Ag Robot Assignment

• Situation:
1. You have been hired as a new engineer by
an agricultural equipment company.
2. Your job assignment is to build and program
a robot that will complete a specific
agricultural task.
3. The agricultural equipment company needs
a robot that would be beneficial to farmers,
agriculture businesses or home owners.
4. Create a robot that these groups would
want to buy or rent to use.
• Job Assignment:
1. Research current agricultural robot designs
for ideas.
2. Research other objects or equipment that
would be used in your design.
3. Draw a detailed sketch of your agricultural
robot design. Label the materials that will be
used for each part of the robot.
4. Bring in any extra materials that you might
need to construct your robot.
• You will 2-3 days to build and program your
agricultural robot.
• You will be required to make a presentation to
the “agricultural equipment company” on the
final day of the project.
Short PowerPoint that includes:
- A description of the task that the robot will
- The materials/equipment that is used to
create the robot.
- An explanation of how this robot would
benefit farmers, other agriculture businesses
or homeowners and make money for the
agricultural equipment company.
- Create a scale model of the appropriate
agricultural scenario for your robot.
- Give a demonstration of your model robot
completing its agricultural task in the scenario.
- Explain how your agricultural robot completes
the task.
- Describe how your robot can be altered to
accommodate other scenarios.