What is MPPD - Parents Worship Day

What is MPPD ?
Who is the inspiration behind MPPD?
What lead to the initiation of MPPD ?
Is MPPD a India/Hindu specific event ?
Who all supports MPPD ?
What are the benefits of MPPD ?
How will MPPD lead to prevention of
immoral activities & teenage pregnancy ?
Is/Was there any media coverage of MPPD ?
What is MPPD ?
MPPD = Matri Pitri
Poojan Divas which
means Parents Worship
Who is the
behind MPPD?
Param Pujya Sant Shri
Asharamji Bapu
What lead to the
initiation of
1) We do have worship
day for Rama, Krishna,
Shiva, Jesus, Allah,
even Guru. Teachers, &
Childrens also have
special day - ( Childrens
Day) but do we have
worship day for our
Parents ?
What lead to the
initiation of
2) Shastras say,
Matru Devo Bhava,
Pitru Devo Bhava...
Pujya Bapuji have
inspired us all to
worship our parents on
14th Feb, instead of
celebrating it as
Valentines day with
What lead to the
initiation of
3) Youth and kids
nowadays are heading
towards wrong
direction towards lust
on 14th Feb, by
celebrating Valentines
day, instead we should
celebrate it as Divine
Valentine Day - by
loving, worshipping our
Is MPPD a India/
Hindu specific
event ?
No, because all parents
irrespective of
cast/creed want their
children to prosper in
life, and all parents
love their children, so
lets celebrate this love
worldwide as parents
worship day on 14th
feb .
Who all supports
It’s being celebrated
across the world and is
well received by all.
Many celebrities have
also forwarded their
appreciation for MPPD.
Nobody is there who
doesnt support this.
What are the
benefits of
- Dedicate a day to
parents to make them
feel special.
- When children pay
respect to parents,
parents shower their
invaluable blessings on
the children leading to
their spiritual and
material progress.
How will MPPD
lead to prevention
of immoral
activities &
Switching from lustful
Valentine's day to
pious Parents worship
day will help prevent
immoral activities &
teenage pregnancy in
youth. They will go
forward on the path of
self-restraint and virtue
to live a healthy, happy
and honorable life.
Is/Was there any
media coverage
of MPPD ?
On International level,
BBC has highlighted
MPPD two times i.e. in
2014 and 2015
respectively. On
National level, various
newspapers and TV
channels have covered
it every year. Full list
can be found here.
Let us experience the divinity of love, Let us celebrate
Parents Worship Day On 14 Feb.