model answer - englishgrade5

Grade 5
Little By Little
Name:………Model Answer………
G-Choose the correct answer:
Dear Parents:
1. “Little by Little” is mostly like an
Please make sure that your
son/daughter can read the words
autobiography because:
it gives information.
it tells a true story about an
event in the author’s life.
2. Jean Little’s friends are mean to
her because:
• she enjoys reading.
• she is cross-eyed.
3. Why does Jean think that Miss
Marr will understand her
• Her teacher has a limp.
• Her teacher has a gentle voice.
4. Why is Jean excited that
Shirley is going to help her?.
• Shirley is from England.
• Jean has always liked her and
wanted to be her friend.
mentioned in each page before
If your child is going to read p.1 to
p.3, he/she has to read the main
vocabulary in each page before
reading the story.
E-Answer the following questions:
1- How is Jean's Desk different
from her classmates’ desks?
Her desk is golden brown and could be
•Page 2
moved but the others are dark wine and
nailed to the ground.
2- How does Ruth know that Jean
was cheating? What did she do
She was going to sharpen her pencil when she
glanced Jean’s empty paper so she asked her to tell
the teacher that she was cheating.
3- Why does Jean choose to tell
the teacher?
She is afraid that Ruth and Stella
polio: a disease caused by a virus.
Cross eyes:
•Page 3
decipher: discover
will tell the entire class about her.
F-Put these words in sentences:
polio:..................Various answers ................
Various answers ...........
nailed: not moving
C-Use words from the box to
complete the sentences.
dismay – decipher– polio
1. My friend felt ___dismay ___
when knew that she had failed
the test.
•Page 4
astonished: surprised.
2. Because I can’t __decipher ___
her poor handwriting.
3. The teacher walked with a slight
limp because she had had polio
as a child.
D-Put the words in sentences
astonished:……..... Various answers .............
Various answers ...........
•Page 5
stunned: shocked
immobility: unable to move
B- Write /√ / or /X/ beside
the sentence: .
1.Jean Little had had polio when she
•Page 6
dismay: sadness and fear
was a child. ( X )
2.Jean told Miss Marr that she
3. Everybody wanted to be Shirley’s
friend. ( √
Page 8
despised: hate or disliked
4. Shirley helped Jean as Miss Marr
asked her to do so.( X
A- Match each word with its
meaning .
Jean is 9 is years old . She has
a disease caused
by a virus
a problem in reading , she can’t
2) polio
Unable to move
see the words clearly and
3) astonished
hated, disliked
students make fun of her.
4) Despised
surprised, amazed,
or shocked
5) dismay
Sadness and fear
I was afraid to not have any
friends, so I went to the
teacher to tell her what I did
,she asked Ruth and Stella to
go home. Then she told me that
she saw what I did and that she
This is my first day in grade
knew I didn’t mean to cheat.
five, my teacher is nice but
she told me that she will forget
she had polio.
what I did. I promised her that
I feel happy because my
I will never ever do this again
and that I will study my time
tables .
teacher will understand how
I feel with my cross eyes.
The teacher asked who get all
I sit in the first desk,
correct and I raised my hand
because I can’t see the
with them. I felt so bad and
At the end of the day. Ruth and
Stella came to me. Ruth told me
that she saw me cheating. I was
words on the board. I need
to be so near to decipher
the words.
In the class all the desks
afraid and despised the panic
were dark and nailed to the
in my voice. They told me that I
floor, but mine was shiny
will never have friends if I
golden brown.
didn’t tell the teacher.
When Ruth Dayton was going to
sharpen her pencil she saw my
After we finished the
teacher told us the model
answers to check ours.
While she was saying the
answers I wrote them then
checked correct.
My desk wasn’t nailed, so I
can move it to any place to
see. I felt so lonely with this
In the class there was a girl
her name was Shirley. She
was like an actress and
everyone wanted to be her
I was astonished when Miss
Marr asked Shirley to help
me in the recess. When we
were down Shirley whispered
to me “You keep away from
me, get lost.”
When we went up to the
class , the teacher wanted to
test us in timetables.
Miss Marr started and I
I stood alone stunned into
wasn’t fast to answer. I
immobility. I walked alone to
looked at my paper in
the tree and started to talk
to it not to cry. I told
myself a tree is better than
a person.