introduction
“Title” or Title – check the reference page
Do not confuse author with narrator
“~~~~~~~” (para. 2).
“~~~~~ [changed text]~~~” (para, 2).
“~~~~~…~~~~” (para. 2).
Vary quote integration; limit full sentence quotes
Possible Synthesis topics
•Compare and contrast
most grade 10 topics
•Who is more / less X
Be-ers and Doers vs. Most Powerful
•How would x respond to y
Hap vs. Andy Warhol
•What qualities do they share?
Blindly vs. Versabraille
•Assess… (to what extent)
Circus in Town vs. Happyness
•Answer the prompt in the intro and use the body paragraphs to answer the
question “why”.
•Give as much evidence from the texts as possible.
•Use synthesis words between stories to smooth information
Original Composition
The markers want to see what you have learned in
12 years of education. This is your time to show off.
Consider doing this section first so fatigue isn’t a
This section should NOT be completed in less than
an hour.
I strongly advise you edit and proofread this section
Original Composition - Avoid
“In this paper I will…”
“It is very interesting / important / unique because…”
“As you can see…”; “So you can see I have proven…”
“It was a dark and stormy night…”
“And then I woke up…”
happy, mad, sad, glad, bad and other bad diction
Dialogue punctuated incorrectly or over done
Vulgar language or content
“And then…” structure that ends in too much plot
Long boring narratives
Poorly done parodies
Original Composition - Do
Have an interesting opening line
Answer the prompt fully
Try to illicit an emotional response
Focus on something small and do it well
Go over 300 words
Show off. It is about content AND style.
Remember your audience. The marker will not be
impressed that you wrote from a male perspective if
they have no idea you are female. And, they can
usually spot fabrications.
The difference between a 5 & 6
 most students write persuasively – maybe try
something different or a combination of styles.
Narratives work well.
 sentence variety
 sentence starters: noun, -ly ending, -ing ending,
subordinate conj.,
 try using similes, metaphors, irony, foreshadowing,
flashbacks, personification
Past Topics
The best gifts are the simplest ones
Role models influence our lives
Experiences shape relationships
We learn most from those closest to us
Memories influence our lives
Past Topics Continued
Our views of the past change as we mature
Self awareness leads to meaningful change
Certain events change our impressions of life