Quia Level 2 Quarter 2 Week 1 Dotted Quarter Note Adding a DOT to a note: A dot after a note takes half the note value and adds it to the original note, creating a new note. Dotted Quarter Note 3 + 1 + 1½ = ½ = Draw Note Write Counts 6 Dotted Quarter Note Note Name: Dotted Quarter Note Note Duration: 1 ½ Counts Counting Dotted Quarter Notes 1_+_2 = = 1_+_2 + Rhythm Counting When counting dotted quarter notes, you connect all three counts with underscores 1_+_2 + 3_+_4 + 1_2_3_4 Rhythm Counting 1_+_2 + 3 + 4 (1_2) 3_+_4 + When the dotted quarter note comes before the eighth note, counting for dotted quarter notes will look like a sandwich with “numbers” sandwiching an “and sign” in the middle 1_+_2 + (1) + (2) + 1_+_2 + Rhythm Counting Staccato An Italian term that indicates notes should be short and separated Draw a staccato note next to the definition of staccato Legato An Italian term that indicates notes should be played smooth and connected Quia Level 2 Quarter 2 Week 2 Flats NAME: Flat Symbol What does a flat do to a note? A flat symbol lowers a note a half step Flats Practice drawing flats THREE times Flats Gb G Move down a HALF STEP from G Order of the Flats There is a certain order that flats get used in… WHAT’S THE ORDER OF THE FLATS? BEADGCF Flat Identification What flats are being used? Bb Eb Ab F D B G E C A F E Flat Identification What flats are being used? Bb Eb Ab Db Gb Cb Fb Flat Identification What flats are being used? Bb Finding “DO” NO FLATS OR SHARPS DO = C Finding “DO” NO FLATS OR SHARPS Key signature is CLEAR Finding “DO” ONE FLAT Do = F Finding “DO” ONE FLAT First Flat Rule for Finding “DO” The second to last flat is the key signature Rule for Finding “DO” 1.Find second to last flat 2.Determine name of the flat 3.Name of flat = DO DO = D-FLAT Finding “DO” TWO FLATS Do = B-flat Finding “DO” THREE FLATS Do = E-flat Finding “DO” FOUR FLATS Do = A-flat Finding “DO” FIVE FLATS Do = D-flat Finding “DO” SIX FLATS Do = G-flat Finding “DO” SEVEN FLATS Do = C-flat Practice Draw in the flats on the staff for the following key signature. DO = E-FLAT Practice Draw in the flats on the staff for the following key signatures. DO = G-FLAT Practice Draw in the flats on the staff for the following key signatures. DO = F Quia Level 2 Quarter 2 Week 3 Flat Review What’s the order of the flats? BEADGCF Flat Review What’s the rule for finding “DO”? The second to last flat is the key signature Flat Solfege WHAT IS DO? E-Flat DO TI DO RE MI Flat Solfege WHAT IS DO? F MI RE DO TI DO Flat Solfege WHAT IS DO? D-Flat DO TI LA TI DO Flat Solfege WHAT IS DO? C-Flat DO MI SOL MI DO Triad Definition: A chord of three notes, each a third apart Solfege Used for a Triad SOL MI DO Quia Level 2 Quarter 2 Week 4 Counting Dotted Quarter Notes = 1 +_2_+ When the eighth note comes before the dotted quarter note, counting for dotted quarter notes will look like a sandwich with “and signs” sandwiching a “number” in the middle Rhythm Counting 1 + 2 + 3 +_4_+ 1 +_2_+ (3_4) (1) 2_3_4 Rhythm Counting 1 +_2_+ (3) + 4 (+) Quia Level 2 Quarter 2 Week 5 Rhythm Counting (1_2) 3_+_4 + 1 +_2_+ 3_4 1 +_2_+ 3_+_4 + 1_2_3_4 Rhythm Counting 1_+_2 + 3 1 +_2_+ 3 1 2 +_3_+ (4) (1_2) 3_+_4 +