Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand. Inquiry-based learning video a seeking for truth, information, or knowledge -- seeking information by questioning. 由學生為主導的學習模式,老師扮演輔導 的角色協作學生建構知識。在學習過程 中,學生需要不斷發問及透過蒐集及分析 資料去解答問題。 從概念的界定來看,是指於課堂教學中 進行 探究,讓學生在教師的有效指導下和相互交流 的自發反思下,按照教材分析和教師的指示或 提問、或所提供的訊息,通過主體參與學習, 自主探討解決問題的方式,有效理解學習內容 , 從而達到自主學習 的目的。 「 教師引導、學生主體 」為基本精神,以避 免學生在好奇心的驅使下從事盲目和低效能的 自發探究活動。 學生在 探究過程中需要鑑定問題、搜 集資料及解決問題,以代替教師給予 「 正確 」 答案的做法。 探究學習並不強調尋 找 「 標準 」 或 「 正確 」 答案,而是為問題尋找適 切的解 決辦法,因為有些時候並沒有 「 標準 」 或 「 正確 」 的答案。 學生主動參與, 教師從旁協助 學生通過探究活動自行發現, 從中建 構出新知識 重視合作學習 注重證據為問題解決的基礎 重視學習的評估 分別是相對於教師與學生 當教師在幫助學生獲得訊息、觀念、技 能、價值、思考方式及表達方法的同時, 也是在教導學生如何學習。 是老師提供學生與專業知識有關的問題,作為學生 研究活動的主軸,或者是學生自行找到想要研究的 問題。 根據問題提出假設以及暫時性答案,而後收集與假 設有關的資料,接著評估及分析資料,最後得到結 論。 不管任何學科,只要經歷過界定問題,提出暫時性 解答的假設、收集資料 (包括實驗)、分析資料並與先 前的假設作比較,是證實還是推翻假設等過程,都 可稱為探究教學法。 探究教學法是一種有系統、有組織的教學 策略,利用循序漸進的問題技巧,設計周 密的教學歷程,以培養兒童明確的認知概 念、客觀的處事態度、獨立的思考能力, 以及正確的價值觀念。 在解決問題的過程中,學生不只學到專業 知識與要解決的問之間的連結,還學到如 何解決問題的程序。 1.指導式探究: ◦ 主要目的在於教導學生學習,也就是協助學生 「學習如何學習」。 ◦ 教師可在學生進行探究之前或在探究之中給予 指示和引導,再讓學生實際進行探究並自行發 現答案之所在,兼顧教師和學生的角色。 ◦ 在指導式探究教學中,教師在提出問題、促進 反應、組織材料和情境上皆有相當重要的任務, 教師可說是整個學習的領導者和組織者。 1.教師的角色是班級活動的領導者(提出問 題、促進反應、組織材料和情境) 2.學生要對各種事件、資料或材料作反應, 並根據觀察建立某種有意義的關係。 3.學生思考的過程是由特殊的觀察到推論, 教師要鼓勵每位學生相互溝通。 2.非指導式探究: ◦ 美國科學教育學者卡林及桑德(Carin & Sund, 1985) 認為 學生要從事非指導式的探究學習時,必須自己能夠發掘問 題,提出其所欲探討的問題。 ◦ 學生是主動的、積極的,教師只是居於協助的地位,不給 予任何的指導,在整個探究過程中完全由學生自行決定所 需蒐集的資料,並加以整理,最後自行獲得答案,解決問 題。 ◦ 皮亞傑(J. Piaget)認為並不是每一個小學階段的兒童皆有 完全自由探究和發現的能力,所以,在進行非指導式探究 時,要注意的是,並非所有的學生皆適合使用非指導式探 究的教學法。 1.教師在整個過程中只控制材料和提出一些 簡單的問題。 2.學生從觀察探究中獲得有意義的關係或型 態。 3.教師鼓勵學生提供自己的推論與其他人分 享。 探究式教學類型比較 教學 重點 教師 角色 學生 角色 指導式探究教學 非指導式探究教學 教師在學生進行探究式之 探究式過程中完全由學 前或在探究式之中給予指 生自行去決定所需蒐集 示和引導,再讓學生實際 的資料,並加以整理, 進行探究並自行發現答案 最後自行獲得答案,解 所在。 決問題。 教師是班級活動的領導者,教師是居於協助的地位, 教學活動中鼓勵每位學生 不給予任何指導。 相互溝通。 對各種事件、資料或材料 積極主動的去決定蒐集 作反應,並根據觀察去建 資料、整理資料和獲得 立某種有意義的關係。 答案解決問題。 a question(s) related to the topic of inquiry to be explored (問題陳述), followed by an investigation and gathering of information related to the question (資料蒐集), continuing with a discussion of findings (分析), commencing with a reflection on what was learned (應用/結論). Not Essential: ◦ “What is it like to live in Hong Kong?" Essential ◦ Which city in Southeast Asia is the best place to live? Not Essential: ◦ “What is AIDS?" Essential: ◦ Which serious disease most deserves research funding? What are Fat Question? ◦ Open-ended questions, which can be argued and supported by evidence. Examples: ◦ Skinny Question: "When was the Declaration of Independence signed?" ◦ Fat Question: "What would have happened had we not signed it?” 1. Consider the focus of the unit or lesson activity: ◦ 2. Substance abuse, drug addiction, legal & illegal drugs (use your inspiration mind map) Ideas for a good essential question: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ May stem from your particular interests in a topic (e.g. What makes a drug “good”?, community resources (How is China dealing with substance abuse?) Begin with the 6 typical queries that newspaper articles address: Who? What? Where? When? Why? and How? From these questions formulate your essential question. Use: Which one? How? What if? Should? Why? 開放性問題; that is, it typically will not have a single, final, and correct answer. 引起思考的問題與有智慧的融入, often sparking discussion and debate. 高層次思考, such as analysis, inference, evaluation, prediction. It cannot be effectively answered by recall alone. 在學科間指出重要的、可轉移的概念 提出延伸的問題and sparks further inquiry. 需要支援與辯護的問題, not just an answer. 可能會一再修改的問題the question can and should be revisited again and again. ◦ problem-based learning: learning that starts with an ill-structured problem or case-study ◦ project-based learning: students create a project or presentation as a demonstration of their understanding ◦ design-based learning: learning through the working design of a solution to a complex problem 1. 提供學生豐富的資訊資源 2. 學生能具備資訊素養技能 3. 探究的情境在教室中發現 4. 提供鷹架支持讓學生能發展引導問題 5. 學生能完成資訊搜尋過程 6. 學生發展自己的研究過程 7. 學生學習報告自己的發現(Chu, 2008) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 閱讀理解 寫作能力 資訊素養 資訊科技知識 學科知識 待人接物及溝通 能力 7. 表達能力 8. 研究技巧 9. 自主學習能力 10. 認知能力 11. 解難能力 12. 自信能力 發現新議題 發現議題 反思檢討/應用 尋找資料 討論及澄清 產生新觀點 進行探究活動 Source: Inquiry page 24 探究式學習模式 A New Model for Inquiry by Harwood, W. S. Inquiry Model The Big 6, Information Seeking Process Model of the Information Search Process 階段 開始 選擇 探索 闡述 蒐集 表達 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------→ 情感 不明確 (affective) 想法 (cognitive) 樂觀 混亂/ 沮喪/ 懷疑 清楚 有方向/ 滿意或 失望 信心 模糊-------------------------------------→焦點集中 -----------------------------------------------→ 興趣增加 尋求相關資訊-----------------------------------→ 行動 (physical) 探索 尋求適當資訊 文件 (Kuhlthau, 2004, p. 82.) Kuhlthau, Maniotes & Caspari. Guided Inquiry, 2007; 2012 Key inquiry themes •Questioning approach •Emotional engagement •Student choice •Authentic, real life purpose – “mattering” •Student challenge •Reflection Hmmm?So oo? •It’s not over till it’s over •Focus on use of experts for information… Guided inquiry provides a framework for collaborative planning between school library staff and teachers, to support students as they attempt to work through and select from the vast amount of information available today. Guided Inquiry to guide students through the inquiry process Grounded in the research of the information search process. Based on a constructivist approach to learning in a complex information environment. Goal is to prepare students for living and working in changing information environment of the 21st century. 階段 任務 Open invitation to inquiry; open minds; stimulate curiosity Immerse build background knowledge; connect to content; discover interesting ideas Explore explore interesting ideas; look around; dip into information a little Identify pause and ponder; identify inquiry question; decide direction Gather gather important information; go broad; go deep Create reflect on learning; go beyond facts to make meaning; create to communicate Share learn from each other; share learning; tell your story Evaluate evaluate achievement of learning goals; reflect on content; reflect on process (Kuhlthau, Maniotes, Caspari, 2012) Inquiry Interventions Feelings Framing up Collaboration Planned support Tuning in Initiation Hope/ optimism Finding out Selection Uncertainty Sorting out Exploration Confusion/ Self-Doubt Doubt/ Frustration Going further Formulation Clarity Synthesis evaluation Construction/ presentation/ evaluation/ reflection Confidence/ satisfaction/ accomplishment …..?? Initiated through compelling situations/ meaningful questions Involves authentic activities which help students engage in problem solving and critical thinking Student choice over specific questions and presentation formats Students systematically engage with diverse information sources to build background knowledge, formulate their focus and collect pertinent information to construct new knowledge. Sustained dialogue between students, teachers, librarians as students develop their ideas/ concepts. Learning activities closely resemble the ways people are expected to to develop and use knowledge in the “real”, “working” world. Students feel valued, supported and acknowledged in their learning. Students have the opportunity to practice new skills to sustain learning. Guided Inquiry across the ISP GUIDED INQUIRY INFORMATION SEARCH PROCESS Open & Immerse Initiation & Selection Explore Exploration Identify Formulation Gather Collection Create & Share Presentation Evaluate Assessment Kuhlthau, Maniotes & Caspari. Guided Inquiry, 2007; 2012 COMPLEX LEARNING 資訊過程中的五種學習 課程內容 gaining knowledge, interpreting, and synthesizing 資訊素養 locating, evaluating, and using information 學習如何學習 initiating, selecting, exploring, focusing, collecting, presenting, and reflecting 閱讀能力 reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing 溝通技能 cooperating, collaborating, flexibility, and persistence Flexible Teams What? 核心團隊 延伸團隊 Who? Librarian, Subject Area Teacher +1 +1 = content area or classroom teacher learning specialist: literacy, gifted, LD resource technology Experts on learning Experts on content How? When? Flexible depending on •Unit/curricular need •Students’ interest •Learning needs Focus on five kinds of learning Assess all levels of learning From beginning of planning (conception) to end reflection (completion) Assist with literacy needs, learning needs and differentiation Museum, local /community, wider community— Internet based, Dipping in and out as needed throughout the inquiry Instructional Team Task 5 Kinds of Learning School Librarian Science Writing/Lang Life Science uage Arts X1 Information Literacy X1 How to Learn (ISP) X1 X2 Literacy Social Skills X2 X1 X2 X2 X2 Instructional Team Task 5 Kinds of Learning School Librarian Reading Specialist Science Content X1 Information Literacy X1 How to Learn (ISP) X1 Literacy Social Skills Classroom Teacher X2 X1 X1 X2 X2 Teaching and Assessing Five Kinds of Learning 5 Kinds of Learning School Librarian Social Studies Social Studies X1 Information Literacy X1 How to Learn (ISP) X1 X2 X1 Literacy Social Skills Language Arts X1 X2 X2 (KUHLTHAU AND MANIOTES, 2010) X2 develop skills they will need all their lives learn to cope with problems that may not have clear solutions deal with changes and challenges to understandings shape their search for solutions, now and in the future. Librarians have the training and expertise in how to locate, evaluate and use information. Librarians have broad knowledge of the extensive resources in the library, on the Internet and in the community. collaboration with classroom teachers increased where librarians focused on student learning and inquiry (Donham, Bishop, Kuhlthau & Oberg, 2001). teams of librarians and teachers guided students through the stages of the inquiry process, students went beyond merely fact finding to personal understanding (Todd, Kuhlthau & Heinstrom, 2008; Todd, 2006) . Kuhlthau, Maniotes & Caspari. Guided Inquiry, 2007; 2012 Guided Inquiry Team ➢ Three member core team ﹒ Build on expertise in the school ➢ Extended team ﹒ Build on the expertise in the community Librarians facilitate learning on the core team or the extended team. a school librarian a teacher classroom or subject area teacher or any of the other specialists in the school, such as a teacher specializing in reading, technology, music, art, or drama.