Unintended Learning

Unintended Learning
Geraud Brumfield
Shippensburg University
Have you ever sat and wondered how
someone learns something without someone
teaching it to them? Like learning how a deaf
person begins to understand how to read lips?
Or how a young child holds a pencil
Usually this skills aren’t offered in a
classroom but they are learned from
observing and trying it on their own. It is
called :
Unintentional Learning
What is Unintended Learning?
 Unintended learning is learning
that happens but in a non
traditional way
 Such as observing peers, on a computer, video
games, etc.
 It is also referred to as incidental learning or random
Why is important?
 It is believed that students learn the most
from experience and hands on training.
 Examples of this would be:
 Simulation games
 Computer Games
 By using these games, students get a chance to
learn without knowing it and without you teaching
What are some other terms?
 Formal learning refers to hierarchically structured school systems;
it runs from primary school through to university and organized
school-like programs created on the job for technical and professional
 Informal learning describes a lifelong process through which
learners acquire attitudes, values, skills and knowledge from daily
Some more terms
 Intentional learning is the process whereby an individual aims
at learning something and goes about achieving that objective in
any way necessary.
 Accidental learning happens when an individual learns
something by chance, without having planned or expected it.
MORE Terms
 Non-formal learning includes any kind of
organized educational activity outside the formal
system whether operating separately or as an
important feature of some broader activity intended
to serve identifiable learning objectives.”
Informal vs. Formal Learning
 This chart helps explain
what the differences
between informal and
formal learning. It also
discuss another exciting
topic: Intentional vs.
Unexpected Learning
 Informal Learning
 In this 10 minutes video, Jay answers all the
questions about informal learning. He goes
into detail about all the things people wonder
about informal (unintentional) learning.
Example Informal Learning
 What You Know about Math
 This YouTube video gives an example of
students rapping about math. It can be a
clincher to makes students begin to discover
math on their own. This video focus is
more for high school students.
Math Games to CHECK OUT
 X Factors
 In this game, student will be finding factors of
 For example, if the number is 12. The student will have to
match numbers together like 4 and 3; 12 and 1; and 6 and 2.
This way students are learning the factors of 12 without even
thinking about it.
Simulation Games to CHECK OUT
 Farm Frenzy
 In this game, students will get the opportunity to run
an effective farm by raising geese and having making
other products
 This game would provide students with problem
solving skills and logical skills that they will need to
use in everyday life
 Incidental Learning
 Case Study on Incidental Learning
4 Tips for Teachers
 Remember: Try to be a “facilitator of learning” and not a
“pusher of information’
 Allow students to learn on their own and from their peers
 Students tend to enjoy incidental learning a lot more than
sitting behind a desk trying to regurgitate information for a
 Make the lessons worthwhile for the students and not just for
your ease
 Informal Learning
 YouTube
 Case Study on Incidental Learning
 Incidental Learning
 Simulation Games
 Cool Math Games