
A Starwars Mitosis Story
By Skylar DeLemos
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… there lived an evil emperor named
Darth Vader. He lived contently in his home, the Death Star, with the Dark
Lord of the Sith, and his minions, wreaking havoc and fighting in wars.
But one day, while Vader was admiring the power generator in the center of the
death star, the rebel forces appeared and came to disturb his way of life. Soon
enough, Darth Vader recognized his foes from a previous encounter. They were
Han Solo, Chewbacca, Anakin Skywalker, and Princess Lea. They were trying to
destroy the Death Star!
As the enemy approached the home, their ships shot out long tentacles that
attached onto each side of the Death Star.
Not too soon after, they started to pull. Darth Vader’s home was being split in
half! Including the energy generator in the center!
Luckily, the Sith lord was prepared. He sent fixer drones to make
the two halves of the Death Star into two different “daughter
death stars”, if you will. As the rebel forces fled, Darth Vader,
the Sith Lord, and their minions celebrated their victory.
“Now we have a vacation home!” exclaimed the
masked lord with joy. And they lived happily
ever after. THE END 
= Entire cell
= Chromasomes
= Spindlefibers
= 2 new daughter
= chromatin
Interphase: Darth Vader & Friends living contently
in the Death Star
Anaphase: The 2 ships pull apart the Death Star
into 2
Telophase: Worker drones create 2 separate
daughter Death Stars
• http://www.topstarwarstoys.com/wpcontent/uploads/2008/11/lego-millenniumfalcon-ship.jpg
• http://worldfamousdesignjunkies.com/djunk/
• http://www.windycitylefty.com/images/death