1a. Describe the general trend of human population growth over time.

p. 145 A.Q. 1ab, 2ac
p. 145 A.Q. 1ab, 2ac
1a. Describe the general trend of human population growth over time.
1a. The general trend of human population growth over time is that for tens
of thousands of years, the human population grew very slowly. Then, about
500 years ago, the population started to grow exponentially and increased
dramatically. The growth rate slowed in the second half of the twentieth
century; the population is still growing, but at a slower rate.
1b. What factors contributed to the pattern of growth shown in figure 5-11?
1b. Factors that contributed to the pattern of growth shown include harsh
living conditions that resulted in high death rates that occurred through most
of human history. Rapid population growth occurred when advances, such as
improved nutrition, healthcare, and sanitation, decreased the death rate.
p. 145 A.Q. 1ab, 2ac
2a. Why do populations in different countries grow at different rates?
2a. Populations in different countries grow at different rates because they
have different birthrates, death rates, and age structures.
2c. Are age-structured diagrams useful in predicting future population
2c. Your answer here!