English Language Arts 7 September 2014 Welcome to English 7! • Please find your nametag and sit quietly in your assigned seat Overview of Program • The aim on English language arts is to enable each student to: • Understand and appreciate language • Use language confidently and competently • Use language in a variety of situations for communication, personal satisfaction and learning Units • Unit one: Planning and maintaining an independent reading/writing life and literature appreciation and selection (An Author Study) • Unit two: Overcoming Prejudice (Literature Circle on the novel “The Cay”) • Unit three: Relationships- Family/Parents, Friends, Community School and Church, Bullying (Exploring Short Stories and Poetry) • Unit Four: Identity - Coming of age, Individuality, Dreams, Goals, Prejudices, Disabilities, Racism, Gender roles, Personal obstacles (Exploring Short Stories and Poetry) • Unit Five: Reading Comprehension, Review & Study Skills Home Reading • Literature: students must be prepared to meet new literacy demands in Canada and the global community. • It is expected that students read print and media text throughout the day. • While at school, we will provide the skills necessary for students to process information while reading. However, it is imperative that students practice reading quality print and media text at home on a regular basis. Assessment Breakdown: Assessment will be Cumulative • Unit Assignments- 40% • Spelling, Grammar & Comprehension Exercises • Writing- 25% • Independent & Group Work- 10% • Final Exam- 25% Homework • Assigned homework is designed to help prepare students for the next assignment, practice for an exam, or if a students need to catch up. • If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Sydora for students in 7A at • Audrey.Sydroa@ecsd.net • or Miss Wosar for students in 7B & C at LilyAnna.Wosar@ecsd.net REMIND 101 APP: • This application is designed to send out quick messages to remind students and parents about upcoming assignment due dates, tests, and other class events using email and text message formats. We encourage you to register at the links below: • Miss Wosar: • Sign up for text message alerts by texting this number (204) 4802597 and putting @misswos in the reply box. • Sign up for email alerts by emailing this address misswos@mail.remind.com and putting @misswos in the reply box. • Miss Sydora: • Sign up for text message alerts by texting this number (778) 6545906 and putting @mssydo in the reply box. • Sign up for email alerts by emailing this address mssydo@mail.remind.com and putting @mssydo in the reply box Expectations and Rules • Come to class prepared and ready to participate with all required materials. • All major writing assignments will have the majority of time to complete in class but unfinished work will be sent home and due the following class. • Students who miss class are still responsible for the work missed. Please check http://english7mtc.weebly.com on a weekly basis for posted assignments and additional resources. It is crucial that students who miss a quiz or exam arrange for a time to write the quiz or exam as soon as possible. • A printout on any missed or late assignments will be sent home to parents a few weeks prior to report cards. I will contact the parents right away in regards to struggling students or students who seem to be falling behind. • Food and drinks are not permitted in class unless the drink is in a sealed container. Routines: Beginning of Class • You are expected to come to class on time everyday ready to learn with all materials. This includes: • Coming in without talking • Grab your name tag and duo tang and walk to your assigned seat • Complete the 10 minute Daily Write that is on the SmartBoard. (If you are late, you will have less time do do your Daily Write). • After your are finished your DW, you may read quietly. You SHOULD take almost the full 10 minutes given for the DW. • When the 10 minutes is up, DW will be collected and the main lesson will begin Routine- Main Lesson • During the main lesson, you are expected to listen, contribute to the discussions, respect your teacher and classmates, and always put in your best effort. • Each week we will devote time to some of the following activities: 1. Grammar Exercises (2 minute Grammar Minute) 2. A weekly Spelling Test 3. Library and Independent Reading Classroom Procedures • Coming in late- check in with office, enter quietly and join in the activity without disruptions • Washroom Breaks- use time before, between and after classes to use the washroom • Water Breaks- bring a water bottle, or follow the same procedure as with washroom breaks • Leaving Early- if you are excused to leave, clean up quietly, and assume any unfinished work is due the follow class. • Electronic Devices- Either they stay in your locker, or they go in the bin at the front of the classroom UNLESS we have given you permission to use the device during class time. • End of class cleanup- you will get a 5 minute warning to clean up your space and wait quietly in your seat for the bell • Respecting Classroom Property- respect classroom and other students’ property at all times Interview BINGO • Go around the class and see if you can get a full BINGO card! Ask as many people as you can in the time you are given! • Get them to print their name on your card if they have the correct answer to your question! 2 Truths and a Lie • Write on a piece of paper THREE things yourself which may not be known to the others in the group. Two are true and one is not. • Taking turns, you will read out the three ‘facts’ about yourself and the rest of the class votes on which are true and false! Interviews • You will be divided into groups of 2. • Take 3 minutes to interview each other. Each interviewer has to find 3 interesting facts about their partner. • Everyone will then be brought back to together and ask everyone to present the 3 facts about their partner to the rest of the group.