Score Keeper Training

Time Keeper
Kansas City Youth Lacrosse Assn.
Jack Yates, President
Lax Clock Model 4
Lax Clock Model 4
• Features
Game Clock
4 Penalty Clocks
Score Recorder
• Batteries
o 4 AA batteries power the clock.
o 2 9v batteries power horns (game and penalty expiration).
o Extra batteries in field box.
• Powering Up
o Press power button.
• Gives tone and runs internal diagnostics.
• Setting Game Clock
o Press Set/Clear Button in upper left part of clock.
Lax Clock Model 4
Game Clock
• Please report to the scorer’s table 15 minutes before the
start of the game to get materials from Field
Manager/Bench Official.
• Setting Game Clock
o Press Set/Clear button.
o Once indicator appears to left of 00:00, enter time.
• U-11=10 minutes, 5-8=12 Minutes Running Time.
• To enter, press number on number pad
o 1 0 0 0 or 1 2 0 0.
o If you make a mistake, push set/clear button to get back to 00:00.
• Setting time for quarter and half-time breaks.
o Between Quarters=2 minutes, Half=5 minutes.
o Team timeout, official tracks time.
• Starting/Stopping Game Clock
o Press All Clocks button on right side of number pad.
• First press starts, second press stops clock.
Lax Clock Model 4
Penalty Clocks
• Setting Penalty Clock
o Use left side for team on that side and right side for team on that side.
o Press set/clear button to left or right of penalty timer.
o Enter appropriate time
• 1.5 times the penalty announced by officials
o 30 second technical=:45
o 1 minute personal foul=1:30
o 2 minute personal foul=3:30
o 3 minute personal foul=4:30
• Start penalty clock by pressing penalty clock button.
o Game clock continues to run unless time out called.
• Releasing Penalty
o Count down out loud final ten seconds 10. . . then announce “Released”
Lax Clock Model 4
Penalty Clocks
• Penalty Clock Work Around
o Because the clock is designed for stopped clock games, it is not possible
to enter another penalty while the penalty clock is running. Here is the
work around:
• Press penalty clocks button on lower right side to stop penalty clocks.
• Quickly set time on second penalty.
• Press penalty clocks button to start all penalty clocks.
• This should add only a few seconds of penalty time.
• The penalty time does not start until the players is
kneeling in the penalty area or the whistle restarting
play, whichever is later.
Lax Clock Model 4
Horn Operation
• Controlling Horn
o Controlling Horn Volume
• End of period horn is VERY LOUD, so avoid pointing it toward anyone.
• If want reduced volume press horn volume button, which will reduce
volume significantly to the same level as the horn when the penalty
time is completed. This can be used when you have access to an air
horn and want to use that instead of clock’s horn.
• Using horn to signal end of time out, etc.
o Press On button, will give LOUD horn signal until you press the Horn Clear
• Stopping Horn
o When horn sounds it remain on until Horn Clear button is pressed. Let horn
run for several seconds until acknowledged by official.
o Horn turned off by pressing the Clear button.
Other Timekeeper Points
• Game Stop Clock Situations
o In fourth period, if game score is tied or the differential is 2 goals or less at
the 2 minute mark, the clock is stopped at every whistle until play
restarted by official’s whistle.
o Use the All Stop button to stop both game and penalty clocks.
o Should differential return to a 3 goal differential, stopped clock situation is
over unless the team behind scores another goal.
• More than 4 penalties
o A very rare situation, but should it happen timekeeper should note the
time on the game clock and calculate the when penalty would expire.
E.G, 1:30 personal foul penalty at 4:40. Penalty over at 3:10. A pen and
paper on hand can be helpful.
• Penalty Carry Over
o If there is time remaining on the penalty at the end of a period, the
penalized player must return to the penalty box at the start of the next
period of play.
Other Timekeeper Points
• Releasable vs. Non-releasable penalties
If a player on Team A is in the penalty box and Team B scores, that player’s penalty
period is released unless the official announcing the penalty states that the penalty
is non-releasable (the signal for this is palms touching above the official’s head). This
means the full penalty must be served.
If two players from different teams are assessed simultaneous fouls, (e.g.
unsportsmanlike conduct for shoving or mouthing off to one another, then both fouls
are deemed non-releasable and both must serve the full penalty time without
regard to whether the other team scored.
If a player commits a flag down foul, and during the time between the flag being
thrown and the restart is assessed a second foul, e.g. technical foul for push with
possession followed by a non-releasable personal foul for illegal check to the head,
the non-releasable foul is served first, and the other foul can be released by a goal
scored after the time for the non-releasable foul has been served .
A player serving two fouls, neither of which is non-releasable, is released for both if
the other team scores.
• When in doubt, ask the official.
• Assist the scorekeeper by helping determine who scored, the
type of foul assessed (technical or personal), and verifying
accuracy of the score sheet.