Informal Observations in KEEP by Evaluators and Observers October 16, 2013 Adobe Connect Webinar Bill Bagshaw, Kayeri Akweks KSDE WAIVER - Principle 3 Supporting Effective Instruction and Leadership Implement teacher and principal evaluations and support systems that: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Are used for continual improvement of instruction Use at least 3 performance levels Use multiple measures including student growth as significant factor Are used to evaluate on a regular basis Provide clear, timely, and useful feedback Are used to inform personnel decisions The Evaluation Process 1. Learner and Learning Components: 1.1 The teacher plans instruction based on learning and developmental levels of all students. 1.2 The teacher recognizes and fosters individual differences to establish a positive classroom culture. 1.3 The teacher establishes a classroom environment conducive to learning. 4. Content Knowledge Components: 4.1 The teacher engages in reflection and continuous growth. 4.2 The teacher participates in collaboration and leadership opportunities. TEACHER The constructs to be measured in the evaluation instrument: Construct 1: Learner and Learning Construct 4: Professional Responsibility Construct 2: Content Knowledge Construct 3: Instructional Practice 2. Content Knowledge Components: 2.1 The teacher demonstrates a thorough knowledge of the content. 2.2 The teacher provides a variety of innovative applications of knowledge. 3. Instructional Practice Components: 3.1 The teacher uses methods and techniques that are effective in meeting student needs. 3.2 The teacher uses varied assessments to measure learner progress. 3.3 The teacher delivers comprehensive instruction for students. Evaluation Process Evaluating the Teacher Thinking through and discussing the Process Discuss Rubrics Discuss Observations Discuss Artifacts Goals Selected Multiple Measures selected Timeline for Evaluation 1 Cycle 2 Cycles Teacher Process Required Steps Implementation Ideas Informal Observations First Example of Possible Informal Observation Checklist 1. The lesson plans show evidence of the Curriculum and Instructional Framework. 2. Evidence of differentiation of instruction is present. 3. Students work and collaborate in pairs or groups. 4. When asked, students can tell the purpose of what they are doing. 5. Hands-on materials, manipulatives used. 6. Evidence of higher level questioning is present. 7. All students are actively involved in the lesson. 8. Student work is displayed, current and linked to Curriculum and Instructional Framework. 9. Students are not typically completing worksheets. 10. Evidence of assessment/feedback is present. 11. Classroom is organized for instruction and is free of clutter. 12. Overall, the classroom climate is positive. Informal Observations Second Example of Informal Observations Checklist KEEP Repository Informal Observations – Teachers Can Have Multiple Observers, Including Their Evaluator KEEP Repository Informal Observations – per Construct and Component with Date KEEP Repository Designated Observers Enter Informal Observations Full Name Educator ID Evaluation Type Observer(s) Evaluator(s) Mark Fidiam xxxxxxxxx Teacher Evaluation Robert C Glitt Brian McNeal John Hendricks xxxxxxxxx Teacher Evaluation Robert C Glitt Jessica Pagineaue Diane Gobdens xxxxxxxxx Teacher Evaluation Parris Jill Wickman Kimberley Voss KEEP Repository Building Leaders and Observers Enter Informal Observations All Informal Observations are made through the Observations link on the left side menu. The Evaluator or Observer select their District, their Building and can enter the first or last name of the Evaluatee. Then enter the Observation under the appropriate Construct and Component. Use the Informal Observations during the Cycle Conferences and while completing the Summary Rate Sheet. KEEP Guided Practice NEW !! KEEP Guided Practice rainingportal/web/index.htm New Online Training – open 24/7 Individualized and Repeatable Includes multiple forms of Learning Available from links on the KEEP Webpage Must have JAVA enabled KEEP Webpage 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. News and Announcements KEEP Repository Registration KEEP Training Materials and Schedule Archives with Materials of Previous Trainings and Meetings Assurances Information Kansas Flexibility Waiver Materials Questions?? Contacts: Bill Bagshaw, Assistant Director Teacher Licensure & Accreditation 785.296.2198 Kayeri Akweks, Education Program Consultant Teacher Education and Licensure 785.296.5140 An Equal Employment/Educational Opportunity Agency The Kansas State Department of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: KSDE General Counsel, 120 SE 10th Ave., Topeka, KS 66612; 785-2963201