Differentiated Instruction Work Session MNPS Exceptional Education Department Let’s Date! For the next 5 minutes Krista Brad Casey Julie Craig Beverly Amy Kassie Diane I need you to find 9 dates. Make a clock on your paper and find a date for the different times. 1 o’clock, 2 o’clock, etc…until 9 o’clock. You should have 9 dates! Super Sleuth We are going to speed date! We will take 3 minutes to discuss the question that pertains to your date. When the timer goes off you will move onto to your next date and proceed to answer that question,etc… Super Sleuth/Speed Dating Questions What is your definition of differentiated instruction? 1 o’clock date Give an example of when you have used a low-preparation strategy that worked well for your students? 4 o’clock date Give an example of when you have used a high-preparation strategy that worked well for your students? 7 o’clock date When and how do you use small group instruction? What is a question that you have about differentiated instruction that you hope is answered today? 5 o’clock date How do you get to know how your students learn? What is one way that you have helped a struggling reader comprehend text? 6 o’clock date What are some quick assessments that you have used to learn more about what your students know? 9 o’clock date 2 o’clock date How do you provide choice within your classroom ? 3 o’clock date 8 o’clock date Let’s Refresh our memory… What is Differentiated Instruction? Differentiation isn't just about having different students do different things. Differentiated instruction is based on students' needs. What is differentiation? Differentiation is classroom practice that looks eyeball to eyeball with the reality that kids differ, and the most effective teachers do whatever it takes to hook the whole range of kids on learning. -Tomlinson (2001) Different vs. Differentiated Different… Debra is teaching her fifth graders how to write persuasive essays. She develops three different prompts for them to choose from. Students can write an essay to convince their parents to get a pet, to persuade the principal to extend recess time, or to ask their favorite author to come to the class. Differentiated… Rachel teaches her third grade class a writing minilesson about dialogue. She circulates the room as students write, and jots down the names of students who are experimenting with dialogue in their writing, noting their use of quotation marks. During independent writing time, she pulls the group of students who were not punctuating their dialogue and teaches a mini-lesson on quotation marks. Then she pulls the group of students who were using quotation marks correctly and introduces the concept of indenting for new speakers. Differentiated Classroom Structures for Literacy Instruction By: Diane Henry Leipzig (2000) http://www.readingrockets.org/article/264 9 Teachers Can Differentiate Content Process Product According to Students’ Readiness Interest Learning Profile Adapted from The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners (Tomlinson, 1999) The Key The Key to a differentiated classroom is that all students are regularly offered CHOICES and students are matched with tasks compatible with their individual learner profiles. Curriculum should be differentiated in three areas: 1. Content: Multiple option for taking in information 2. Process: Multiple options for making sense of the ideas 3. Product: Multiple options for expressing what they know -CHOICE- The Great Motivator! Requires children to be aware of their own readiness, interests, and learning profiles. Students have choices provided by the teacher. (YOU are still in charge of crafting challenging opportunities for all kiddos – NO taking the easy way out!) Use choice across the curriculum: writing topics, content writing prompts, self-selected reading, contract menus, math problems, spelling words, product and assessment options, seating, group arrangement, ETC . . . GUARANTEES BUY-IN AND ENTHUSIASM FOR LEARNING! Choice Boards Purpose of Choice Boards Homework After Reading or Problem Solving Learn a vocabulary word Projects for a certain topic or book Presentation or Demonstration Independent Work Demonstrate a Skill Primary Consideration: What is your learning target? What must ALL students: •Know •Understand •be able to Do Fractions Choice Board Learning Goals: Students will… KNOW: Fractions show parts of a whole and can be expressed numerically. UNDERSTAND: Fractions represent equal sized portions or fair shares. Be able to DO: Use different materials to demonstrate what the fraction looks like. Turville, J. (2007) Differentiating by Student Interest Turville, J. (2007) Differentiating by Student Interest Differentiation Strategy: STUDENT CHOICE THINK-TAC-TOE Book Report Draw a picture of the main character. Write a poem about two main events in the story. Create a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the introduction to the closing. Perform a play that shows the conclusion of a story. Write a song about one of the main events. Make a poster Dress up as your that shows the favorite character order of events in and perform a the story. speech telling who you are. Write two paragraphs about the main character. Write two paragraphs about the setting. Let’s Get to work! You have time now to work as you please (Partners, Individually, Group). Take this time to work on Choice Boards There are some examples for you to look at around the room and supplies for you to use. http://daretodifferentiate.wikispaces.com/ Choice+Boards www.pvusd.net/departments/GATE/choiceboards.php Pyramid of Learning 10 % 20% 30% 40% 70% 90% READING HEARING SEEING HEARING & SEEING DISCUSS WITH OTHERS TALK/WRITE OR DO/APPLY TIERED ACTIVITIES WHAT CAN BE TIERED? ASSIGNMENTS ACTIVITIES CENTERS & STATIONS LEARNING CONTRACTS ASSESSMENTS MATERIALS EXPERIMENTS WRITING PROMPTS HOMEWORK What is Tiered Instruction? Teachers use tiered activities so that all students focus on essential understandings and skills but at different levels of complexity, abstractness, and openendedness. By keeping the focus of the activity the same, but providing routes of access at varying degrees of difficulty, the teacher maximizes the likelihood that: 1) each student comes away with pivotal skills & understandings 2) each student is appropriately challenged. Let’s Get to work! You have time now to work as you please (Partners, Individually, Group). Take this time to work on a Tiered Activity There are some examples for you to look at around the room and supplies for you to use. Bill of Rights Example Template http://www.doe.state.in.us/exceptional/gt/tiered_curric ulum/welcome.html Remember… If you do not give students the opportunity to open there mouth, there brain will automatically do it for them. Think dots Just a different approach STUDENTS USE THINKDOT’s ThinkDots: • Students begin ThinkDots by sitting with other students using activity cards of the same color. • Students roll the die and complete the activity on the card that corresponds to the dots thrown on the die. • If the first roll is an activity that the student does not want to do a second roll is allowed. • Teachers can create an Activity Sheet to correspond to the lesson for easy recording and management. THINK DOTS Describe… Apply… Question… Argue for or against… Satirize… Compare and/or contrast… THINK DOTS Application: 1.Use “ThinkDOTS” to lead students into deeper exploration of a concept. 2.Use “ThinkDOTS” for review before assessment. 3.Use “ThinkDOTS” as an assessment. Let’s Get to work! You have time now to work as you please (Partners, Individually, Group). Take this time to work on Think Dots There are some examples for you to look at around the room and supplies for you to use. http://daretodifferentiate.wikispaces.com/ Cubing+and+Think+Dots Template Template WHY WOULD YOU USE CUBING/THINK DOTS? To engage your students in idea and information processing activities. To match your students learning profiles and current needs. To engage your students forward on many learning continuums. To identify the students readiness levels, interests, learning styles. To use an on-going assessment process. Social Studies Level 1 Social Studies Level 2 Social Studies Level 3 Cubing with Charlotte’s Web Basic Cube Abstract Cube 1.Draw Charlotte as you think she looks. 1.Use a graphics program on the computer and create a character web for Wilbur. 2.Use a Venn diagram and compare Charlotte and Fern. 2.Use symbols on a Venn diagram to compare Wilbur and Charlotte. 3.Use a comic strip to tell what happened in this chapter. 3.Draw the farm and label the items, people, and buildings. 4.Shut your eyes and describe the barn. Jot down your ideas. 4.Use a storyboard to show the progress of the plot to this point. 5.Predict what will happen in the next chapter using symbols. 5.What is the message that you think the writer wants people to remember? Draw a symbol that illustrates your ideas. 6.When you think of the title, do you agree or disagree that it is a good choice? Why or why not? 6.In your opinion, why is Charlotte a good friend? Example: Onomatopoeia Side One/Dot 1 Find an example of onomatopoeia in a poem from our anthology Side Two/Dot 2 Make a list of all the examples of onomatopoeia that you can think of in two minutes. Have your partner time you. Side Three/Dot 3 Write a letter to Webster’s Dictionary from onomatopoeia on the topic, “We are words, too! Include us!” Side Four/Dot 4 Write a limerick, concrete poem, or haiku using at least one example of onomatopoeia. Side Five/Dot 5 Side Six/Dot 6 Why do you think Research the origin of writers use the word onomatopoeia? What “onomatopoeia.” purpose does it serve? Where does it come from? What do its parts mean? Walkaway thought… “In the end, all learners need your energy, your heart, and your mind. They have that in common because they are young humans. How they need you, however, differs. Unless we understand and respond to those differences, we fail many learners.” - Carol Ann Tomlinson Thanks for your time and attention! We hope you enjoyed the presentation and learned something you can take back to your classroom/school! Instructional Facilitators with the Exceptional Education Department Kristi Coggin-Elementary kristi.coggin@mnps.org Jackie Clark-Middle Jacquelyn.Clark@mnps.org http://teacherinstitute.wikispaces.com