從文法與句型開始 以英文寫作為果實 政大附中 溫宥基 前言 考試趨勢 三年的課程規劃 實施方式 結語 考試趨勢-1 共同科目英文科 填充、簡答、中譯英、英譯中、句子 改寫及句子重組等題型 選擇題至少佔76分,非選擇題最多佔 24分,考試時間則增加為100分鐘。 題型範例 共同科目英文科非選題 一、填充 測驗目標:評量考生根據篇章上下文所提供之線 索,瞭解文意並掌握詞彙及詞類用法的能力。 1. 他聰明得令人難以置信。 to too He is ______ smart ______ believe. 2. 每當你感到緊張不安的時候,溜狗是放鬆的好 方法。 Walking a dog is a good way to _______ relax _______ whenever you feel tense. 共同科目英文科非選題 二、簡答 1. Adam: Why didn’t you finish your homework? Paul: ________________________. I forgot about it. / I don’t know. 2. Mary: What took you so long? Betty: Before we could leave, ____________. I got a phone call 共同科目英文科非選題 三、中譯英 1.棒球是臺灣最受歡迎的運動之一。 Baseball is one of the most popular sports. 2.雖然我們無法控制氣候的變遷,卻能減 緩它持續惡化。 Although we can not control climate change, we can prevent it from worsening. 共同科目英文科非選題 四、英譯中 1. The seats for the outdoor concert are filling up fast today. 今天戶外音樂會的座位很快就坐滿了。 2. Driving drunk is not only illegal but also dangerous. 酒醉駕車不僅違法而且很危險。 共同科目英文科非選題 五、句子改寫 1. I do not like seafood. I do not like pizza. 提示:請以 neither….nor 合併改寫上列句子。 I like neither seafood nor pizza. 2. Tom has grown tired of city life. Tom is moving to the country. 提示:以連接詞 ‘so’ 合併改寫上列句子。 Tom has grown tired of city life, so he is moving to the country. 共同科目英文科非選題 六、句子重組 1. We/looking forward to/having/ are/ you/ back 提示:重組提供的字以完成英文句子。 We are looking forward to having you back . 2. Jimmy/brother/just/as/smart/his/is/as 提示:重組提供的字以完成英文句子。 Jimmy is just as smart as his brother. 考試趨勢-2 外語群英語類 選擇題至少佔60分,非選擇題至多佔 40分,選擇題及非選擇題之分數合計 為100分。 題型範例 一、翻譯測驗 測驗目標:評量考生能以正確、通順、 達意的中、英文進行雙向翻譯的能力。 外語群英語類 樣例(1) (The Wall Street Journal Asia) 2012/7/16 Asia has lost its economic stride. 1. After output bounced by nearly one-half since the depth of the global financial crisis in early 2009, the recovery fizzled. The effects of earlier stimulus, especially in China, have faded. Turmoil in Europe is increasingly taking its toll on global trade, and the U.S. recovery is losing steam. 2. Asian leaders are under pressure to act, and the mounting crisis may create political opportunities for radical measures. Structural reforms should be at the top of the to -do list. 外語群英語類 樣例(2) 近年流行的打工度假(working holiday),讓年輕人能 體驗不同工作,結交來自世界各國志同道合的朋友,甚 至找到一生的志業。 台灣青年向外走,可以利用我國與 他國簽訂的打工度假協定;3.外國青年則可利用勞力或 創意換取免費住宿,享受花小錢就能走訪台灣各地的樂 趣,這正是近來頗受歡迎的新興旅遊法! 「旅行,是年 輕人最好的導師。」這句法國俗諺鼓舞許多歐美青年背 起簡單行囊,遠離家鄉,到處打工換宿,體驗異地生活。 4.這種在國外行之有年的旅遊方式,又稱為打工度假, 近年也在國內蔚為風潮。 根據外交部統計,從開放申請 至今年 4 月底止,持各國打工度假簽證出國的台灣青年 共有 4 萬 9,626 人,其中又以沒有名額限制的澳洲人 數最多,至今累積人數達 3 萬 6,010 人。 外語群英語類 二、寫作測驗 此題型可能之類型為簡函寫作、看圖寫作、 主題式寫作。 (一)測驗目標:評量考生依據提示,運用 適當詞彙、句法寫出切合主題,並具有連 貫性短文的能力。 (二)作答說明: 1.請綜合所提供的文字提示寫一篇約 120 字(8 至 12 個句子)的英文短文。 外語群英語類 樣例-簡函寫作 提示: 1.上個星期你應朋友 Lily和 Susan 的邀請 去郊遊。你與她們一起做了許多令你印象 深刻的事情。現在,請你以 May 的身份寄 你照的相片給她們,並擬一封信謝謝他們 的邀請。另外,不要忘記邀請 Lily和 Susan 近期內到你位於台中的家中拜訪。 2.信的上下款應依下列格式寫出。 寫作佳作 外語群英語類 樣例-看圖寫作 提示:請仔細觀察並依據圖片內容,以“An Outing to the Yangmingshan National Park”為題寫出一篇短文, 務必描述When, Where , Who, What, Why, How以及 Which等細節 外語群英語類 樣例-主題式寫作 提示:請依據主題句與其他文字的引導,完成以 「Keeping a Diary」為主題的短文。 三年的課程規劃 高一: 練習五大基本句型並搭配句子背誦 高二: 強調翻譯練習及段落組織 高三: 引導式短文寫作 高一課程規劃 每二周介紹一個基本句型 搭配寫作用書,特別強調重點句型做分類 (筆記本) 每完成一課,要學生背誦填充題的句子並 考試(測驗本) 請參考附件並練習操作 老師補充資料-1 英文五大基本句型 句子可依動詞的種類,大致分成五種基本句型 分別如下: (1) S + Vi (完全不及物動詞) (2) S + Vi + SC (不完全不及物動詞) (3) S + Vt + O (完全及物動詞) (4) S + Vt + IO + DO (授與動詞) (5) S + Vt + O + OC (不完全及物動詞) 【第一句型】 S + VI 觀念: 有些動詞本身意思就很清楚,可以完整的表達 句子的意思。後面不須接「受詞」或「補語」。 例: 1. Nothing happened. (無事發生。) 2. Look! The baby is sleeping. (看!寶寶正在睡覺。) 3. It rained. (下雨了。) 4. My girlfriend laughed. (我的女友笑了。) 5. The movie ends. (電影結束。) 延伸句型(1) S + VI + (ADV.) 此句型指其後可以接副詞、副詞片語或副詞子句 來修飾其動詞。 例: 1. It rained heavily here. (這裡雨下得很大。) 2. Nothing happened last night. (昨晚沒事發生) 3. My girlfriend laughed when she saw Chienming Wang. (我女友看到王建民就笑了。) 延伸句型(2) S + VI + (介詞+O) 不及物動詞沒有直接受詞,所以如果後面有受 詞時,要先加上介系詞。 例: 1. Don’t laugh at others. (不要嘲笑別人。) 2. That handsome man smiled at me. (那個帥哥對我微笑) 3. When I was a kid, I slept with my parents. (當我是小孩的時候,我跟爸媽一起睡。) 高一課程規劃 筆記本 基本句型一: S + Vi (主詞+不及物動詞) 延伸句型: S + Vi + (adv.) /S + Vi + (介詞+O) I came up with some good ways to keep healthy yesterday. Leaves fall to the ground in autumn. On that day, David’s friends arrived together. Each happy face turned into a long one. 句子考試沒通過者,抄三遍。 【第二句型】 S + VI + SC 主詞 + BE動詞/連綴動詞 + 主詞補語 觀念: be動詞或連綴動詞(如look, sound, smell, taste, feel, get, become, keep…) 本身意思不完全清楚,因此要補充字 詞(即「補語」),使其句意完整。 例: 1 . The corn soup tasted delicious. (這碗玉米濃湯味道鮮美。) 2. I feel better after taking the medicine. (我吃藥後感覺好多 了。) 3. It’s getting hotter and hotter. (天氣愈來愈熱了。) 4. Keep quiet, please. (請保持安靜 。) 老師請試試看 高二課程規劃 以新聞議題為單元主題,帶入中翻英 及英翻中練習 從短文中了解段落結構,並做筆記(筆 記本) 每完成一單元,要學生背誦中翻英的 句子並考試(測驗本) 老師補充資料-2 新聞發燒議題 Top Pot’s problems came up on August 17 when a blogger in Hong Kong began to question the bakery’s claim of using only natural ingredients. Not long after, Taipei’s Department of Health carried out an inspection of the Zhongxiao branch of the Top Pot bakery chain. There they discovered that the bakery was indeed using nine flavoring essences. While these edible artificial ingredients violated no regulations, they did mislead consumers, who thought they were buying products made with only natural ingredients. Because of this, it was determined that Top Pot had violated the Food Sanitation Act by using deceptive and misleading advertisements. The bakery was then fined NT$180,000 by Taipei Department of Health. 高二課程規劃 筆記本 While these edible artificial ingredients violated no regulations, they did mislead consumers. 雖然這些可食用香料並未違反任何法條, 但他確實誤導了消費者。 段落結構 段落結構 主題句:Top Pot’s problems came up on August 17 when a blogger in Hong Kong began to question the bakery’s claim. 支持論述: 1. Taipei’s Department of Health carried out an inspection 2. they did mislead consumers 3. Top Pot had violated the Food Sanitation Act 結論: The bakery was then fined. 老師補充資料-2 新聞發燒議題 本月全世界都停下來紀念馬丁·路德·金恩博士« 我有一個夢»演說五十周年。1963年8月28日,金 恩博士和其他民權領袖領導了超過二十萬人參加 的華府進軍大遊行,向全國以及全世界訴求改變。 群眾們全神貫注聆聽金恩博士一字一句地講述。 他希望能生活在一個不分種族,宗教或膚色的世 界。這世界裡,會有種族和諧及平等對待。對許 多聽他演講的人來說,金恩博士似乎就是能夠讓 分裂的美國團結起來的人。他的演講燃起數百萬 人的希望之火,也成為民權運動中不朽的象徵。 高二課程規劃 筆記本 There would be racial harmony and equal treatment in this world. 這世界裡,會有種族和諧及平等對待。 段落結構 段落結構 主題句:The world marked the fiftieth anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King. 支持論述: 1. Dr. King and other civil rights leaders led the march on August 28 th , 1963. 2. sending a message to the world that it was time for a change 3. Dr. King might be the one who could unite a divided America. 結論:His speech became a symbol of the civil rights movement. 高三課程規劃 設計腦力激盪問題 提示其他可用的相關字詞 應用重點動詞 強調句型活用 整篇架構協助寫作 實作範例 範例_AN ALL-PURPOSE ROBOT 提示:許多人常感嘆時間不夠用,或覺得生 活壓力大、無法好好享受人生。假如你得 到一個萬能的機器人,它可以幫助你解決 生活中的疑難雜症,你會請它幫什麼忙? 本文的重點大致有幾項:第一段描述這個 機器人的外觀及能力,第二段說明它如何 幫你解決困難。 範例_AN ALL-PURPOSE ROBOT 腦力激盪: Who: Give the all-purpose Robot a name and describe its appearance and capabilities. When: Under what circumstances would the robot give you a hand? (when you cannot fix something, when you need help with your homework?) 範例_AN ALL-PURPOSE ROBOT 腦力激盪: What: What kinds of problems would the robot solve for you? (it would help you prepare for exams, take you to places you want to go?) •Why: Why do you need a robot to help you? (because you want some special power, because you want to be perfect?) •How: How can the robot help you? (it can do anything for you, or show you how to do things?) 範例_AN ALL-PURPOSE ROBOT 其他建議字詞與片語 ◎ with features like… 具有…特色 ◎ be equipped with 具備 ◎ achieve / fulfill… a task 完成、實現… 任務 ◎ be able to do something 能夠做…事情 ◎ be qualified to do something / for something 具…資格,能勝任 範例_AN ALL-PURPOSE ROBOT 其他建議字詞與片語 ◎ deal with 應付,處理 ◎ take responsibility for doing something/ N 負責做…事 ◎ be assigned the thankless task of…… 被指派做吃力不討好的…工作 ◎ give commands 下命令 範例_AN ALL-PURPOSE ROBOT 重點動詞與句型 動詞:◎ assign something to someone 指派某人做某事 例句:My boss assigned this new project to me. 動詞:◎ overcome 克服 例句:I do not know how to overcome stage fright. 範例_AN ALL-PURPOSE ROBOT 句型: Owing to …., S + V… 由於、因為 功能:用來帶出因果關係。 例句:Owing to my selfishness, our team didn’t show up on time and lost the championship. 範例_AN ALL-PURPOSE ROBOT 文章架構 __(The Robot’s Name)______ is my latest invention. It includes such features as _______________________. This robot is equipped with ___________________________, so it is able to _______________________, such as _____________________________________. Even __________________________________. It is thanks to ________________________ that I _________________________________. 範例_AN ALL-PURPOSE ROBOT 文章架構 Sometimes I ______________________ when I was given thankless tasks, such as ______________. I _________________ even though I ______________________________. However, with its assistance, I can __________________________. Furthermore, this robot is able to _____________________. In brief, _____________________________. 提供範例參考 My all-purpose robot--Labra, looks like a dog. Its tail can receive all kinds of information; its nose can know where danger is; and its eyes can see what other people are thinking about. I can use my robot to help me finish my homework because it can give me the necessary information. Besides, I can tell the difference between good guys and bad ones. Most importantly, I can go to any place without danger. 提供範例參考 My dream is to travel around the world but my parents do not allow me to do so because they are worried that it’s too dangerous and that I can’t do well on my exam. With Labra, I can travel to foreign countries and still do my homework. Also, I can visit many different places without danger so that my parents won’t worry about me. I believe my life will be more colorful if I have my all-purpose robot-Labra! (159 words) 如果我的學生沒那麼好? 高一: 五大基本句型並搭配句子背誦 高二: 強調翻譯練習及段落組織 高三: 活用句型反覆練習 臨陣磨槍,不亮也光 活用句型,豐富寫作層次 1. 含有動作意味的片語 –Ben sat on the rock, looking at the rise and fall of the sea. –To be truly happy, you should always have a positive attitude and look on the bright side of life. 活用句型,豐富寫作層次 2. 以片語開頭的句子 –Because of the war, many countries and people went through great difficulties. –In this way, both the host and the guests can have a good eating experience at the potluck party. 活用句型,豐富寫作層次 3. 附屬子句 –Although Kelly is very busy at work, she still tries to make time for her family. –If a girl asks a boy out, that doesn’t mean that are going to get married. When you drive, you should watch out for motorcycles. 活用句型,豐富寫作層次 4. 關係代名詞子句 –The website which Jason invented is very popular. - I enjoyed the dinner that we had together last night. Amanda is the student who won the contest. 活用句型,豐富寫作層次 5. 名詞子句 –I hope you can give me a chance to explain. –Some people believe that life is nothing but a dream. Mom agrees that I can watch TV for two hours after dinner. 反覆練習及背誦 資料來源: 課本及習作 臨陣磨槍 表達喜、怒、哀、樂 把句子的基本型先背好,屆時再做變化 興奮 1. My heart beat wildly. 我的心狂亂地跳動著。 2. I trembled with excitement. 我因興奮而顫抖著。 3. I noticed the tears in my mother’s eyes. 我看到媽媽眼中噙著淚水。 4. He beamed with satisfaction. 他滿意地眉開眼笑。 緊張、害怕 1. Jane shivered with fear. Jane 因害怕而顫抖。 2. I felt the blood drain from my face. 我臉色蒼白。 3. My hands trembled, and my heart-beat quickened. 我的雙手顫抖著,我的心跳加速。 4. I froze and became totally motionless. 我整個人凍住了完全無法移動。 悲傷 1. I wept with frustration. 我因沮喪而流下眼淚。 2. My teacher sighed heavily. 我的老師重重地嘆了口氣。 延伸你的句子 My heart beat wildly after the curtains drew up. 當布幕拉起時,我的心狂亂地跳著。 My mother trembled with excitement when she got a Louis Vuitton handbag from my father. 當我媽媽收到爸爸送給他的LV包包時,她因興奮而顫抖 著。 When I heard my name broadcast out loud, I froze and became totally motionless. 當我聽到我的名字大聲地被廣播出來,我整個人凍住了 完全無法移動 延伸你的句子 At her first public performance, her hands trembled, and her heart-beat quickened, for she was frightened. 在她第一次的公演上,她的雙手顫抖著,心跳加 速因為她害怕極了。 Jane shivered with fear at the sight of snakes. Jane一看到蛇就因害怕而顫抖著。 Seeing his grandmother lying sick in bed, Tom wept with heart pain. 看到祖母生病躺在床上,Tom因心痛而流下眼淚。 結語 從平時學生閱讀的文章中,重點式地強調 一個句型和兩個動詞,希望藉此方式,讓 同學練習一些使用精準的字詞及句型,來 提升寫作的能力。 利用課文及補充教材,透過筆記本的紀錄, 了解段落結構 先儲存可用的彈藥,屆時才可盡情發揮。 結語 WRITING KNOWLEDGE PRACTICE WRITING SKILLS Thank You Q & A