Context Clues PPT.

Using Context Clues
The definition of the word is given to
you in the sentence either by
restatement or other hints to the
meaning of the word
Context Clues
Example 1:
It isn’t easy to live with misoneism, that is, the
hatred of anything new.
“that is” is a common phrase that lets you know
the information that follows is restating the
definition in simpler words.
this means, in other words, or,
also known as, also called
Context Clues
Example 2:
People with misoneism may not want to try
anything innovative (new).
In this example they have actually given you the
definition in parentheses. Sometimes you will also see
an appositive used also.
Context Clues
Once you have figured out the meaning of a
new word, it is a good idea to write a synonym
for the word that helps you understand it better.
Context Clues :Practice Together
“Art for art’s sake” was the dictum, or formal
pronouncement, that guided late nineteenthcentury artists to paint genteel landscapes and
formal portraits. By 1900, however, a few young
American painters had a new exhortation, “Art for
life’s sake,” a rallying cry that attracted many
converts. These rebels sought to paint “real life” in
all its squalidness—including poverty and disorder—
and their paintings often showed run-down
tenements. Critics hated the “indecorous” (meaning
vulgar) content of the rebels’ paintings, and dubbed
their style “the ash can school.”
Context Clues: Practice Together
• Dictum
– Formal pronouncement (official announcement)
• Exhortation
– A rallying cry (chant/slogan)
• Squalidness
– The bad/ugly parts (poverty/crime…)
• Indecorous
– Vulgar
Final Practice:
Joanna’s new boyfriend is quite an Adonis; in
truth, he is the most handsome man I have ever
Context Clues Day 2
Example 1
Val’s rendition of the trumpet solo was impressiveI have seldom heard a better performance of that
What part gives you a clue?
What does rendition mean in your own words?
Context Clues Day 2
Nanotechnology, or the process of
creating micro-miniature equipment by
manipulating atoms and molecules, is
nanotechnology: the process of
creating microminiature equipment by
manipulating atoms and molecules
Context Clues Day 2
The business downturn of the Great
Depression was pervasive—it
affected all sectors of the economy.
pervasive: spread or diffused throughout
Context Clues Day 2
Like chirps from a bird, the soprano’s notes
twittered above the orchestra.
twittered: made a series of light sharp
chirping sounds
Context Clues Day 2
Tom is an inflexible supporter of lower taxes, but
Li is less doctrinaire on economic issues.
doctrinaire: opinionated, inflexible, dogmatic
Context Clues Day 2
Because Gary looked so sullen, we asked how
we might improve his mood.
sullen: gloomy, disagreeable
Context Clues Day 2
At the old house, signs of dilapidation included
a sagging porch, broken windows, and flaking
dilapidation: ruin, neglect, falling to pieces,
On a scrap sheet of paper make up a word
(COMPLETELY MADE UP!!!). Use it in a sentence
so that someone who doesn’t know what it
means will be able to figure it out.