


Using your understanding of business aims and objectives, you have to set the aims and objectives for a well known organisation.

This will be based on Drayton Manor Park in Warwickshire


P3 – Write aims and objectives for a selected business

First Paragraph

Include sentences on:

• Is Drayton Manor Theme park private or public sector

• What type of Business ownership are they

• What is their purpose


• Discuss with a partner what may be suitable aims for Drayton Manor (5 mins max)

• Each pair to share their ideas with the class

Remember these will give the organisation its direction for the next year or so


Write a side heading aims

• Identify 3- 5 aims that you think would be suitable for Drayton Manor

• Write down your carefully worded aims

• After each aim write a paragraph explaining why you have chosen it and why it is important.


Write a side heading Objectives

• Identify a series of objectives that you think would be suitably support the aims you have written for Drayton Manor

• Write down your carefully worded objectives, ensuring each objective is SMART.

• After each objective write a paragraph explaining why you have chosen it, why it is important and how it is SMART.
