
How Can I Become More Christlike?
Jesus Christ set the perfect example
for us, & He has commanded us to
become as He is.
27 ...Therefore, what manner of men
ought ye to be? Verily I say unto you,
even as I am.
3 Nephi 27:27
We need to be a Christlike Christian
Learning to be like Christ is a lifelong pursuit.
You follow Christ’s example—develop His attributes
—one action and decision at a time.
Changing to become Christlike requires exercising
faith, repenting, keeping covenants, receiving an
increased measure of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to
the end.
One Action & Decision At A Time
Name Characteristics You Think Of
When You Think About Christ:
 Hope
 Charity
 Patience
 Humility
 Purity
 Diligence
 Courage
 Compassion
 Virtuous
 Knowledgeable
Christlike attributes are gifts from God. They
come as you use your agency righteously. Ask
your Heavenly Father to bless you with these
attributes; you cannot develop them without His
help. With a desire to please God, recognize your
weaknesses and be willing and anxious to
improve. (Preach My Gospel)
What Christlike Attribute Can you Work
on Developing?
After you have identified
the attribute you
want to work on, ask yourself:
How can I develop this attribute?
What must change in my heart, mind, and
actions to develop this attribute?
How will this attribute help me in my life?
How Can I Develop
These Attributes?
One of the best ways to emulate Christlike
attributes is to study the Savior’s life and try to
become like Him. If we are faithful,
Jesus Christ will continue to magnify our
talents and abilities and help us become
more like Him.
(Elder Jeffrey Holland)
Study The Savior’s Life & He
Will Help Us Become Like Him
48 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the
Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be
filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who
are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may
become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we
shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we
may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is
pure. Amen.
Moroni 7:48
Pray For Help
As you study and seek to develop the attributes described in this
[lesson] and other attributes found in the scriptures, the following
pattern may be helpful:
• Identify the attribute you wish to develop.
• Write a definition and description of the attribute.
• Record questions to answer as you study.
• List and study thoroughly passages of scripture that teach about the
• Record your feelings and impressions.
• Set goals and make plans to apply the attribute in your life.
• Pray for the Lord to help you develop the attribute.
• Evaluate your progress periodically in developing each attribute.
Follow This Pattern
President Thomas S. Monson taught...
Following Christ is not a casual or occasional
practice but a continuous commitment and way of
life that applies at all times and in all places.
Make A Continuous Commitment
How Will This
Help Me?
Think of a difficult situation you are facing in
your own lives. How would these attributes of
Christ help you respond to the situation
Being Christlike Will Help In Daily Life
In 2005 President Uchtdorf, a former
commercial pilot, compared Christlike
Attributes to the wind and force that are
required to fly a plane...
Hold up a piece of paper, and let
it fall to the floor. Then fold it into
a paper airplane, and throw it
softly so it flies. Compare the
change in the sheet of paper to
our acquiring Christlike attributes
that will “create the wind beneath
our wings” for the journey back to
our heavenly home.
Christlike attributes are the basics. They are the fundamental
principles that will create “the wind beneath our wings.” As we
develop Christlike attributes in our own lives, step-by-step,
they will “bear [us] up as on eagles’ wings” (D&C 124:18).
Our faith in Jesus Christ will provide power and a strong
forward thrust; our unwavering and active hope will provide a
powerful upward lift. Both faith and hope will carry us across
oceans of temptations, over mountains of afflictions, and bring
us safely back to our eternal home and destination.
As spirit children of our Heavenly Father, we do have the
potential to incorporate Christlike attributes into our life and
President Uchtdorf
In seeking to become more like the Savior, we need to
reevaluate our lives regularly and rely, through the
path of true repentance, upon the merits of Jesus Christ and
the blessings of His Atonement. (President Deiter Uchtdorf)
Re-evaluate Our Lives
Rely On Repentance
Jesus exemplified characteristics such as
faith, hope, charity, patience, humility,
purity, diligence, & obedience.
As we learn of Him and seek to
develop His attributes, we will become
the women He & our Heavenly Father
would like us to be.
Be Even As I Am...
Our goal is to
become Christlike.
Church standards
help us achieve
Follow The Leader...
Accept the invitation to
follow Him. You’ll
have joy in the journey
because he’ll walk
beside you.
He knows the way
He is the way...
Jeffrey R. Holland
Create the perfect
self portrait...
Turn your life into
a masterpiece.
Pattern yourself
after the Master.